Stop treating trans people like shit.
Stop treating trans people like shit
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I have actually thought alot about this. I really dont think its a societal problem with trans.
I could see the argument being made for gays and homosexuals because of the social stigma and evangelical gay therapy etc.
But I think there is something else going on with trans people, which is an inherent hatred of themselves and their own bodies. Its why they want to change their bodies and even mutilate themselves. But its also why they always regret the change, because they solved a physical problem not a mental one.
Their problem is their inability to reconcile the fact, that they are both male and female. They try to be ONE or the OTHER, but they are bit of both. They will most likely find peace when they are able to reconcile that in their own mind.
This is contrasted with gays and homosexuals which are quite comfortable with their own bodies and sexuality. A gay man still feels like a man, but his sexual pleasure is derived from the presence of another man. But they dont seem to have those mental problems that trans people do which leads to all sorts of issues.
Put it this way, I like cock, they like cock more, and want to get more cock than me, how do they do that? Become a woman.
>attempted suicide rate is 50% higher than jews living under nazi occupation
>People not wanting to date you is worse than living under nazi occupation
oh boy
Red pilled time on transgender: Transpeople were often molested as children and dressed up as the opposite gender "so it isn't gay". This is why 75% of trans are MtF. It isn't the teasing from society that makes transpeople suicidal, it is the childhood rape. The statistics on trans suicide are about the same as all CSA victims. There is the same mode in the distribution too around the early to mid twenties.
I thought blacks were the most “bullied” people in society
It’s too bad white males have the highest rate of suicide.
Because white males have more expectations to live up to.
You are correct.
I wish trans people would just accept they are a temporary fetish and once youth wears off and they can no longer pass, that no one will give a fuck about them.
t. Someone who has blown a tranny
But then you find out straight men don't want to date a woman who used to have a cock because they eventually want to settle down and have children. So you kill yourself.
>implying the holohoax happens
Um... sweetie?
Correct good sir
t. Hannibal Lecter
Nobody antagonizes trans people. They either interact normally or avoid them completely. The high suicide rate comes from their immense regret of irreversibly mutilating their own bodies and living in constant pain.
There'll always be trans people, as long as there's young horny people and bocurious guys who don't want to admit they did something gay with another guy, there'll always be trans people. Especially if there's a social stigma of marriage with the same genders. As long as marraiage is male and female, there'll be transgender people to skirt the stigma.
Not every man wants kids.
Well, first you show me your panty bulge, sit on my face and cum in my throat and ill think about it after we snow ball
Damn, I thought being in her 90s would make her look like the Crypt Keeper, but Betty White actually beat the odds and added weight. Good for her.
I live in a student town full of these fucking freaks, and this victim complex ass twitterite bitch is being as intellectually dishonest as they come. Trannies don't give you the opportunity to be "nice" to them. They don't even allow you to engage them like normal people. If you're the dreaded cis white male it's dagger eyes and vitriol from the get-go, you can't treat them like regular people because they're raring for conflict with you. They're shit, miserable, intolerant and INTOLERABLE people, and their fucked up gender dysmorphia is an indication of a slew of other mental issues they have. Fuck them. No one should be so naive as to think these progressive LGBT faggots want your help or your good will.
No we ignore/avoid you assholes because your full of mental problems and everything interesting about you comes from the fact youre born in le wrong body. Not worth anyone who isnt a mental cases time. Please kill yourselves
Trannies are just assburger male prostitutes who take tons of illegal drugs.
It's a class thing m8, most of your experiences are with trashy people in general.
This. Trans people only deserve pity. the left encouraging transactivism blows my mind
tHEN wHy are THey Still suiCidal in CalIFOrnIA
Holy shit
All the more reason we need to get the hot dogs away from the pedo elite
I'm not saying trannies as a group are a temporary fetish. I'm saying each individual one is a temporary fetish. I know there will be a revolving door of young trannies. That's the best part. They just need to understand no one loves them.
fun fact trans people are just as suicidal in countries like sweden. It has nothing to do with how they're treated and everything to do with their fucked up brains
It's hard enough for real women to find husbands to settle down with after they hit the wall. What chance does an aging hon have? At best trannies can hope for a decade or two of being fuckable to guys who are either total sex addicts or very hard up for a partner and want some NSA boipucci. Men are never going to treat them like girls because they aren't girls.
