Why did he start pandering to us so suddenly? What broke him?
Why did he start pandering to us so suddenly? What broke him?
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i'm gonna need to see the clip you're referencing...
It made more financial sense for him to start. It's a calculated move.
A combination of The Greatest Story Never Told, Europa: The Last Battle, ironic reading of Mein Kampf, and looking at Sweden.
Being falsey accused of being a Nazi.
#1 creator of Nazis since 1945
He has fuck you money.
He does it for the lulz. He does it because he can. He’s a free man, so he’s explorig logical conclusions free of the financial reprisal fear.
He has fuck you money
It's empowering
That's why you'll always be poor
Not any fault of your own, but uppity cunts who think they can do what they want are a problem
He was attacked and his income stream cut off over P.C. lies. It showed him what is really happening.
I think it was the sametime he started to run out of ideas and was like "what is my purpose anyway" and I think he found a soul purpose to break propaganda and raise the bar in todays fucked up society and redpilling as much as he can
he will go full neo-nazi when the race war begins
Any man who sees what is happening on the left and doesn't realize we need to collectively fight against it is a fool.
I'm the biggest diehard fanboy of Jordan Peterson and actually do believe in his individualism gobblygook, but only in a state that is at least 90% white. Otherwise you are weak to subversion.
Yep, a harsh redpill.
so strange
Literally unedited.
Same reason why everyone else becomes a Nazi
>be normal guy
>say something which offends the left
>get attacked and slandered
>"why am i supposed to respect these people again"
oh hey you figured it out. we can have lot's of nice things in a 90% society. full-service wellfare, automatic weapons, good fucking schools, safe cities, the benefits of a white society are amazing!
>I'm the biggest diehard fanboy of Jordan Peterson and actually do believe in his individualism gobblygook
>admitting to falling for jewish lolbertarianism individualism
That whole thing where news sites carried out a character assassination on him even after he had been a good goy for so long made him realize that it doesn't matter what you do they'll turn on you in an instant if you get uppity
this, also checked
>A left wing person was rude to me and misrepresented my ideas
>Therefore I will become a genocidal fascist.
I bet Hitler and Himmler just developed their philosophy in order to deal with feminists in Weimar Germany criticing their games.
He has fuck you money
He just wants to chill and make ylyl straight from /gif/
Except youre wrong and the germans didnt outright commit genocide britcuck
It's TRS trying to create a new aut-kike leader because lil Dicky Spinster fucked up so bad..but it's too late.
The media attacked him for making some dumb jokes. His unaired show got canceled because of the controversy. The show btw gave Felix a lot of stress to work on the 1st season.It made him snap.
How about this:
>A left wing person was rude to me and misrepresented my ideas
>Therefore I will adopt the ideology of a racialist German workers movement from the 30s.
The fact that you have taken to nazism quickly strongly suggests that the initial leftist critique of your behaviour probably had some merit.
This reeks of woman post. Fuck off Rowling. Your books fucking suck
>inb4 one false move by him and Sup Forums will cry (((controlled opposition))) and vow to unsubscribe
He was the usual Swede cuck before he met his Italian girlfriend, she redpilled him and I'm not even memeing.
t. Marzia on a VPN
Logan paul basically bogged him
Yo Granger! Wanna check out my Slytherin snake? Or maybe you can inspect my wand?
>I think it was the sametime he started to run out of ideas and was like "what is my purpose anyway" and I think he found a soul purpose to break propaganda and raise the bar in todays fucked up society and redpilling as much as he can
I think you are closest.
>The fact that you have taken to nazism quickly strongly suggests that the initial leftist critique of your behaviour probably had some merit.
Wrong. When the left is attacking you on a racial premise "white privilege" and attacking white men for being white men and prefer the third world to it's own ethnic majority, then people who disagree with this are going to gravitate towards some sort of white identitarian philosophy. 5-6 years ago most of the people here were more than likely libertarian.
He isn't pandering. Idiots on here just think "destroying Amy Schumer" is being "based".
He's obviously known about Sup Forums and like many of us stumbled upon Sup Forums one day.
