I know that I sound like I'm super butt hurt about the meme butt I'm really not. The only problem I have is that it's not true. Many Europeans on /pol claim that "white" Americans are 25% black or half Hispanic etc. but that they just claim to be white. This really just isn't true. Race mixing wasn't even legal nationwide until 1967. Also, in america, for some reason, It's as fucking awesome to be black or Hispanic. I had a girlfriend who was 2% Jamaican, she had at least 10 Jamaican flags in her house. White Americans are white.
The Amerimutt meme is false
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Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that in America, if someone claims to be white, you can usually trust them
Spoken like a true 56% amerimutt
Americans aren't white.
Who cares it's funny
Goddammit i stepped right into that
the point of the meme was to make muricans butthurt and a lot of you got butthurt.
it shows the whole USA as a metaperson wich would be around 56% white. you are overthinking a meme, dude
No the point of the meme is a divide and conquer psyop. It's all created by shareblue shills to take advantage of euronerds who don't know what redlining is.
tl;dr 19 out of 20 white Americans are 100% white
>he's getting buttmad about a meme instead of brushing it off
Your anger only proves them right.
Any European who has stepped foot in America or understands the history of European immigration and segregation of the Natives/Niggers would understand that the 56% meme is bullshit.
Your right, Hispanics aren't a race, but they sure as hell ain't white
the "white" americam has chinky eyes and a weird facial structure
notice how europeans look alike but the white americans looks off
Agreed. I see germans, spanish , italians etc and they can pass as brits but americans look different
You're really grasping. The Slavs and Germanic people are way more dissimilar than Americans and France/England/Germany
Any race could be hispanic
Hispanic is not a single race and not all hispanics are part of the same race since there is 23 hispanic countries with one in Europe and a caste system
hispanic is not a race
Why do you care so much that your 100% white? I really dont get you mutts
Try living in a formally 90% white country that gets invaded by millions of subhumans and then you'll understand.
Who cares? Hispanics are just mixed Amerindian/Spanish niggers. We call it a race because they shouldn't be considered whites.
Thanks, that's what i was going for
>Who cares
If you don't care then why bothering replying to me?
Not every hispanic is a mestizo though
Personally,and honestky this is probably because I'm a fucking uncultured swine, but I think he looks more handsome than most of the other pictures there with exceptions of
All Hispanics are mestizo as far as I'm concerned. Just like many "African Americans" are 50-75% white but still have black features so they identify as Black. Since most Hispanics have less than 75% white admixture, we should just classify them as their own race.
I know a mutt that claims to be white but is browner than a spic. Has Confederate Flag stickers on his computer and calculator too. But he says he's Italian. His brother also appears to be on the brink of retardation or autism, as his skull is misshapen, mouth always open, half inch thick glasses, and can speak English about as well as your autistic cousin.
>All Hispanics are mestizo
> as far as I'm concerned
You're not everyone
>Just like many "African Americans" are 50-75% white but still have black features so they identify as Black.
Black is a race, hispanic is not. Don't derail this.
> Since most Hispanics have less than 75% white admixture,
By saying "Most hispanics" then you are acknowledging some hispanics are not mestizos.
>we should just classify them as their own race.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have "Indigenous" for brown people instead of "Hispanic" a term for any race?
Hispanic is not a race
It's just banter
Op has never been to California
If only us mutts can be more like the tall skinny people with delusions of grandeur
I actually live in Eureka
Exactly, its not like we win a prize for getting to check a fucking box. Hell I'd much rather be able to check something other than Caucasian as it makes it easier to get by in the USA.
THANK YOU, in fact the 25% blackness I was referring to earlier would be very useful right now as I'm applying for college
Memes aren't based in reality
Like the meme of Argentina being black men shouting about how white Argentina is, when in reality Argentina is 95% white
I'm sorry you're a mutt bro, but Hispanics will always be a separate classification from whites just like mixed African Americans aren't whites. Pure unmixed castizos might exist as a minority in small numbers in countries like Argentina, but these Mexicants calling themselves "white hispanics" are a cancer.
>Argentina is 95% white
No. Argentinians might identify themselves as white, but genetic studies show that Argentina only has 65% European admixture.
Mutt, if you have any chance of your country maintaining white majority you’re gonna have to bleach some of those Latina man. “White” Hispanics are on average 71% white. 71+100/2= 85%. Then do it again and get 93%. It’s the only way you can severe the shitskin line and still increase to white population. Seriously it’s your countries only hope of surviving without race war. Earlier the better.
Citation plz
Dude it's just a meme you 56% faggot mutt beast
The lack of mutts in this thread makes me sad
Unacceptable. Deportation is the only option. We don't need shit Amerindian genes entering the White American genepool.
Sorry South America. Genetics proves what we can already tell by looking at pictures; you're all mutts calling yourselves "white hispanics".
Just get the low IQ troglodytes to do it. You need them loyal to the white race but you don’t need to do anything with them.
>The Amerimutt meme is false
>an amerimutt is the center of media attention right know
>Low IQ whites mixing with 87 IQ average Mexicants.