It depends entirely on genetics, are they attractive? Most of them are fucking just ugly in ny opinion because they look like men. But a passable cute one probably came from a good stock of genes and a wealthier background.
Fucking who cares, they shouldve had kids when they were still attractive.
Trannies would kill themselves even if we didn’t treat them like shit.
>Their problem is their inability to reconcile the fact, that they are both male and female. They try to be ONE or the OTHER, but they are bit of both. They will most likely find peace when they are able to reconcile that in their own mind.
>This is contrasted with gays and homosexuals which are quite comfortable with their own bodies and sexuality. A gay man still feels like a man, but his sexual pleasure is derived from the presence of another man. But they dont seem to have those mental problems that trans people do which leads to all sorts of issues.
Criminally underrated post. I see trans people as taking to a ridiculous extreme something that I've always felt comfortable doing intuitively and unselfconsciously: expressing a mixture of masculine and feminine characteristics without being particularly concerned about simultaneously having certain social duties related to being a man revolving around not being a faggot and maintaining a certain standard of masculinity. It didn't even occur to me that this would be something that someone would struggle with or have a negative experience doing.
>Literal identity disorder
>Not mental illness
have you looked into any of those sources
That word really does mean nothing these days. I can't bear to hear it
>You don't believe in my exact flimsy worldview based on nothing but delusions and insecurity
>must be ignorant
>be me
>liberal parents
>one becomes trans
>later learn he was narcissistic.
>moves to cali with gay lover, both trans.
>says happiest as ever
>kills self
>leave nothing and never pay to my step mom who takes care of me
>burns in hell sucking red demon cocks
Trans people are shit. Gender dysmorphia is a serious condition that liberal cunts are playing off as a way of expressing themselves.
When in reality fucking with your hormones has uncomprehensible effects. Especially with your brain chemistry.
Wonder why faggots kill themselves. Media turns to outside forces for only source of conflict. Go figure it's because putting shit like that inside of you fucks with you just as bad as any street drug with the caviot of you look ugly as shit and you get disowned.
>now browse Sup Forums
>every day becoming more right leaning
>begining to redpill
>I haven't even peaked yet.
Everythings a fucking mental illness these days, its a meme to get people on the pharmaceutical jew.
>Someone who has blown a tranny
I'm not saying that old roasties should be given preference. I'm pointing out that a lot of women fail to find husbands despite their natural advantage of not having a GODDAMNED COCK and needing a bunch of surgery and hormone therapy to even hope of "passing" as a woman. How can trannies even compete?
Surely it has nothing to do with mutilating yourself and then realizing that there's no turning back when you're a freak of nature """woman""" who has to dilate """herself""" every day to avoid an infection.
Trash exists in all classes political affiliation race etc. You have to figure out if you come from it and how to stop the cycle.
It would work out better if modern medical tech was sufficiently advanced to truly transition you to a different gender. Outwardly on the surface you might pull the deception off for a while. However, no lasting joy is likely to result from something born of such deception. Quit beating a dead horse. I suppose there are even odds you have nothing left to beat... other than tricking marks into thinking you are something you are not. Then try this passive aggressive play to handle the fallout?
You have my pity. You fucked yourself.
Nah, LGBT are all mentally ill.
this is factually inaccurate. Trans suicide rates are not significantly different across different countries with varying levels of tolerance, forced or genuine, for this cancer.
It's not bullying that causes them to be mentally unstable. They're mentally unstable because of their issues with their natural born identity... and in countries where people are allowed to express themselves normally (bullying) they see people with this mental illness and call it out for what it is. That's all it is.
Gas them all!
Trans people are a tool of the jewish left. There will never be a trans-shooter because the false flagging fake school shooter jews would never ruin the image of muh transgenders. They will always be whites or white mutts.
I'll just leave this here.
They're fucking stubborn then, just pick a guy that isn't degenerate. Yeah they're not going to be the movie star looks kind of guy, but she isn't either otherwise she wouldn't be trying to settle down.
Trannies don't age well. No matter how passible when young. At best they look like ugly women. And yes, passible ones are rare, but the thing is, desperate thirsty guys still fetishize them. Everyone has someone who wants to fuck them. I'm a big fat dude, and I've met a (very) small handful of chicks who absolutely cant get enough of me. And I can't wrap my head around it. I think I'm disgusting. If I was a girl there is no way I'd let me fuck me.