Naturally that gives you an offbeat sense of humor but to not scare away normies he probably hid his power level and pretended to be normal. Then he got bullied by lying media but since he has lodsemone he said fuck off and is now doing little more than sarcastically memeing on his channel, a practice we are all too familiar with here.
Ironically, him acting ironic all the time makes him comes off as more authentic than ever. Feels like he's just some nerd ass fag like you and me making jokes and having fun, while also remaining actually humble because he's a real human bean, not a fake pretend-to-be-normal faggot like almost any other eceleb.
He's juat showing his true colors now and it's glorious.
how rich is pewdiepie?
his parents millionaires when he dropped out of college to make youtube videos
youtube pays $2000-$3000 per million views
pewdiepie has 17,416,204,083 total views
so yeh
how much in taxes though?
not sure since he moves to different countries to often, but after taxes I would give a conservative estimate of his net worth to be $35,000,000
in 50 years you will be a minority in your own country. in 100 it will be sharia law. all your culture and history will be lost forever. how does it feel to be as cucked as a brit? and you know when a canadian calls someone else a cuck, it must mean they are really, really, really cucked. cuck.
biggest youtuber slowly becomes /ourguy/ and out of nowhere (((someone))) channels the autism towards him
He's just doing it ironically. Just so the 12 year olds can laugh their retarded asses off
Realising what his host & Birth Nations had become.
Pretty simple.
I’m not Pewds posting from Jack’s house btw.
>biggest youtuber slowly becomes /ourguy/ and out of nowhere (((someone))) channels the autism towards him
This. What kind of cucks give a shit about this guy?
the potato checks out
was probably all the threads newfags were making saying he wasn't /ourguy/
He's not pandering to us, he IS us.
Just stop posting here Brit, your country is lost.
>what broke him
1. Go outside
2. See degeneracy
3. say nigger
4. profit?
That was literally the first time I ever watched that guy.
I've popped my Pewdicherry. This fellow seems to have an opinion that many share.
Could he be the next Fuhrer?
I credit the WaPo smear attempt and MM
Also I.. he uses /gif/ for his videos, any Sensible White Man would be wondering why the fuck so much degenerate cuck shit is everywhere.
Or maybe it's the fact that every person has their breaking point and when you constantly see being white attacked on media then one day people wake up and have had enough. If it's going to be white people versus everyone else than I'm sorry for the rest of the world but I sure as hell ain't going to lose.
If the other races want a race war then fine, but maybe they should remember who holds all the guns and nukes.
He's been dogwhistling for years now. He showed implicit support for Trump with MAGA hats and calling out SJWs. He was making "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" and "Gas The Jews" jokes last year. He's been a Sup Forumsirgin since the very beginning and regularly makes content based off Sup Forums, notably the YLYL videos using /gif/, of course.
Also to Pewds (I know you're reading this), your GF is cute as fuck. Fucking wife that bitch up and start popping out some babies. Tell her to lay off the hair dye though.
You realize how cringey you sound to a regular person right? You realize shoving patriotism and collectivism down peoples throats turns them AWAY from it. Hence why people got to where they are in the first place. They rebelled against it. Except they rebelled into low birth rates and relying on immigrants from other nations. So they were retards who didn't fully realize the errors of their ways.
checked again
>ohh pewds you can't just gas all the j--
Take it back!
He has fuck you money
Hitler killed white people you moron.
Enclosed is picture of jewish aka white person
its just like this "left" is making an ass of itself in the latest years
who cares about pewds
i like to think that mel gibson posts on pol
Quite possible. I used to think there was no way the oldies would possibly come here, but then it turned out that fucking Bill Shatner of all people is a goddamn baneposter, so...
kek right
sounds hilarious
the fuck is he doing here
They literally tried to ruin his career, destroyed a project he spent years of his life on, and called him a Nazi repeatedly over a "racist" joke that was literally calling KEEMSTAR a racist. And the result was he became moderately right-wing.
He and his staff are probably just trolling you fags
He's been a fucking user longer than you newfag.