You are given insider knowledge about a worldwide cataclysmic event happening within the next year. How do you prepare?
You are given insider knowledge about a worldwide cataclysmic event happening within the next year. How do you prepare?
Gas the kikes
/poltards joke about this shit. but it will happen. wonder how many retards are actually prepared.
anyway. whats this insider knowledge?
If you are preparing for anything more than 30 days and you don't have guns then you are just storing food for someone who does have guns.
Guns guns and more guns.
Need more info, otherwise I guess Ill just do what ive been doing and prep for a zombie apoc
Got my plan right here. wtf my post isnt spam fuck off you cunt of a captcha!
>How do you prepare?
i dont
cause i dont give a fuck about tomorrow anyway
have a wank, and then leave retarded notes all over my city leading up to the event, and then die like everyone else
I would likely buy a few more rifles and pistols to build a 'hand out' stock. I would invest far more heavily in additional stocked food of course.
Probably the fringe thing is I would invest in a portable solar system. I don't think I could go full solar and I'm not sure that is the right answer anyhow.
Stock up on a few hundred extra gallons of diesel fuel that will run the tractor to go with that.
I'm basically good to go as is, but those are the areas I would just add more to. My primary suggestion for others above food (first) and defense (second) is a secure place to bugout to.
Galactic Core Outburst Gravity Wave.
Finance a year of hookers and blow on credit debt and fucking die in the apocalypse.
Is food and water sustainable?
If your relying on canned or dehydrated, eventually leads to starvation.
Very few people anywhere have the skills to live off the land.
April 18 2018
gasoline, water, as much percocet as i can afford, my shotgun and .38 police revolver.
not ideal but ill let the shotgun and 650 acres of land i live on do the leg work.
a few vietcong style leg spike traps and makeshift tripwire bombs will scare away most of the niggers.
i post it here, but without a bait title or image. it goes to page 10 without a single reply.
>very few people
kill mammoths, pick berries
Which berries?
Cuz lots of them will kill you.
>build own power plant
>build wall around village enough for 100 odd people
>guns guns guns
>get satellite
>pretend I'm doing all of this to save a fraction of humankind
>just want people to protect my power and satellite so I can shitpost even in the apocalypse
Fuck mammoths. Berries are all the protein you need.
Quality shitpost right there ausbro. Leafs still beat ya.
But, uh.
Who would you be shitposting to?
the yummy kind
Don't forget to buy your bulk fish antibiotics from Amazon
what kind of stupid ass question is that? i'd pick blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, i could go on. are you fucking retarded?
Pocket sized SAS survival guide or a BSA handbook will do you well.
There are ipad sized solar cells that fold out and are good for recharging electronics.
Also, 18650's hold a lot of energy per cm3 and standardizing gear for them is good.
I prepare the way I have for a while now. Food, Water, Breathing gear, lots of ammo, a couple good carbines, exit plans, paper maps, standalone GPS and some comms.
Other shitposters. Sup Forums will be reborn in the image of Australia.
i run around laughing like a crazy person
tell crowds of people they are fucked,
tell them hints of what will happen, laugh more
and run to the woods
Do you know that all those berries have deadly analogs?
Every single one has a berry that looks very very similar that will kill you.
Just looking out for ya man. Just cuz you think its a blueberry, dont mean it wont kill you.
Cataclysmic? Like, leaves only a few people alive anywhere and which destroys society?
I'd kill myself.
Oh, I know how to eat wild food.
I don't.
It's what I've always wanted. Even if that means I die in the first wave. It is what I have always wanted.
Why fish antibiotics user?
Dig a hole and fill it with enough water and food to survive 3 months in hibernation status.
Because you don't need a prescription.
Stockpile the fairy bread! Crack open the XXXX!
Cheaper, and fairly effective against most infections. Iodine too would be a good idea. In any shtf, some nukes are likely to be detonated.
So you know?
what if i only have a hunting rifle and a shotgun, but my cabin is accessible only by floatplane and over 100 (150km) miles of yukon territory to nearest road, over mountains that are virtually impassable except during four months of year, and then still extremely dangerous
all i gotta do is get there when SHTF
if a fat nerd with no military, marshal arts or survival experience so I'd just become an alcoholic. why do all you guys want to survive the apocalypse just to live in a whole. Id be drunk the whole time and when i die it will be when god says my time is up
I live 10 miles from a military fort. Would they just kill me in a happening if I tried to go there?
hookers and blow
why carbines?
You better hope it's not during those 4 months when it's impassable.
>tfw your security fucks you.
>There are ipad sized solar cells that fold out and are good for recharging electronics.
>Also, 18650's hold a lot of energy per cm3 and standardizing gear for them is good.
I've been eyeing some more serious systems. The sort of thing you see on campers. While I don't expect to run the house, I want to do a bit better than charge an ipad.
But what you suggest would be a good idea for a lot of people out there.
>> 165532850
this guy has the right idea
>hat if i only have a hunting rifle and a shotgun
more than adequate
shotgun for inside and out to about 100 yards in the front yard, rifle if you really want to reach out and touch someone
>some nukes are likely to be detonated.
Not to mention all the defunct nuclear powerplants going kersplat.
Cash in all my stocks and 401k, move to the tropics, buy small plot of land and house, satellite phone, learn to farm.
With prejudice, yes.
I have extensive knowledge of my local environment, virtually aboriginal tier knowledge of plants and animals.
