im a little confused. you know this man has a jewish ran cabinet and is pro-israel but you still support him because why?
Im a little confused...
because no matter how many times you use those talking points, nobody actually believes what you say.
Because he makes you scared.
We want to see the world burn and this guy can provide us that with time
A lot of people still say he's at war with the Jew. But it's gonna take 8 years. I dunno. He's entertaining. He's already a Trojan horse and has woken up a lot of people. So maybe his job is already done
He's still the best thing that's happened to white America since Eisenhower (and that's saying something).
I support no one.
I voted for mass arrests and chaos.
because Sup Forums bet the farm on Trump and there is no going back. Even as true conservatives like Ann Coulter turn their back on Trump, Sup Forums has a single track mind like a pitbull that is in the process of shredding a child and they will never stop worshiping Trump, no matter how much he betrays them (and he's betrayed them a LOT over the past week or so).
yeah exactly user. im glad a few of us can think for ourselves before becoming a mindless drone for some orange weirdo.