
Though having almost same amount of population why Japan is ultra developed but Mexico is a shithole???

Attached: Flag-Maps-of-Mexico-and-Japan.png (416x400, 29K)

Because its full of vile Mexicans


Too diverse

Did you know Mexico has B-E-A-N-E-R-S?

Not enough smart people, and too many dumb people. They need genius sperm imports to boost their intelligence.

>almost entirely homogeneous society of asians (high iq) that focuses on new technologies and infrastructure
>fucking spickland, main exports are corruption, violence and obesity

Because mestizos are subhuman

too much fucking sun; sun makes us brown and give us lots of natural resources so we never learn to work for something.

Japan only have radioactive fish abd rains.

>disgusting mexicans beheading each other
>honorable high culture japanese
