Californian Plague Coming To You

Lets have a serious discussion about this shit.

Apparently the Californians are fleeing commiefornia after fucking the state up with their liberal and progressive ideas for the last few decades.

Wtf can we do about this shit? These assholes ruined one of, If not the best state in the history of America and now after massacring it they are fleeing like locust!

What will happen to the carcass of California? What state will be their next victim? What can we do about this before they destroy our communities?

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It is Hispanics moving away from other Hispanics.

Leftists are fucking locusts.
Consume everything and then move on, bringing their shitty ideas with them.

Oregon, Wash State, Colorado and Nevada have already fallen to the plague. Arizona is next

Arizona is next

I'm buying rental property with my buttcoin sheckles

Evacuate all whites from California, and give it back to Mexico. That way we get rid of millions of stupid beans

I slash the tires of every car in my neighborhood that has California plates. I'm a nightowl, so it's easy. This one faggot couple have replaced/repaired their tire 4 times now, hahaha.

Problem being they will take their shitty self destructive liberal votes with them and ruin wherever they go.


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Theyve been doing this for years. Thevre ruined colorado and are coming for the rest of us now. Nuke california before the infection spreads.


Honorary Australian. Absolutely savage.

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We have ourselves a bonafide Sup Forums hero. Keep it up brother.

MT, ID, and WY are next to be taken over by hipsters thinking they look like lumberjacks. One year forests, next year strip malls and Starbucks

I already hear this bullshit in Kansas.
"Well, in California we do X"
You're not in fucking California anymore, fuck off, we're full!

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The plague spreads!
Fuck the Mexico border. We need a wall on the California border!

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Arizona. Phoenix Arizona there’s a ton of them here even their ugly fat welfare leeches are coming here. At first it was just nice looking white and Mexican families now their blacks and ghetto looking Mexicans are here and now I have to move. They’re gross. Half of them don’t have proper cars and they’re unkept.


Fucking kek

They are using the Jewish strategy. Destroy and flee to destroy anew

>Stupid high taxes
>No job opportunities
>Stupid high cost of living
>Stupid nanny state policies
>Fed up with living there
>Moves to free state
>Votes for everything they escaped

The eternal white liberal

You're doing God's work user


t. Nevadan (used to be Red)

Radioactive people would be preferred over commiefornians

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Don't worry, living with "rural and suburban retards" will redpill them eventually.

the good news is that none of them can afford houses here and so the landlords are already starting to price them right the fuck out in terms of rent

meanwhile you can get a comfy $1200/m mortgage on a 4 bedroom home in north phoenix if you can afford the down payment.

This is a self correcting problem. Once we average over $2k in rent, these locusts will move on

>vote for democrats that tax you to hell and import millions of low-education mexicans
>decide you don't like taxes and want a job
>move to a different state and vote for the same people

I don't understand

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I do everything I can to make them feel unwelcome. When I hear they’re from California I tell them all the awful things about my state and exaggerate them to as far as is believable. I’ve been in trouble twice at work for talking about how all the transplants need to leave in front of customers I know are transplants. They didn’t learn their lesson they’re just leaving and taking their liberal bullshit ideals with them. California has nothing but the super poor and super rich now. I don’t know what else I can personally do to keep them out. I figure if we keep weed for recreational uses illegal that will help Lee some of them out. The worse ones. But they just keep coming.

We have had some Dominicalifornians arriving in the last year or so.

They are absolute fucking scum and think they can ride their bicycles in traffic as though they were cars.

Build a wall around commifornia!!
Keep those parasites contained !!!

>Vote for leftists and push a progressive culture
>Royally fuck up there state
>Time to move!
>Move to red normal states
>Ah so nice here
>Time to push liberal and leftist agendas
>Fuck that area up
>Blame the narratives
>Moves again

The eternal white liberal is the scum of the earth

This is true citicen activism.

Can u confirm they arent conservatives ?

Honestly? they always tell you "I'm from commifornira". If you can't identify them, that is up to you.
They stick out like Gumby. If you can't see these asshats, it's your lack of recognition. What you do about them is on you. I'm not going to incriminate myself and tell you how I handle them. Fuck them, and fuck you for a lack of imagination.

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I visited denver last year and the rent there was fucking comically high

Top kek
California is the closest state in America to being a "one party" state

Just remember, it's the "smartest" ones who are leaving. The whole state is a fucking biohazard.

