There really is no way of pleasing vegans, is there?
There really is no way of pleasing vegans, is there?
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vegan here, I would eat this (occassionally)
Meat is the primordial fast food. At some point humans realized that they could absorb a lot of nutrients (notably, proteins) by just eating someone else's brain. Humans were cannibals before they were carnivores. The human brain was the first meat item in the menu (it is also one of the easiest to digest for non-carnivore). Then humans started eating also other animals, but to this day they are disgusted at the idea of eating most animals. Humans still don't eat the majority of animals. The reason they started eating animals is simple: it was easier than hunting and eating humans. Why did humans started eating human brains? I think it was one of the many accidental discoveries of human civilization: humans were killers before they were cannibals, and one day they realized that they could eat the brains of their victims, and that the brains were highly nutritional. My feeling is that "hunting" is just an evolution of "fighting". Humans are equipped with an uncanny ability and passion to kill fellow humans. It is an art in itself. Humans were killers from the very beginning. They became cannibals much later, more or less by accident. They became meat eaters and animal hunters even later.
Morality is subjective and inconsequential.
Vegans are almost always extremely picky eaters who try to justify it with these weird moral beliefs. I used to work in restaurants and we were serving a wedding of 200 people, 2 vegans call in advance and notify us of that. We tell them fine in advance, shortly before they storm into the kitchen and mention it again. Fine, eventually we send out the food along with everything else. The wife comes storming in pissed yelling about how she doesn't like black beans while everyone in the kitchen is busy as fuck.
>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
>Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.
To grow ‘lab-grown meat’ takes way too long it to be in markets any time soon.
>Morality is subjective
brainlet detected
not if they've been working on lab grown meat for decades and only showing us the early progress they made years ago now. they may have already worked out a plan for a surprisingly rapid roll out.
Exactly. Humans are omnivores, not carnivores.
You idiot.
but i gotta wonder, how are they going to sabotage it to make it unhealthy. like they did with the gmo food and the processed foods. there will be hidden side effects or why would they bother.
i don't know wtf you're talking about but brains are basically pure fat
>muh soy
>>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.
>you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.
You realize a lot of animals in the wild completely disregard dead animals because it isn't fresh right? I mean even my cats ignore dead things. Several animals in the animal kingdom have developed a play dead routine such as lizards to pretend to be dead to make predators lose interest in them since they're already ;dead;.
We also can't break down cellulose. Fucking retards
fat has high energy content, that's why the Inuit rely so heavily on eating blubber
Back in 2014 scientists revealed the first lab grown burger. It cost like $300,000 to grow and tasted bad (not enough fat), but it proved that it could be done. I expect that the price will plummet like the cost of consumer electronics did.
Probably need to invent this anyways for space travel in the future. Mmmmm Space Burgers...
>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
"Real Carnivores" don't eat rotting meat. Human beings are able to eat fresh raw meat without many problems, that's why a ton of people eat steak rare. The problem is that when transporting meat across a country with meat coming from hundreds of other animals it tends to spread disease easily but that's a problem with logistics and society and not eating meat.
>Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
No we don't,we can eat raw meat perfectly fine, Once again the problem is the spread of disease over time, no carnivore would eat old meat and instead eat it immediately. Also we aren't carnivores, we're omnivores, we eat both Meat and Vegetables, so hence our body is used to both of them. Vegetarians have trouble processing meat again because they stopped eating meat, meat eats don't stop eating meat. But the same thing has been observed in Inuits who have lived their entire life relying on eating mainly meat, blubber, and animal-fats.
>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.
ALL animals are disgusted by dead animals, so much that "playing dead" is a reliable evolutionary tactic that many animals have developed.
Fucking Vegitarians
Also video related
Appeasement is the worst mistake.
lab grown meat?
are you a fucking retard?
why not just eat vegetables?
eating this shit ruins your body you dumb nigger look around you
Eating the brain of your own species is a fucking bad idea. Guess how we got the spread of Kuru, Mad cow desease and other prion shit.
>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat
Never got sick at a sushi bar. Into the trash it goes.
Is killing another creature to live when you can consciously make the decision not to, with other alternatives available, moral? Probably not.
Does it really matter? Probably not.
I think eating meat is morally wrong. I can't get around it. But I still eat meat. You know, because not everything I do is morally right.
Not gonna read it but you're wrong.
>cant eat raw meat because it makes you sick
You do know what the tonsils are for you fucking retard. They're designed to cover food like meat in anti bodies so you can eat it. It isnt as efficient because we now do stuff like cook and salt our meat.
But eating human brains if fucking awful for you. Prions do not fuck around.
The price plummeted down to $10 a kilo a few years back
>>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
Simply untrue. Humans only get sick if they were to eat infected meat, like any other animal.
>>Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
>carnivores don't cook
yeah, neither does any other animal on the fucking planet; we also cook vegetables because it can make them taste better, the same reason we cook beef and eat fish raw: taste
>>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
I find it difficult to believe this is anything but psychological.
>>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.
Unless you're a scavenger, you're not enthralled by the sight of dead animals because you eat what you kill, otherwise you run the risk of eating something infected with parasites and diseases because it's a dead animal that's been sitting in the sun. Most people are not disgusted by a steak, or even a butchered animal of any kind. It's quite easy to watch a video of a deer or cow being butchered, it's not disgusting at all unless you're a huge pussy. Also, why would that be a sign of being an herbivore anyway? Is there any evidence whatsoever to support that?
vegans wont be happy until chicken stock is considered a biological weapon because they cant drink it and it might kill them
>Is killing another creature to live when you can consciously make the decision not to, with other alternatives available, moral?
