So is Stormi Daniels the establishment's final attempt to get at trump...

So is Stormi Daniels the establishment's final attempt to get at trump? By targeting his voterbase instead of retard libs who were never going to vote for him anyways. Because I dont think the average liberal gives much of a shit about an unfaithful partner (I mean look at Bill), they're all cucks who are pro open relationships. But die-hard religious conservatives tend to care a bit more about family values and I think the deep state is finally using it to their advantage.

It seems a lot like a typical case of non-Christians who despise Christianity lecturing us about our values like being pro refugee.

So I guess what I'm asking; is the republican voter base clever enough to see through this obvious ruse deliberately targeting them?

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Its a huge fucking nothing burger. JFK fucked everything that moved and shared hookers with his brother in the white house. This is just them trying to smear his name yet again.

I'm sure the religious right doesn't like it, but it's not like they're going to vote for an American-hating, baby-killing Democrat instead.

If anything they'll just say home and not turn out on election day. But I honestly think most people don't give a shit. Libs blew their load way too early on Trump. People have already heard it all and don't seem to really give a shit. We've known for decades that he was a womanizer, and probably suspected he was an adulterer as well. He never claimed to be a pious family man.

Do you think the average conservative voter will see it that way? Generally curious.

I hope they keep trying with her, seeing her tits tied to a chair was epic.

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>When you're a star they let you grab them by the pussy

Trump was right again MAGA

I hope he fucked her butthole hard.


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