Okay heres the situation, we have a bunch of niggers and arabs and shitskins in america and other protestant countries hating on white people and white boys because they complain that white boys hate shitskins because theyre black and or brown, I hypothesize that if America were to apostasize from protestantism and adopt orthodox christian or at the very least traditional Catholicism and adhere to its siblinghood of christiandom and apply all manner of Christ's behavior to the shitskins, maybe shitskins will like us more but only if we abandon this 500 year old German fart joke protestant meme by martin rufus.
America must become orthodox or at least catholic
If all the white and Spic Catholics agreed to remove the atheist sjw jews and niggers America would be vastly improved.
Better to become pagan and stop taking shit from other races, but that's as likely as Americans becoming Catholic to appease them.
America went to shit exactly because we took in useless faggots from shithole catholic countries. The Kennedys are the ones who opened the border due to their irrational hatred of all things anglo and protestant and their loyalty to the pedarests in rome over their own fellow whites. we have not forgotten. catholics will be the first to hang on the day of the rope
Damn straight, everyone who disagrees with this is a cuck.
>america must become catholic
>post image of anti-catholic organization
The KKK hated catholics.
>Better to become pagan and stop taking shit from other races, but that's as likely as Americans becoming Catholic to appease them.
Pagans are degenerate heathens
I hate Catholics so damn much go back to Ireland, Italy or Mexico you subhuman mongrel!
This. Fuck p*pist scum who unironically worship the Whore of Babylon
You mean youre following a man 500 years ago who did not live in the same period of christ, his apostkes, or the martyrs of the early christian church and accepting the fact that you are rejecting church tradition in place of your own private interpretation?
amen. not many ortho churches around me though.
Following religion for anything other than its truth-value is stupid as fuck.
Can you repeat that again OP? I really hope so.
I don’t follow Luther or worship him. I’m an independent gnostic baptist
Go back to whatever shithole you came from you c*tholic rat
> (OP) (You)
>amen. not many ortho churches around me though.
If you are unable to become orthodox, go with the next best apostolic church, the catholic church. They may be cucked but not as cucked as protestantism and at least they are somewhat still traditional and have a lineage going back ti christ.
> (You)
>I don’t follow Luther or worship him. I’m an independent gnostic baptist
>Go back to whatever shithole you came from you c*tholic rat
So you are by definition a protestant
Baptism predates the reformation and Gnosticism predates the Catholic Church you mouth-breathing spic. I define as a Protestant since I protest Babylon and the brown hordes that follow its pagan doctrines
> (You)
>Baptism predates the reformation and Gnosticism predates the Catholic Church you mouth-breathing spic.
Then why doesnt it exist anymore?
I define as a Protestant since I protest Babylon and the brown hordes that follow its pagan doctrines
Youre the real pagan, making up youre own Christian traditions to fit what only you like.
>pope is a commie fag that supports islam and flooding white countries with shitskin barbarians
fuck those mason puppets
>doing what the Bible says is paganism
How about you do another 1000 Hail Marys you pagan trash
>Be Catholic or orthadox goy
> (You)
>>doing what the Bible says is paganism
>How about you do another 1000 Hail Marys you pagan trash
The bible is not a rule or law book
The c*tholic scum finally admit the truth.
You care nothing for the word of God and you will never achieve gnōsis
Jews want whites to be racist so they can pitch the rest of the world against them.
Catholicism disarms the Jewish plot for instigating a global race war against the white minority.
>Catholics hate white people
>Orthodox isn't even Western
Neither of those are acceptable, especially considering that the cucked denominations like UCC and Episcopalians are dying out. We just need to be hardcore Calvinists and things will be fine.
Why are you posting the most radical anti-orthodoxy group in the united states?
Anyways. Deus Vult and all that.
>book compiled by catholics
>word of god
Pick one faggot.
> call catholics mason puppets
Catholics cannot be freemasons.
BY papal decree any catholic joining freemasonry is automatically thrown out of Catholic church through excommunication.
Albert Pike the founder of the KKK was a freemason.
Catholicism is the way.
> (You)
>The c*tholic scum finally admit the truth.
>You care nothing for the word of God and you will never achieve gnōsis
The bible came from the early church you fucking heretic cuck
>Catholicism is the way.
I oersonally orefer orthodoxy
>go with the next best apostolic church
Apostolic churches are totally shit.
Episcopal Church = Lesbians Bishops
ELCA= Lesbian Bishops to make the Episcopalians happy.
Apostolic succession is retarded.
>Oh, some guy touched me and someone else touched him and if you go back far enough that guy was touched by Peter.
There is absolutely no way to ensure doctrinal continuity by focusing on apostolic succession. Meanwhile crazy motherfuckers like the Jehovah's witnesses are at least able to keep their doctrine consistent over time because they actually care about doing so.
> The c*tholic scum finally admit the truth.
Jesus himself said there are only the ten commandments and the 7 of Noah which you should follow. Everything else is manmade customary laws and abiding by those will not do anything for you. You worship in vain.
Those customary laws are pure jewish laws Protestants are larping as jews.
>worships a shitskin from the sand dunes
Religon is the downfall of man