If I survived 12 months great, but in the end some silly disease or infection would kill me, anything from tetanus to Giardia to septicaemia. It’s the medicine side of stuff that’s important I’d argue more important than guns. You can booby trap yourself into an area and never leave and loot the bodies of those who venture into your space, but you can’t stop nature. Disease, viruses, bacteria they’ll kill most survivors in the first 12 months.
And as for natural treatments, lol, many plant oils like tea tree or lemon myrtle are highly poisonous and are absorbed through the skin like mercury unless prepared in a very certain and measured scientific way.
You’re best bet is find somewhere impenetrable in nature, with high cliffs surrounding and fresh non still water and hope for a few months.
booze, weapons, and rations
ta da!
and ammo
and more ammo
and then a little more ammo
That too, thanks for reminding me.
Most in the states are fairly safe tho, at least the ones closest to me, which arent that close.
I go to my hunting camp and stay there.
What a Debbie downer. Don't ruin my post-apocalypse you faggot.
And even fewer take in to account that millions of others are going to be forced in to the same situation. Even if they suck, they are still going to consume a lot of calories that would have been there otherwise.
Planning to live off nature any time during the first year is a plan to starve.
I've read loads of lists, and never seen
>Hydrocortisone cream
>Antifungal cream
You're going to be in a lot of pain not showering 2x a day with the yeast infections.
>no booze
u wot m8
grand solar minimum and pole reversal. Bad times are coming user. I have been prepping for years, but am a poor user so still don't have nearly enough. I am also prepared to die tho. That is an important part of prepping. Knowing that you just might not make it. And being at peace with that.
I don't.
Too blackpilled.
What are you gonna do about gasoline?
ready to go,
Pistol Carbines and one AR.
Carbines are light, and easy to carry, still good for some range and take common ammo, common magazines to my glocks. Just trying to cut down on proprietary gear.
I'm a bit more serious than that.
The only thing that I can think of that I should have added that I didn't was a ramp up in physical fitness.
Also folks, stock up on the Dial soap.
>It's antiseptic.
If you have medical experience, keep it to yourself and within your group, keep quiet. Never stand up.
lie down and take it, i guess. im kind of ready to get off this wild ride.
Ocean seawater and sunlight will help control that, but it’s only really accessible in the summer.
You’ll survive the apocalypse when I feed you portions of my cum daily you insipid rent boy catamite
Trapping is far more effective than hunting.
If this is a nuclear winter or the like; all crops will be dead in a few weeks, large game a few weeks after that, won't be much longer for humans.
Oh yeah! Now everyone starts to understand why we need to have inter-planetary colonization! Get your sh*t together people. Our priority as a species is getting off this rock before supervolcano, comet/asteroid, NBC, superbug/plague decides for us.
Good to know, hope the folks around the ocean and summer time know this.
>Vitamin D
For us cave dwelling creek folks.
Ahh, yeah, if you're going to be staying in one place, then a larger system is great. I thought you were talking about being mobile.
The one thing I do want to get is a good Motorcycle. My 'innawoods' is about 45 miles away, and while I could march it, I know if I'm late leaving, I won't be able to drive it because the roads will probably be clogged. A few friends have suggested a bike like pic related to gtfo fast.
learn to farm on the fly
you mean starve
I presume things are going to go to shit on an international level any day now, I have for the last 10 years.
I would not really do much differently, continue to train and prepare and learn as many useful skills as possible.
bushpilot ... floatplane
a very good friend of mine, former candian navy helicopter pilot, thats how you get into the camp
him and his wife are comin with my family
I don't think so nigger.
I survived a 14 day power outage once, everything gets really dirty really quickly.
Mate, my old man was ex SAS and took me camping all the time, lots of local first aid/medication knowledge. Bring a few spare rifles over and I'll patch you up.
See you in Strathgordon.
>spends all his energy carrying 30lbs of weapons and ammo
>kills some people for no reason
>they didnt have any loot
>so tired and thirsty
>drinks bad water
how 99% of the "all i need is my gunz" posters die
>talking about being mobile
I'm a rural boondocks guy. Seventy acre farm, etc. Live in a valley, few acres, none too close (I'd be better off if they were actually).
So here I am.
depends on the event
I’m going to force you at gunpoint to wear a dress and service my local militia with your blown out fistula of an suns and gummy toothless mouth.
Your diet with consist of ransoms gentlemens’ sperm and piss, just like it does now but there’ll be no diva house music playing- well maybe in your head
>few acres
'few neighbors'
How did that happen...
your right, thats why im heading into far north
its a barrier in and of itself, that highly favors the person whos already got a setup
north of 50 you cant lay siege to a residence, especially not in winter, the weather is the seige, and anyone out in it has a few days at best
also theres a lot diseases for humans in wild, then in the city
but your right, in the end its some little cut that gets infected thats gonna get you
Go back to fapping to trap porn faggot.
apply for my cataclysmic event preparation licence.
I tend to fully agree. But I don't think that is what he is actually suggesting in this case.
Pretty much this
Thankfully I live in rural America, and have such skills. Anyone that says "GUNS!!1" better have a huge cache of ammo. I'm sticking with my bow, and crossbow.
In winter look for this berry.
Also mountain pepper is an excellent antiseptic, use it to wash. Make buckets of cold tea and use it as soapy water and to treat cuts
>four ex
shitpost on pol
Fuckijg idiot. You're probably a frat boy or a redneck or a white trash fucker
I’ll make me on with you, me raping you every night is what I’ll use to entertain the children when internet disappears for ever