I have a house in north Phoenix. My kids had an all white and Asian and Indian school. Now there’s a black girl who goes in a car that looks like it $2000 with $5000 rims. I haven’t seen anything that tacky since early 00’s. The mom slaps the gir in the face at the bus stop and are just trashy niggers. There’s just the one kid but I see more and more black adults around and they’re driving shit cars or walking. I haven’t seen anyone walking for groceries here ever. Until niggers moved in. I mean everyone exercises in the evenings but it will be the afternoon and they’ll be walking back with groceries. I don’t want my kids around these people. One looked like an African witch doctor and was just glaring at me when I was picking my kids up from their after school activities. I mean I got the feeling that if I made eye contact it would attack me. I’m not sure what it was other than nigger, because I was too scared to realy give it a good look, like I said it was glaring at me and just giving off very aggressive vibes. I told my husband we are moving when he is back in the country. I don’t even want to keep the house to rent. Ghetto people are moving in and I want nothing to do with it. I’ll just take the high price for my house and move to snowflake and join the Mormon church or some shit. I’m not battling with niggers for territory I have kids to raise.

Fear not, divide and conquer. Alot of secret red Californians are here and are ready to come out of the shadows....believe it or not but Roseanna is leading the charge for all of the Hollywood conservatives and "uncucked" smart people in Los Angeles. We'll be taking California back mark my words(Puerto Rican former Berniecuck that just absolutely despises the hipster faggot generation we've spawned here).


Great. What about the states all around California that are getting degenerate trash?

You're a cunt. Vandalism/Criminal Mischief is not something to be proud of. Even if you hate the people, don't slash their tires. That's an act that's on you. Instead, place nails leaning against the tires in both directions front and back so when they move, it's on them. It takes a while for the air to leak out and hopefully they will have/realize they have a flat tire in an area where it costs them money to replace the tire outside of the actual cost of the tire.

You're playing checkers. Learn to play chess.


That costs more

The only thing you can do is buy property, let it appreciate, then move. Humans evolved to be adaptable. We aren't specialized like insects.

They love nothing more than butting into places they are not wanted. Your anguish fuels them. The only thing you can do is ridicule them. Talk about how great the place was and how they managed to fuck it up.

You need bait on your hook. Say one thing they agree with to get them to bite. Once they have agreed inject your worldview into it; they will always have a harder time disregarding you as a hater.

>Arizona is a destination
Fucking NO!

I propose we literally treat California as a foreign nation, or at the very least, out of staters have to get some sort of work visa to move here. I'm fucking sick of Mexicans and Californians shitting up my beautiful state.

Lol, you should come over here to davis where those idiots are everywhere and they want to be treated like a car without having to obey traffic laws. Hit a dumb cunt who came flying into the roundabout I was already in since she is too stupid to yield to traffic.

TFW people are complaining in here......when they can just come and take over California from weaklinga and obvious illegals. Bows your time Redcoats haha.


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Like that German girl who wants to go to poland after realize "welcome refugees" was not all it was cracked up to be.

Now these poor ghetto liberals will flood tx, az and nevada bringing their shit beliefs like seatbelt laws and banning guns.


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>Californian Plague
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, (((radicals))) etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.





It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.

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>Leftists are fucking locusts.

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We need to make Californians know they are not welcome in our states. If you see Californian plates, at the very least write "go home Califag" or something on their car. Make them know we hate them.

From the JFK files released a few months ago
>Activates the almonds

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White flight doesn't happen for no reason. It's a bit of racism but mostly because black Americans have a toxic culture nobody realistically wants their kids engaged in

They need to become better citizens

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That is a good idea. The deal is that they’re hive is still too powerful. We would need HUGE NUMBERS to take them down

Texas is next. This is a very purposeful plan. California and Texas make 91 delegates between them.
California suddenly and dramatically shifted blue after Sacramento liberals removed voter id laws, which allowed them to begin cheating.
Liberals in Austin just managed to get the Texas voter id laws removed last year. Now we see articles talking about how Texas might turn blue too. Texans will not suddenly go blue, the lack of voter id simply allows the dems to dictate the winner. Those articles real purpose is to prepare us, mentally. for a dramatic Texas shift

california beats the shit out of all your sorry states. when all the hippy commie faggots evacuate, I'll stay and surf toxic radioactive waves all to myself.


>raised in California
>had to move to Wisconsin for work

Holy fuck I love it here. Taxes are so low and everythings cheap as shit. To top it off nanny state red light cameras and DUI check points are illegal by state law.

Only downside is winter

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>Radioactive spics and niggers

Fuuuck! Commies stay out of GA we already have a large black and mexican population.

If anyone is wondering why i think they will come to GA look up movies and some tv shows apparently its super cheap to film here. With that logic the below 80 IQs will flock here for cheap houses.

The next state is Texas.

Austin is the staging point.

