>good in bed due to slutty past >not wondering or having unrealistic fantasies about blacks or non whites (been there done that 5/10) >looking to atone for her slutty past. will be strongly attached to you (especially those close to 30)
Face it, you fucking useless piles of slime: you have to impregnate these women, so swallow the coalpill and get out there before they give up on white children for good.
Because no matter what when I look at her face I will see those lips around a veiny nigger cock, whenever I see her butt I will thing shea butter and nigger leavings. No just no.
Camden Price
They can give up on white children and go back to having 56% mutts. While I impregnate asians and create an army of Hapas
Lincoln Roberts
coal burner is a deal breaker for me, other reformed sluts are fine but if you engage in bestiality you are irredeemable
Alexander Scott
Niggers are beasts of the field and the bible says if a women sleeps with a beast she should be put to death
Ryder Perry
If there were no broader social repercussions I'd be confident in my ability to reform her but IRL the damage to my honor would be too great. Impregnating randos and leaving them would be a more dignified course of action.
Jordan Thompson
Unfortunately it isn't about self esteem at this point, most sluts have inflated egos and self-esteem. Women know they can get money and attention for sex, easily, so they ride the dick carousel and get as many free dinners and shopping trips as they can while enjoying the attention
Alexander Williams
>91% match Ha!
Jack Morris
didnt say anything about being a cuck. i wouldnt raise someone elses kid unless i was guaranteed another three sets of triplets out the womb.
Dominic Green
I've never been with a white woman who has dated or had sex outside of their race, but I have
Brandon Morgan
come on now guys.... who here has never racemixed? i fucked an asian girl once, and fucked a half black. i cant be so indignant towards a girl who has fucked another race. its all coming from a culture of racial irrelivance. im willing to bet that if these girls ever wake up, they become ardent natsoc brides. just food for thought.
Nicholas Cruz
>swallow the coalpill
This is one creative shitpost, I'll give you that.
Grayson Perry
OKC Matches me with Filipinos and single mums. This is why I stick to Tinder.
Dominic Sanders
>While I impregnate asians and create an army of Hapas
What's the difference between YOU and THEM?
Logan Johnson
>polthink slips into mainstream >suddenly stacies are getting shirked left and centre by the proud chad >the punished stacy falls into the arms of johnny pol
have to say fella's, its a convoluted plan but not a bad way to get an 7/10 for yall
Jace Clark
Fucking asians is pretty much as bad as fucking niggers
Carter Green
I got a Zambo pregnant from a one night stand. Thankfully she was a liberal and I didn't make an amerimutt.
Austin Turner
HPV, Herpes and so on
Luke Parker
Tinder is the most interracial dating app
Hunter Reyes
>British slag Never
Jacob Cruz
Because fuck you, you fucking idiot roastie. That's why.
exactly friend. these rice pickers are as reprehensible. if microchimera stuff turns out to be a nothing burger, then non concieving sex is not a major issue, as long as the mainstream promotes homogenity. i feel like niggers can live with not creating a whole shitload of coloureds as long as they get to bang who they like.
Joseph Foster
lol wtf even is a zambo
Caleb Wood
Don’t you have a farm or necklace to get back to, Afrikaner?
Kayden Carter
haha butthurt beast
Ryder Robinson
Not really. I barely see any niggers pop up on Tinder. Then again, I live in 95% white southwest England.
Cooper Robinson
tinder has reported that noone is racemixing (and apparently: thats a bad thing)
im focused on racial survival with the path if least resistance. please continue to be balls to the wall white pride however. hurry up and burn down DC if you got so much gumption, aye?
this fuck coalburners only worth a pump and dump, and thats if im fucking desperate
Thomas Nguyen
how hard is it to go take a bitch to the clinic?
also id like to see this microchimerism in action. as in actually influencing heredity, as opposed to just sticking around in the spinal columns and such (does sound fucking gross though anyway)
Jose Perez
nig DNA is going to linger in her womb years after sexual activity with them . science BTFO all coal burners forever with that revelation
Grayson Hall
> the coalpill
I hope this one sticks
Caleb Williams
just so you know guys, this thread was partially a test of anons b8 law:
>bait threads always get more replies than genuine topics
well ahve to say its the most active thread ive posted in about 5 years.
obv the reason is that people want to jump out and defend their side more frevently than they do want to have a calm discussion. maybe we need to be less triggered?
Benjamin Sanders
I'm in Washington (the state). It's alright. I just hope the fucking trains/coaches aren't shut down again from snow when I fly back to Heathrow.
