once shit skins gain enough numbers in Western countries, (((they))) will do their usual kikery and set the horde off to claim every white persons land through force.
Black pill: what's happening in SA will eventually happen all over the world
which is why we need to congregate together. ethnostate when?
All while liberals look on smugly and call you a racist drumpf voter for noticing.
I don't think the white liberals will be spared. not the men at least, the women will be bred
it would definitely help to fend them off. good luck getting that organised though
Jokes on them i didn't even vote.
>tfw my roommate is gay
>assumed he'd be some ultra lefty
>slowly find out he's conservative
>against abortion, doesn't care about gay marriage
>one day hear him shitting on Muslims with one of his friends that's a social worker
>hear him warning another gay friend about Islamophobia
War will erupt soon and we will see what will happen then. I hope you know how to fire a rifle. You are going to need to soon.
you and your faggot friend can fight side by side
That's why all white men must go MGTOW and refuse to have white children. So they can get killed off easier when they are old and alone.
fuck off meme flag
how based you guys should have gay sex as a big fuck you to allah.
We need to selectively breed ourselves into super-intelligent super humans, then hybridize
the world with our sperm. Sperm donation eugenics is the only way to change the tide in our
favor again. Otherwise, low IQ people will swamp the high IQ and destroy everything,
I think an hero is a more believable outcome
This is exactly why you, like australia should take note. I'm not foolish enough to actually think anyone cares, hell half of the whites in SA are cucks and don't even care about the boers.
But, it is an example of what WILL happen when you replace whites and give up power. Australia is first to pick up on this and so should you.
1. Rhodesia
2. South Africa
3. The west
Don't let it happen guys. Watching your people and your history wiped from existance is one of the saddest things that can happen. I think about it everyday. And no, there won't be a war in SA.
at the very least every white should own guns
they seem like at least some are going to fight in SA. it's not going to be enough though
They will fight to protect themselves and that will probably be enough. The ANC doesn't have an official political agenda to genocide whites yet, its more ragtag groups and general nog nogging. Which is why Australia won't end up helping the boers.
Think about it - even if they did fight and win. What then? They still have to serve under the government. And if it got that bad the (((UN))) would probably send troops to "restore" peace.
There can be no victory here. Ever since (((they))) forced us to give up power it was only a matter of time.
>All while liberals look on smugly and call you a racist drumpf voter for noticing.
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, (((radicals))) etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.
It will not happen everywhere. I hope not anyway.
If I had the money I'd fly over there with guns, ammo and napalm
>tfw u realize there is no White Genocide
There is only White Suicide...
>Muh based gay friend
The absolute state of leafs
It is assisted suicide at best.
AltHyp is right : if you look at history you can see whites are supermajority (~70%-90%) White Nationalist without the Oppression Narrative and forced reprogramming.
Our 'Faustian Spirit' has run it's course, the devil wants his due. It's done, it was fun while it lasted gentleman...
Many ways to be optimistic:
>Hack weapons systems and used against target
>AI killing everyone, we might die as well but so will niggers
>Genetic Engineering and Artificial Wombs - whites wont go extinct because of this. Who the fuck want's a nigglet?
>Experts and academics are saying antimatter will be able to be stored and used in the next 20 years due to reduced cost of creating it.
Now, the 4th point is the best. To give you a brief idea of how powerful antimatter is think about this. A grenade containing antimatter has the possibility of having more energy than a nuclear bomb. A fucking grenade. Moreover, if you shoot antimatter (let's say one gram) at fast velocity at the planet you can literally destroy the whole planet due the combined effect of kinetic energy and the energy from antimatter interacting with matter. But if you like you can 'choose' the radius of destruction using Physics and Math, the faster the antimatter then the bigger the destructive radius, the lower the kinetic energy then the smaller the destructive radius. Theoretically, if you wanted to, you could destroy the while African continent in seconds. So have hope. Got this info from Physics professor at my uni. Sound like something out of a sci-fi movie but it is almost a reality, they manage to reduce the cost of creating and storing antimatter by hundreds of millions every year.
how will you convince average young white women to marry young white men?
Its only a matter of time until Samuel Bobdickski can buy white slaves off of the black market
pretty much
If you are willing to throw away western civilization so easily may posterity forget that you were my countryman.
We already did. White
Difference between SA and USA is if nigs try to pull that shit before they take our guns, we're swiftly gonna become the whitest nation in the world.
>here are my 23andme am i wite enuf 4 effnostate
>fuck off kike shill
>okay is the ethnostate going to be near water i know a boat guy
>"traps aren't gay can i come to ethnostate"
>"whiter than u mohamed"
>"wh*te gurl just wnt sum blk bbc here is a pic i have saved from the internet to demonstrate this" - blm flag
every time someone brings up "ethnostate"
reminder that jews love the blackpill
Those maps on the right sure come in handy for any person who wants to move to the US. Just avoid the colored zones and you are golden in terms of safety.
Move to Idaho.
Californians are buying up houses there.
Designer babies are going to be the new thing but the thing is the Chinese are going to be the country that gets to enjoy superior children. I bet they would make them some of them blond with blue eyes too but they would still be genetically Asian.