Bы нe мoжeтe иcпpaвить coдeяннoe, нo вcё eщё мoжeтe cпacти ceбя. Живя в ycлoвиях тиpaнии, люди зaчacтyю cтaнoвятcя бeзpoпoтными и poбкими. Я этo пoнимaю, я знaю. Bы eщe мoжeтe пoмoчь нaм, пoкa нe cлyчилocь бoлee хyдшee.
Bы нe мoжeтe иcпpaвить coдeяннoe, нo вcё eщё мoжeтe cпacти ceбя...
you guys are niggers. fuck you
Fuck off. That’s not mummy. Also you forgot to hide your flag.
English only LARPER
I dont speak robot
This image just makes me want to party with her and fuck like wild animals.
God i love her, she is so sexy she drives me insane
Say all again after 'incinerators.'
Nah. She's batshit insane and wanted by SBU/NABU for stealing 800,000 USD and helping launder 3mm USD through VTB bank.
She also think's she is the reincarnation of Princess Anastasia and is a fucking joke in Russian politics. She was a patronage appointment similar to the 2 FSB guys behind the polonium killing.
Pretty much every woman I've slept with was batshit insane. I like the pretty ones and I have very low moral standards.
cheeki breeki
Have I found my Queen?...I think so.
Gorky came up with mummy posting as a way to build pro-Rus messaging on 4ch. We let them, to find out which Chinese and Vietnam code farms / image shops they had on contract.
so what I am hearing is,
She is a woman, she is rich, and she is hot.
What is my new Queens name? Also I only took Russian in HS an college and can tell whoever posted this is not a native speaker...
where is da queen? da queen of crimea!
Why would you mix Latin letters with Cyrillic? This is weird.
пpeкpaти гoвopить c ними oт нaшeгo имeни, eвpeй. идитe в двaч, ecли вaм ecть чтo cкaзaть им
>mfw when can understand russian but can't speak it
Pretty much this. I found some video on jewtube one day where she talked about how much she admired Tsar Nicholas, it was obvious she's got some weird obsession with him.
Also, she's a single mom.
Your russian is Google translate-like
But it's not. I tried. It doesn't translate well and the guy plugs Latin letters into the text so google fucks up. I fixed that its still not google translate.
I mean his russian is not what a native would say, it's like output of Google translate
>whoever posted this is not a native speaker...
Looks like a native speaker to me.
I am a native speaker.
I thought so too, that's why I fed it into google translate. And it's not google translate. It's not robot either because characters are fucked with. It's not clear why somebody would do that.
Sounds very formal and "literary", for lack of a better word. Totally acceptable in writing, though uncommon as it sounds.
>бoлee хyдшee.
>бoлee лyчшe oдeвaтcя
Yes, that part is awkward, agreed.
Not awkward. It's inconsistent with the other stuff. But some bot would pick up on the meme. So its weird.
Blah, blah, blah, words. Who cares, she's beautiful.
I would love to do coke with a russian christmas cake
thanks for the new fetish op
mummy wishes you were all dead.
Ukrainian propaganda.