What's he looking at, Sup Forums?
What's he looking at, Sup Forums?
Drumpf legalising Jerusalem
somting somting drumph threatens to withdraw foreign aid if shitsrael jedusalems isnt caputalo
a sheckel
some superhero movie or something
Trump's spending plan for aid to Israel.
his new yarmulke
Must've just found out Bolton is joining the NSC
His sister.
Jews love walls. He probably saw the wall being built.
Dan Schneider
This fucking kike again?!
Based! Holy shit! All the shills here! Must have hit a huge nerve Share Blue! Follow him on twitter and you will see how based he is.
He's looking at whatever they are covering up and silencing Sup Forums regarding.
Could it be they are using Dan Schneider to cover a Hogg in a poke?
To cover that the false fagg at Pulse Nightclub was done by an FBI informants son, ala Draw Mohammed butt blasting?
Or more cover for HillDaBeast and 0bama?
Omnibus Spending Bill
His own reflection.