It depends. If you believe in a God prescribed morality, of course not, because he created animals for us to eat.
If you're a moral relativist: it doesn't matter what your morality is and if you try to impose it on others you're mom a gay.
Actually we ate raw meat (Like chimpanzees still do) and then by chance discovered that putting it in fire made it taste better. This helped break down the food and we needed less energy to break the food down in our guts. Additionally cooked food required less jaw strength. These two things led to a shorten digest tract and less jaw muscle. The shorter digest tract enabled more calories to be used elsewhere in the body, perhaps the brain. The decrease need for strong jaws enable the top of the head to increase in size as it no longer was held back by large muscles for the jaw.
This is the way.
if you dont understand why killing is wrong you are so low on the teleological scale puerto ricans look down on you
>>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat
>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
Because we stopped eating raw meat, retard, so we lost that mostly useless trait of being able to easily eat and digest raw meat. That's the big biological advantage of being able to cook meat: less energy intensive immune system and digestive system, and yet better survival rate because our exposure to those disease drops even more. Although then the development of animal husbandry does the reverse for different diseases that are now harbored and transmitted differently, because that offers it's own set of advantage.
>>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
No it fucking doesn't, idiot.
>Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
Again one of the advantages of cooking: meat is less dangerous now so you can consume more of it. As soon as you revert to the less desirable food source which you are no longer adapted for, shit happens
Almost every vegan I know is vegan only so that they can preach and moralise to us carnivorous simpletons.
The northern abbos eat rotten meat. You can eat it too. You have to train your liver slowly. The infants are given a piece of string from a deer and they chew on it until it rots. It slowly builds up your resistance to all kinds of toxins that are in the rotten meat. I'm pretty sure people who survived famine are able to digest rotten meat, because they built up the resistance and the liver processes rotten flesh. It's trainable trait. Your liver just has to start producing the right enzymes. The eskimos and the like store their kill in the ground, where it rots and ferments. You can eat fermented fish. It will cause diarrhea. But meat will probably kill you, because the liver will not break various toxins in the rotten meat. But I'm pretty sure you can train yourself to eat any meat like eskimo infants do. It takes some time, but not very long. If you face famine, it would be a valuable trait.
>Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
Herbivores don't farm. Humans began eating vegetables on a large scale after the invention of farming.
they would just find something else to be pissed off and self righteous about.
gee. wonder what the jews are gonna put in it.
A large proportion of Africans and Europeans have a mutation that makes us immune to Kuru, it is only Asians who lack it. It also slightly lowers Alzheimer's disease risk. I have to wonder how it came to be so common in these population, because it lowered Alzheimer's, or because we could now eat brains?
its actually better for your body to eat a slightly cooked steak, the proteins need to be denatured for your body to digest properly - your just missing out on protein eating raw
It won't be ignoring a moral failing, there will be no moral failing at all.
t. had his pussy-ass appendix removed
your body does not code an enzyme that is efficient enough to digest raw meat.
u wannn bbet u fuckn nerd??/
im so sick of these kids that ruined my board i finally see it
Too scared to bet even a "little kid" baka, dud
Next time you go shopping and buy some cured/smoked bacon, eat some raw after first opening the package.
It's really sweet and chewy. Do make sure it's cured though.
Like have you never even heard of the chemotrypsin, stupid assss NEEERRRDDD
Typical brainlet vegan.
There’s no moral failing in the first place. Animals are dumb and deserve to be eaten.
it doesnt break down Quaternary level protein structure efficiently , only tertiary
God damn you people are fucking useless. Humans have lived on meat for thousands of years and flourished
what the everloving fuck are you talking about, retard?
it's a selective serine protease, it cleaves peptide bonds aka breaks down the primary structure
Uncle Ted predicted this
yea sorry i meant primary. anyways meat comes in Quaternary structure
>doesn't break down quaternary level structure
>only tertiary
>despite the fact that the enzyme targets a specific exposed sequence (primary) and cuts it thus demolishing every level of structure
t. Genetic Engineer
Please go
Enjoy your spongiform brain retard
i took anatomy and biochem last year. its primary level structure that it (chymostripsin) breaks down. thats after youve chewed it and the acid in your stomach denatures it further into secondary and primary protein structures. this isnt genetic engineering stuff its basic biochem and anatomy.
They will just technically redefine cattle ranches as "labs"
The NWO has a plan.
not halal
>The reason they started eating animals is simple: it was easier than hunting
Bad idea.
This has the potential for space exploration, therefore I approve
Prions are very slow to replicate. These ancients didn't live long enough for Prions to matter.
>Humans cant eat raw meat without getting sick
This is a misconception. Raw meat from a healthy animal is generally safe for consumption within the first couple of hours after death as it is sterile from the animals own immune system. Most exclusive carnivores instinctively know this which is why they avoid carrion, hence the entire reason scavenging species who can handle bacteria riddled food exist as a niche. Parasites are the only exception to this.
The reason you can't eat raw food as easily now is we aren't getting meat that is sterile. Even with refrigeration meat inevitably gets infested with first stage decomposing bacterial cultures like Salmonella thus forcing us to cook the food to re-sterilize it.
Also, to all the fags claiming we've gotten smaller mouths from cooking, we've actually gotten smaller mouths because of tool use and better hand coordination. There was no longer a requirement for the mouth to rip flesh from bone, we could use tools like rocks for that. Humanity has had fire for a long time but not consistently enough for us to have lost the ability to digest raw meat without cooking it. Smaller digestive tracks are an omnivorous trait in general.
fucking idiotic