>Leftists: cutting your dick off is normal
>Leftists: gun nuts are insane
They actually believe wanting to protect yourself and your family is crazier than a 50 year old bald obese man cutting off his dick and changing his name to pixie.
Waste of a comfortable with who you are or kill youself .... society will not be forced to accept you...but you can accept you
If you're a beautiful person even if you're trans you'll age well. People are fucking idiots and believe they're beautiful too. In a way yeah but not really.
Hon, please. I've BEEN to your fucking p-flag meetings. The people who treat transfags the worst are OTHER transfags.
What I will never understand is trannies who get their cocks removed. That is literally their only selling point. Without it, they are just a shittier "woman."
No problem I just refuse to address them other than what they were born as
>But I think there is something else going on with trans people, which is an inherent hatred of themselves and their own bodies.
This desu. This is why they lose all hope and off themselves when they realize that their last bastion of "correcting" their identity has failed them. The reason why people kill themselves isn't because they are bullied, it is because they lose hope. What could be more disheartening than going through all of that process for years to change your gender and after all if it you still do not feel comfortable with yourself? They go through years or their whole lives with this fixation on their identity. This is why they kill themselves. They lose hope in their primary fixation in life. Same reason why people who chase money kill themselves when they go broke.
but wypipo supposedly treat blaqpipo and brownpipo like shit yet wypipo have higher rates of suicide???
Whether a mental illness or a natural behavior, trans people existed before surgery was possible.
Meaning all trans people were stuck as whatever biological sex they were born into. Only teir behavior and mannerisms could change.
Surgery fucks them up because gender reassignment surgery is not natural any way you slice it.
Autism+child molestation=transsexuals
I'm dead serious, I've known several transsexuals and all of them without exception had autism or a related disorder and had been molested as kids.
I'm eating dinner man. Come on...
I have no clue why this happens either.
I had a dude come up to me and ask if I was interested in fucking behind the Dunkin Donuts. I am not attractive either.
This is an abomination on so many levels.
Lol, Blaire White has hundreds of thousands of conservative fans and she's completely happy. Also, if you live in the right area you'll get nothing but praise and acceptance for being trans. Stop playing the victim.
People are happy when they learn to accept themselves a they are instead of trying to force all of society to participate in their delusions.
these people need help. not encouragement. and I need help because I just lost my lunch from this. what the fuck
Blaire White is getting uglier over the years. He looks too fake. He is literal barbie doll and not in a good way.
This is actually true. There aren't different cliques too- just like the whole LGBT+ community. It's basically controlled at the top by feminist lesbians even though it was a trans person who kicked off the whole movement.
C'mon. Even "real" women don't age well. ALL of them hit the fucking wall. It's only a matter of time.
And one that has been on artificial hormones during that time is going to be one heck of a trainwreck when that wall comes.
Let's face some reality here: most of these MtF are gynophiles AND sex addicts. That is, their fetish is being a woman, AND they are addicted to sex. What's the best thing for such an addict?
Become one. It's the same for other fetish-addiction comboes. If you like bondage and are addicted to sex, you end up a gimp living in a box, turned on all the time.
This is why you see trannies on Twitter or other sites taking pictures of their own high-heeled and stockinged legs like it was some kind of big deal. They are doing this all day, being turned on looking at their girly body.
But what happens when they get old and ugly and can't be that hot woman that they are turned on being? And worse, get rid of the dick and balls and then what? The urge is gone. So the reason to go that path is gone, and it's a path of no return... or become a big hairy ugly bald dude with an artificial and prolapsing cunt.
Mike Pence damn them all.
I mean, I guess I have a decent face. And either because of, or despite, my self hate, I'm actually really funny in social situations. That's the only reason I can figure.
It's the hormones, even bodybuilders take anti suicidals
Hey retard, this isn't about finding advice for washed up roasties. This is about pointing out that trannies are for the most part not going to be able to compete with cis-women. There are only two reasons a guy would favor a tranny over a cis woman.
1. He loves cock.
2. The tranny in question looks hotter than the cis women he can score, which itself is an illustration of how desperate the situation is for trannies.
And in both of these cases he's probably not looking for a long term relationship, but just wants to get his rocks off discreetly.
>yfw they grafted skin which had a tattoo
>under that "cock" is a hairy patch of skin with half a quote on it