honest thoughts on her?
Prime Minister Theresa May
Still would bang. I think.
literally hitler, just a mirror of corbyn masqueradin as a 'strong inbred woman'
corbyn is less likely to spy on you
i would
Inbred Globalist Vermin
would marry
>honest thoughts on her?
Those are not permitted, only government approved thoughts are allowed.
Shes got legs for days.
horrible cunt who should die in a fire
Waiting for her to leave.
>no children
so basically like almost every other leader in western europe
a bit too conservative for me.
>no future for you!
Keeping may after her election debacle is 8th dimensional backgammon. She’s worse than having no leader. Soft spoken and pro remoan... how the fuck? I don’t get it. She seems like a patsy to me she’s so awful.
this is fake right? you can't just take people's money right? right??
Pure scum. Day of the rope when?
An awful woman, hope she dies in a car crash.
Do you think Trump sodomized her?
No. It's based on somthing Cameron implemented under the 'Big Society' agenda which allows them to seize bank accounts that have been dormant for 15 years.
Fiscal conservatism in action lel.
You mean she's gonna get eliminated, Diana-style?
Theresa "The Appeaser"
Order! Your right honorable quibbling is most unbecoming; please take your medications!
This guy is hilarious!
She might be down with some of that British nanny shit. If you just saw her at a pub or whatever.
She's "Blue Labour", without the slick and weasel skills of Blair. She's so inept that people are actually seeing a maniacal socialist as a viable alternative. I might be a bit sympathetic towards her if she wasn't so full of shit that one moment she can preach about upholding the traditional christian values of Britain, then the next talking about how we shouldn't be "islamophobic" towards those working actively to destroy those values and while she makes policies to import more of them.
Yep. You remember that interview where she was asked what was the naughtiest thing she's ever done? Yeah... she hasn't had her Fields Of Wheat seen to for a while.
I don't think it'd be hard to create an impression - and Merkel can also get it.
I like her selection of no nonsense chunky necklaces
I agree with George!
Terrified and loathsome.
Is she orchestrating a false flag plane crash in Cornwall?
They're looking for crisis actors for April to help the rnli train
She seems bland and uninspired. You Brits really fucked your political class. They are probably too spineless and terrified of doing the wrong thing about brexit to be willing to make hard choices. It doesnt help you all seem entitled shits who won't stomach hardship for now to reach a bright future.
Rape her for the Falklands
What a pranny
Merkel looks to much like a bulldog to me.
Globalist whore, often mistaken for a weak leader when she is in fact playing expertly for the other side.
No, he's a manlet jew.
The PM fucking bongs deserve.
This is why Brexit is being sabotaged.
Are you still banging on about those fucking strategic sheep outposts - you won't even want them after you've played with them for 5 minutes - let it go Nicolas.
The rope for sure
only slighty better than an old commie
puppet of the lizzard queen and her merchant friends
I fucking hate her. She has fucked up brexit, fucked up any potential trade deals with america and b yextension the rest of the anglosphere, and does nothing to fix englands real issues. I'm glad she's not my fucking prime minister. I don't know how you pommies can stand her. Why hasnt anyone done anything?
I don't know his faith or even care.
Still hilarious.
Noope - she can get it all the way up, all the way down - upside down, inside out.
Oh Angela... I cannot promise I'm going to make you happy but I'll be willing to try very, very hard to.
She needs to protect free speech in Britain.
Gas all Anglos. White peoples can never rest until you filthy Anglos are gone.
who is this semen demon?