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pacific northwest inland (idaho, montana, wyoming) will be a stronghold for white republicans. move there

>be conservative in California
>watch illegals flood your state because of the free benefits
>vote for Prop 187, which prevents illegals from receiving public benefits like emergency health services, public education, etc
>win with 58% of the vote
>proceed to watch some kike judge in Southern California shoot it down under the claim that states don't have the legal right to regulate their immigration, which is not what the prop was about at all
>whites are now a minority in the state
>fags start getting rowdy about fag marriage
>vote for Prop 8 and watch it get passed by 52%
>SCOTUS comes in and fucks us for that one
>overwhelming majority of the state doesn't want to be a sanctuary state
>Sacramento says fuck you and does it anyways
>a city in Southern California votes to adhere to federal law and not act as a sanctuary city
>California is now trying to sue the city
Conservative Californians didn't vote for this shit, they even went as far to vote against that shit and got fucked by bullshit like 9th circus. The state actively ignores the whites here and purposely tries to punish them. I'm staying in California for the eventual rebellion to be a saboteur but I understand why some right-wingers here don't want to deal with this shit. The liberals that flood to other states deserve to be put to the sword though.

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I’ll vacation there more and longer if that happens. Right now I vacation in California the same way I do Mexico. Don’t drink the water, don’t talk to locals and stay in the resorts.

Yeah we get it, (((they))) have fucked with you guys. Irrelevant, most Commiefornians are still libtards.

I don't vacation at all.
My relatives still living there can fuck themselves or visit here instead.

It's true, I'm going to Japan at the end of the year and if I come back, it won't be here

This has been true for decades. Since the 90s (ie, right after illegals got amnesty and they really started pouring in) there has been a net exodus of people flooding out of California. Only reason the population has stayed propped up is because of all the shitskins coming in. But over the past twenty-something years, there have been MILLIONS of whites who have left CA en masse, mostly settling in red/reddish states. NV, CO, TX, GA, VA, NC, AZ, etc.

...the problem is they lack self-awareness, so they come to more conservative states and then immediately begin advocating the same shit that ruined California. Socialism, nonwhite immigration, amnesty, etc. And so they ruin these places too. They've already ruined NV, CO, and VA. They're starting to ruin AZ, TX, GA, and NC. It's bad.

You have a similar problem with the Jew York Kikes leaving their hellhole and then shitting up their knew home. They typically resettling southward across the east coast. First in Florida, as everyone knows, but they're also flooding into VA, MD, DE, etc

oh yea? you gonna fuck that country up too soyboy?

This good?

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anyone moving from california should have their voting rights taken away

What sort of Californians? Lefty? Conservative? Non-whites? All of the above?
I'm curious because as a Californian I wonder how this will change California. Will we be able to fix things if the leftists move away? Or are an equal amount of conservatives moving too? Is it mostly whites moving away which will give Mexicans total control of the state?

Its up to the states they flee too, to kick their asses out like the scum they are.


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Fucking coward.

Stay home you liberal cockroach

Go back to California

It's mostly whites of all demographics moving. California has become a Mexican state and liberals are leaving for lower housing prices while conservatives are leaving because they're done getting shit on in this state. A lot of the conservative whites are purposely avoiding places like Austin because they've heard the liberals have already flooded there.


They’re race is irrelevant. White libtards are infesting our states.

>They’re race is irrelevant. White libtards are infesting our states.
Not big on thinking, huh?

you're a deluded fool if you think the state's downscale whites are what plunged CA into Brazildom. Gay marriage and mass migration have been imposed by the courts and the financial/tech industry. the state's upper class has turned it into a playground for themselves: a legit slave economy with perfectly curated bubbles, a filth everywhere else. so yeah, the former middle class, indeed the former population, is leaving in droves. All those well-to-do's who are perfectly happy with what the state has become are staying, because why wouldn't they.

Reminder that white CA tried to save itself with Prop 187 but were betrayed by the courts, and the demographic landslide was inevitable after that.

Texas is set to be a blue-state inside ten years, you fucking retards have no room to talk about 'not letting it happening' to you.

Not big on reality, are you?

Aside from killing myself, what is a conservative Californian to do? I know I’m not really welcomed anywhere else but I’m also unwelcome here. After all, whites are now a minority here. I just don’t know what to do. My family is 4th gerneration nothern Californian and it just really gets me down.

Yep this

>mfw I used to play a strategy game called lords of the realm, where if you raised taxes too high this would literally happen

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Right on, send those sons of bitches back to their coastal hellhole

t. Coloradanon

And then it's about how everything in California is SO much better, why don't they fucking go back then? At least Texans like Colorado more, not that I want any more of them either


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>tfw illinois
beyond saving, these niggas can suck a nut because its not habitable for them

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Oregon has known this for the better part of 40 years.
Texas for about 20.
Colorado for about 10. Look how quick Colorado went to shit since it was only mildly rightwing in the first place. Press F.

I am ready to leave Silicon Valley.
Born here when it was mostly fruit tree orchards, open fields.
The nick name here was, 'Valley of Your Hearts Delight'.
Great place to grow up...but that place has been paved over.
Where to go?

I am big on reality. It's you who has tunnel vision and is unwilling or unable to consider other outcomes and consequences besides what you've fixated on.
>duhh no talk about race. only thing that matter is libtards r coming!11