Was it better than gurren lagann?

Was it better than gurren lagann?

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Yeah but thats not an especially high bar to hit.

Having just started TTGL no.

Fuck no

Kill la Grill is a 5/10 while Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan is a 10/10, legendary piece people will watch and discuss 30 years from now.

Not even close.

Fuck no.

TTGL has higher highs, but also lower lows and to me, everything post spiral-king was one of the hardest ball-drops in anime.
I think Gurren Lagann is objectively better, but I like Kill la Kill more.


>you will never be this much of a virgin

I don't really like the episodes after the spiral king, but I like the movie version.


Nah not even close

Doesn't even compare

>one is a shonen
>one is a mecha
I don't see the comparison

>movie version

No because TTGL is a 10 but it's still pretty good

it had potential but ruined it by trying to be gurren lagann

I don't think you know what a shonen is.

Clothes are aliens. Fucking of course it wasn't better. Design was ok. Mako was entertaining. That was about it. And the blood suit thing has been done before with escaflowne. Done better also.

We are discussing 10 years later and there's no good mecha since 1996

They're both dumb and only good for doujins.

>TTGL isn't a shonen
Jesus christ

klk 5.5/10
ttgl 4/10

Yeah, it's way better.

Lagaan-Hen > TTGL > Gurren-Hen > KLK
The reworked version of the final clash in Lagaan-Hen gets me hard every time, especially 5:00 onward.

Shonen is a matter of tone, mecha is a matter of content. They are by no means exclusive.

I'd put TTGL and Gurren-Hen as equals. The movie length pacing is really nice with the only problem being that it drops a lot of the focus on characters other than Simon.

Kill-Hen when?

>has about half the animation that TTGL did
no since thats the only thing that makes these shows good

I think the 1st episode of KLK was brilliant, then it went downhill.

Gurren Lagann had its lows, but overall it was great, especially if you watch the movie instead of the second half of the TV.

Kill la Kill edges out because the character design is better and the music is more consistently memorable.

All the characters in KLK were annoying and one dimensional. TTGL at least didn't constantly bash you over the head with unfunny """"humor"""" that basically does nothing but shout non-sequiturs

for me, KLK is great, TTGL was ok at best

No. The two really aren't even that comparable outside of who made them

TTGL actually had a fucking budget though, it didn't resort to fucking still frames in place of battles like KlK did

not even close lmao

I liked it more than Gurren Lagann. I think that may be because I watched KLK while it was still airing, so every ridiculous twist felt very exciting. Also, Takarada alone is more memorable than any of TTGL's side characters.

Yes. KLK and TTGL are very similar at base. TTGL arguably has better the better plot, but is severely undermined by it's lack of personable characters. It's really hard to get invested in a story when you don't give a shit about the majority of the characters involved.

>TTGL has higher highs, but also lower lows and to me, everything post spiral-king was one of the hardest ball-drops in anime.
Felt the same way. The entire political subplot in the second half felt like it was written by a 10 year old.


This. Everything post-timeskip up until directly fighting the Anti-Spiral is boring as fuck but after that point it becomes amazing.

Kamina and Simon are fun and relateable main characters.
Ryuuko and Satsuki are unlikable assholes whose only personality trait is their ability to yell at things.


Definitely this.
The good part of post-timeskip needed to come like, 2-3 episodes sooner, or else do more of the stories like Yoko's for other characters to develop them a bit more.

>We are discussing 10 years later and there's no good mecha since 1996
>10 years later

>Shonen is a matter of tone,
No it isn't, it has always meant and will continue to mean the demographic that something is targeted to.

I enjoyed both, Kill la Kill moreso, due to pic related.

haha no

The climax of TTGL is better than KLK.
On rewatch, i wish some of the fight scenes in TTGL would just get on with it, i don't have patience for fighting, while KLK manages to undercut that feeling with it's "lol i'm not actually fighting" joke
The worst episode of TTGL is miles worse than anything in KLK. The bad OVA for TTGL is MILES worse than just about anything, and makes the world a worse place.
When i have a bad day, i pull out select pieces of the TTGL soundtrack, in order to metaphorically drill my way through the metal wall in front of me, while KLK's music only really works for me in the context of the show.
TTGL is extremely focused, with every major plot point relating to freedom vs order, in some form or another. KLK visits many different themes, that sometimes feel a little disjointed.
TTGL's presentation requires minimal knowledge of japanese language, culture, history and customs, to appreciate most of it, while KLK alludes to japan specific history, makes untranslatable puns and references to japanese specific cultural touchstones, and to a far greater degree is targeted first and foremost at a japanese audience.

Overall, i remember TTGL more fondly, but if you'd want to just put on some something with enjoyable visuals, with faster pacing, that's enjoyable on a minute to minute basis, KLK is the better bet.

KLK needs a movie that fixes the second half and its terrible pacing.

I'd have thought lucky star was more seinen than shonen with all the old anime/manga references.

I finished it 2 days ago and now I'm watching "The Making of Kill la Kill". TTGL was good, especially the 1st half. But when they started throwing galaxies at each other in the end it was just pathetic. KLK is better in my opinion. Better characters, better development, better plot twist and a unique art style and a better soundtrack.

