Key witness Hogg lied he was at school. What else did he lie about? Cruz didn’t have “full armor” like teacher witness empathetic ally stated. Easy case for the defense. Evidence doesn’t add up. Cruz walks a free man.
Hogg’s lies will let Cruz walk
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No, the fact that the prosecution won't be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did anything will get him off.
true if big
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Team of 2-3 shooters (Mossad Agents) go into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime
More points:
>Scott Israel quoted the Talmud in press conference for shooting
>MSM made sure to report the shooting interrupted "Holocaust classes"
>Several victims were Jewish (blood passover/sacrifice ritual)
>Cruz was an Elsagate MKUltra victim \ Youtube pedo
I think the letters that girl wrote about Cruz to the FBI or whatever were interesting because she implied he is almost retarded
>Key witness Hogg lied he was at school
There is footage of him being there.
there was even less evidence that martin bryant was at port arthur and he is still serving a life sentence.
there was even victims who had been shot who believe to this day that martin is an innocent man.
the real victim of false flags is the 'shooter', their life is ruined forever while the 'victims' like david hogg become national celebrities.
Scott Israel quotes Talmud in present conference. Sauce?
Australian justice has nothing to do with American justice
Way closer than the original kike Story desu.
In what world are you living in that you think this kid will get off? The evidence doesn't even matter, there's national outrage and dead Jew kids. Everyone forgot about the Vegas shooting within a month, but for some (((reason))) the media is still talking about this over a month later. Your faith in the justice system is naive
then why was he found guilty retard
evidence for your every point?
He wasn't you dumb fuck.
>Because of timing. At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years. All the while, I was making sure my camera bag didn’t rip open, because if you zip it a certain way, the camera falls out, and it would be destroyed.
he has not been found guilty. he confessed after extensive [redacted] by "law enforcement"
david hogg is based.
he just destroyed the narrative for every other false flag in history.
no one will believe this shit any more.
they didn't have the internet back then either
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii Scott! :*
ty for the abortion
He wasn't at school cause he's not even a student there
He takes video during the shooting?
here's hogg lying
Some (((journalist))) saw him there and assumed he was a student, stuck a mic in his face so he just ran with it.
Evidence doesn't matter. The jury aren't robots they're normie retards. They'll guilty because feelz > realz.
Yeah, then tell me why the Charlottesville driver hasn't been sentenced yet?
Have you guys ever realised how vulnerable we are right now? If any of those activists get killed you can kiss our bill of rights goodbye. If the elites decide these kids are more use dead than alive, there's nothing stopping them from hiring a hit on these kids and framing some "crazed gun rights advocate". If any of these kids get killed, it's going to spark an all out gun grab.
>there was even victims who had been shot
thought "he" got all headshots
man, it must be crazy living in your brain. how much effort do you put into making shit up?
how narcissistic are you? like if you hear people whispering behind you in line, you probably assume they are talking about you and feel uncomfortable/angry.
kid was bullied
shoots up school
other kids are attention whores brought up on a diet of virtue signaling
they hop on the bandwagon and blame guns and adults instead of looking at themselves and wondering why they bullied another kid that much. they get lauded with praise and then their mental illness worsens. sad days for the usa. probably will get worse before it gets better.
Because he killed one person and there's video footage showing he was beinng swarmed and was breaking.
He hasn't walked yet either.
So one of the "survivors" wasn't even there, therfore not a survivor. And the other one admitted to bullying the shooter. Yet conservatives are the problem. Lololol
They can try.
The feds already know what will happen.
Bundy ranch conflict x100,000
nope, an ex australian army soldier in the cafe was shot in the neck.
he survived and SWEARS TO THIS DAY that martin bryant is innocent.
whenever he leaves school he goes home, gets his big boy camera and heads back to the school so he can get his foot in the door and be on the NEWS. those were the early hogg sighting on tv when he was interviewed with the fat goth girl
why can you retards never share any proof of any quotes or at least anything?