Kevin Garcia
unironically manchildren
Luke Cooper
hmm i know washington state. pretty hot right now i bet. as for here? the fucking snow is a jike. everyone just nopes the fuck out regardless of how heavy it is. pretty sad hiw low efficiency our economy is sometimes.
Michael Davis
Good in bed is the only thing that's true. But coalburners have personality disorders and will cheat on you the first chance they get. It will take no time at all for them to get cock hungry again
Angel Davis
If any girl is that much of an open slut it feels like I'm getting sloppy 64th's. In the age of social media you can see how much girls fuck around anyways so it's just lying to yourself in the end. Roasties know they can use sex as a weapon so even if I'm stirring up her guts I'll just be thinking about how she'll try to manipulate me later on. There's no point.
This. I don't care if she's pale as snow with red hair and green eyes, if she's been with a nig she's a nig in my eyes.
Ian Lee
Do you live under a rock? Half of the pictures on Tinder or any other dating service have snapchat filters on them. When you're ugly as fuck, you can just cover it up with a dog face.
OH MY GOD I think I understand why she used the filter
Jose Myers
Being a slut doesn't improve women in bed.
They all just starfish because fucking is the man's job.
Colton Anderson
this is so childish. being a one or two time coalburner before waking up is forgivable desu. we dont live in the society our grandparents did, and if we dont lax on our standards, there wont be another. sometimes i wonder how many liberals are in deep cover...
Samuel James
>Being a slut doesn't improve women in bed. Yes it does, m8. The best lays Iv'e had were with the sluttiest of slags. BJs are particularly bad from inexperienced girls.
Carson Sanchez
because I would rather date an quiet, autistic Asian girl
Henry Reed
also you should let your wife peg you at least once a month to make sure she doesnt feel opressed by you masculinity and goes looking for a sweeter man
Joshua Williams
No it's not. It's racial treason, and I would sooner die alone and childless then having a coal burning whore.
Christopher Perez
>will be strongly attached to you This is not possible. Ability to build stable bonds declines 1/3 (=30%) with every partner. Unfixable. There are numerous studies on this topic, easy to find, user...
Jeremiah Barnes
Who are you trying to convince here, user?
Matthew Clark
Kewl, love me a hotty totty munters bread. Pommy cunt who was posting "uk girls" pics get in here m8!
this some stuff i can tolerate, maybe a low partner count and still under thirty but once shes had a dozen sex partners a kid or is getting old .... well whats the point im a decent guy, good shape, good genes, good job ... i dont do that shit, why should i tolerate it from a future wife
Matthew Reed
the bottomfeeders who might otherwise purity spiral into genetic irrelevance.
Ian Green
>dating >pol
If any of these poltards were dating, they wouldn't spend so much time on the internet researching black crimes and making hate threads and trump memes.
They're pathetic sunavoiders, and will continue to live with other pathetic sunavoiders through the internet. At least they won't reproduce.
Owen Barnes
Adrian Robinson
Aaron Roberts
probably, but also a fair assessment of Sup Forums
you getting salty could be construed as him having struck a nerve with you, in which case his post is completely accurate, even if he's projecting.
do you want to get herpes? thats how you get herpes
Jaxon Kelly
i live around men who prefer this type of woman as they have "experience"
Josiah Morris
>working progress
Jayden Cox
I spent my youth dating and trying to find the one settle down with. Didn't work, and now I'm almost 30 and I realize that in all likelihood if I hadn't started dating the one I was going to eventually marry by age 25 at the latest it's probably too late, because now the selection is down to almost nothing even though as a guy I've only gotten better as I've gotten older. I have more money, more freedom, in better shape, ect.,. Meanwhile women just get worse. The ones older than me are, well, older than me and are out by virtue of that. The ones my age are peak millennial dumb with body fats at the 40+% range, kids, and hyper liberal politics. The ones younger than me are just up and coming millennial shit heels who are even more intolerable due to total lack of exposure to non hyper libby ideas than their older counter parts.
So to my younger anons, if you're trying to make a family. Start young, and don't fuck around with it. I'm gonna get a drink.
Hunter Baker
>tfw the Muzzies are the most demurely dressed ladies on the concourse...
Because the STD rates in the black community are absolutely terrifying. Also, she's going to have a fuckton of baggage, making for a horrible wife and mother.
John Diaz
>Millennials had Evangelical parents imagine being retarded enough to make a baseless blanketing statement about an entire generation of people
Caleb Bailey
>working progress add that to the diamond dozen doggy dog pasta
Dominic Sullivan
The Evangelical trend was huge in the 90s and 2000s. Did you live under a rock?