I personally prefer KLK, but I'd say they're around the same tier overall. Which is fitting, because in some ways KLK is just TTGL, but with female leads, and it was of course made by Gainax's spiritual successors.


Majority of Sup Forums will tell you TTGL
I will too just because the stream of newfags and crossboarders from KLK was absolutely unbearable and lots of gay ass trip fags also suck its dick.
Context matters more than content I'm afraid.

yes, Sup Forums has shit taste and will say no though

Yeah but that's not saying much

Gurren Lagann is better but only really because KLK's tournament arc took too long and the animation was shoddy

Kill la Kill would have been better without the special uniforms or perhaps if Ryuko was the only one who didn't have one. Like when I watched the first episode I thought it was going to be just about a cute tomboy who was amazing with a sword but needs training in order to beat Honnouji Academy. But then she just gets a OP battle suit and wins every fight because who gives a shit. I was honestly bored throughout most of the show.

Ryouko is literally perfect, but the show was only okay.

lol no, kill le kill was like a walmart Gurren Lagann

I like both

gurren was 7/10 and klk a 6/10

Neither was that great.

Yes, yes. That's the good stuff. That's one of the reasons i'm glad I kept watching.

Literally the only thin that's interesting and unique about KLK is the magic clothes and how they're handled. I'd much rather Ryuko win because opening up to Senketsu let them come up with some bullshit strategy together than Ryuko trained to defeat the stronger opponent.

I think it's the better show of the two.

People are slightly biased towards TTGL because they have watched almost no robot shows before or afterwards.

Kill la Kill is great throughout. TTGL has a good bunch of garbage episodes, needless drama (which got axed in the movies), that entire portion which made a lot of people outright drop the show, etc.

>TTGL is a solid 9/10
>Kill la Kill is a wobbly 7/10
I love both shows but Kill la Kill was pretty weak in places

Sup Forums shits on Guren Laggen, but I genuinely liked it when it first came out. It's not perfect by any means, and I remember disliking the art style on the monsters, but I don't remember having too many complaints about it. Haven't watched it since though, so I don't know how it holds up today though.

Nope. Trigger is at their weakest at episodic stuff, so GL quickly dumping that makes it better than KLK which sticks way too long with it. KLK also bungled the main story itself, like how they had to completely change the animation of her flashback to fit the actual explanation.

Further proof that TTGL fags don't know shit about mecha. Just because you haven't seen any, doesn't mean there were no other good mecha anime since '96. Fucking newfag.

My nigga.

I'll say it, the girls in KLK were much better than the girls in TTGL

Is this why barely anyone talk about it anymore?

>good mecha
>what is gundam?
>what is all those mecha shows?
Mecha always was shit though.

>I'm an ironic weeb, who only watches meme shit

>Mecha always was shit though.

is Starzinger mecha?

Yes. Also, don't post Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums.

Fuck no.

The blatant character assassination of both Rossiu and Simon was what did it for me. They just felt like completely different characters, and not in a good way. Like, Simon was just straight-up Kamina down to his flaws, which defeats the entire purpose of his death.

I wish I was Senketsu.

>Gurren Lagann
>no cute girls

>lots of cute girls


>Trigger is at their weakest at episodic stuff
Imagine being this wrong.

>Gurren Lagann
>no cute girls

Are you gay?

Obviously, you watch KLK for the girls and TTGL for the guys

Didn't really care for the political subplot and I just don't like Rossiu that much but I feel like that was Simon's whole character arc, Kamina was faking his bravado and shit to hide the fact that he was scared the whole time but he had spirit. Simon basically became the realization of what Kamina fronted as and grew into his own person.

He has the best view in the world

>Simon was just straight-up Kamina down to his flaws
Fuck no, I wish. Simon straight up had no personality after the time-skip. At least Kamina was reckless and unorthodox to a fault.

Not even close. klk had a shitty artstyle, a terrible budget that shows, a shit plot, shit characters and shit themes.

TTGL is among the pantheon of the best anime ever, beautiful artstyle and animation, high budget flash in all the right places, a well constructed, if a tad cliche plot, larger than life characters, and well woven thematic threads accross the whole series.

Also the soundtrack is way better.

Dumb normalfag.

All these years later people are still too pleb to understand the genius of the second half of TTGL.

>well constructed plot
But KLK and TTGL had pretty much the same plot

klk had no urgency or momentum early on. TTGL always felt a strong sense of escalation and forward progression.

This. They still think it was about politics and simon being a kamina clone when that was just the surface. The first half was about having the courage to believe in yourself and taking action, while the second was a lot more subtle in it’s themes about sacrifice, responsibility, relying on others and baring the burden together for the future. No wonder a lot of these people don’t get the ending, or misinterperate adult Simon’s character.

There are people who not understand epidoes 9 and 10 and say "the show is boring after 8"

TTGL was better as a whole but no action in TTGL was better than Ryuko's and Satsuki's first kamui fight 2bh

Fight me bitch, Nia is a miracle of the universe.

>TTGL always felt a strong sense of escalation and forward progression.
For roughly 2/3 of the show. Then it comes to a grinding hold.
Meanwhile KLK seems aimless in the beginning, but actually comes together nicely in the later parts, both thematically and plot-wise.

Yes, but TTGL wasn't that good in the first place
flcl < TTGL < klk < nge < gunbuster