>someone who had severe brain damage from an incident is a reputable source of said incident
>the majority of Sup Forums actually believes this
February 14th. vintage Hogg
yay. a normal person
That whole court room is jewish user. If Cruz isnt in on it himself he isnt going anywhere.
They also believe you're nigger and need to go back to Africa.
>e are right now? If any of those activists get killed you can kiss our bill of rights goodbye. If the elites decide these kids are more use dead than alive, there's nothing stopping them from hiring a hit on these kids and framing some "crazed gun rights advocate". If any of these kids get killed, it's going to spark an all out gun grab.
I thought of that too. I wouldn't put it past the vile scum who are trying to take our 2nd Amendment to try and kill Hogg and Comandante Zero.
He should argue Emma Gonzalez bullied him herself and it drove him to do it. She's admitted it multiple times.
Check it
>mfw Hogg gets the gas for killing all those kids
did he actually do it? from my understanding they found him on the street after the fact
What will happen is he'll walk and then the media will spin it in a new way that Due Process is so horrible and evil and we need to revamp this part of our Constitution because we all "know" he's guilty. They'll stage massive protests, etc etc.
>neck injury is the same as a brain injury
and the reason why you cant show any sources is because it happened before the widespread use of the internet and the fucking files were locked down for forty years
>I thought of that too. I wouldn't put it past the vile scum who are trying to take our 2nd Amendment to try and kill Hogg and Comandante Zero.
In other words, if any of you autists decides to take out these traitors use a creative method not involving guns.
Bow and arrow with a flint point?
what the fuck am I looking at
its weird how this story keeps sliding down the catalogue
I wonder whats causing that
I'm starting to feel sorry for this kid man. Just looks like he had a really fucked up life, with all that adoptive mother story and shit
people that saw the shooter and knew martin well said it was not him and the shooter was covered in acne
>satanic accuracy
the shooter was john wick
wtf, how is Hogg a "star witness" in the *legal* trial?
There's a ton of evidence putting cruz there. Maybe it was manufactured by (((the deep state)) sure, but then you're not gonna beat it by trying to poke holes in it.
Also lols, the whole "he wasn't there" thing is based on one line in an interview where you don't see the context and he mentions he "got" his camera...
le genius anons have determined this could only possibly mean he wasn't at school when it happened and went with his camera afterwards....even though it could mean a million other things. kek
most school shooters kill themselves so there isnt much life to ruin after that
The average libtard guys really are fucking delusional, aren't you?
Can you guys even imagine the ass armageddon if this guy somehow walks because Shlomo was expecting a gimmie with a guilty plea and already destroyed most of the evidence? Did Sam Hyde train him to get away with it as his secret apprentice?
italian porn star
fake news
>rode to school because he wasnt there
what a weird looking boob
why does this say redacted?
this kids ankle gets fucking BLOWN UP by an ar-15 round and then he goes down 3 flights of stairs & makes his way to the sports fields where some off duty cop just "happens" to be working on the ball field.
just wait til you see what happens when you type or (without the periods)
the government is censoring everything we do on here!
> hogg made a video from inside the school
> in testimony states he arrived after the shooting, so he would've had to pass the lockdown
was the video from inside officially submitted as evidence?
i really wanna know
i think i have seen everything, but pol show me again, i am wrong xd
All he has to due is convince the jury he was set up. If you don't think they will believe it just look here. Most people will believe anything if you sell it right.
Is cruz's dna on the body armor they found? Did they find body armor?
didn't he plead guilty? or was he confirmed to have changed it?
Hogg didn't lied in his declaration, he just lied to millions of americans.
He plead guilty...
Cruz, is a communist and is part of the hoax
Wasn't he actually wearing like a hazmat suit or something of the sort? The teacher could have just not remembered the event all to well
Hogg was the shooter.
This. He shot up the school and then ran home to get his camera. It's the perfect cover story.