Recipe for success.
What is this picture supposed to prove exactly?
Dude, let them have their banter. If you've been here longer that 6 months you will know we have been kicking them in the balls for 70 years. They literally have nothing else. Just take a look at the absolute state of europe and the UK. Burger jokes and El Goblino are like water off a ducks back.
I dunno. Americans aren't on it, so I can't even tell what it is.
Again it’s about creating loyalty. The low IQ whites were worthless anyway. This is basically happening already without intervention anyway. I predict a new racial purity hierarchy will emerge in the US just like the one in Brazil with Blacks becoming the national genetic wastebin.
I’ll post it again. I’m from Oklahoma.
That bitch is one of you. She Mexican. You are not sending your best mutt
>I'm sorry you're a mutt bro
Name Calling derails argument
>but Hispanics will always be a separate classification
Hispanic is still not a race
>from whites
Any race could be hispanic
>just like mixed African Americans aren't whites
African is a race, hispanic is not. Don't derail this.
>. Pure unmixed castizos might exist as a minority in small numbers in countries like Argentina
So you acknowledged not every hispanic is a mestizo? Why are you so offended at the notion that not all hispanics want to be lumped in the same race if you know this?
> but these Mexicants calling themselves "white hispanics"
Not every hispanic is mexican and it's not up to mestizos to declare who is white or not
>“White” Hispanics are on average 71% white.
Those wouldn't be white hispanics. When people talk about white hispanics they talk about the people on spanish tv or the sheen family or that guy who directed shape of water
Hispanic is not a race
The white american is probably the one with facial features most similar to norwegians out of all those.
Lmao this.
How do you guys not look at demographics and feel absolute despair. You should’ve seen this coming and averted this decades ago. Jesus.
proper usage of mutt meme
>making fun of beaners, mongrels, etc to further entrench the idea that nonwhites and mixed race people are hideous freaks and will NEVER be considered white
bad use of mutt meme
>attacking actual white Americans because they are "mixed" but still 100% white Europeans to destroy white american identity and make them accept they are no different from creaturas
one is useful, other is kikery
Pa master race
The 56% memes are funny. I eat home cooked burgers, drink cheap beer, have a ton of guns. God damn I love being American!
This is a pointless argument. I'm not arguing the definitions of hispanic, "white hispanic", castizo, or mestizo. These are all labels that mutt amerindian/Spanish hybrids put on themselves. I know there is a large variance of European admixture in Hispanics, but genetic studies show that even the whitest South American countries are very mixed.
When it comes down to the question of who gets to be called "White" there is no concrete scientific definition. Therefore, we should set a baseline of European admixture to meet the criteria. I would put that baseline at 95%+, and if you don't meet that baseline, than you are non-white, Hispanic, mutt, nigger, whatever you want to be called.
Things were looking bad, it's true. But things are changing here, rapidly. Now, there is hope.
Fuck Yeah
no me
Fucking delusional at this point but I won’t kick a man while he’s down. I like you mutts
>Spells "Reagan" wrong. The Amerimutt intellect, ladies and gentlemen.
Sargoy is 25% Black and you wouldn’t be able to tell. Those values are unnecessarily high. I’d say 75% minimum.
I'm mixed between English, Welsh, and Ulster Scots. Sure, I'm a mutt. But I'm a white mutt.
But the goblins do exist. Pic very related. Dios Mio......
>is Canadian
The Canadian intellect everybody
but also yes sorry for the typo
Be proud of your Jewish/negro ancestry, my fellow white person.
M8, your country is literally just 30 years behind the US demographically. All of us whites are fucked unless we acknowledge the problem and work together instead of pointing fingers.
You can’t hide 25% gorilla. Sargon is lying.
you're a mutt and your country's all shit
Not really, friend. The only threat to white American demographics comes from Hispanics, they are the only population that has been growing at a pace to match rural whites. The black and mixed black population is and has long been flat since they die young, go to prison, get aborted, etc. The President has already caused a massive drop in Latin American immigration, both legal and illegal. This can be done and I am confident that the 2020 census (under the Trump Administration) will show white population growth, wrecking progressive narratives just in time for the election.
If you want to talk about no hope, let's talk about the fact that it's illegal for you bongs to even express your political opinions.
Even if there are individual exceptions where European features stand out, the majority of people who are 25% non-white will be obvious.
It's not even a high standard to expect 95% white because the average white American is 98% white.
I've always wondered what is the cross-over between Sup Forumsacks and cancer-streamers viewers
learn to roll with the bantz you fucking faggot
White Britons doesn’t include “other whites” who are 5% of the population and growing but I get your point. I’m not assigning blame but I’m fairly certain there’s gonna be a purge of non whites on the continent within the next 20 years. Although I think the anglosphere is too cucked to help.
there's no wall and no limit on immigration, Pedro
in one generation whites will be a minority
good luck getting a job when everyone speaks Espanol, pedro
There are legit Amerimutts.
they're called Americans
this meme is literally what it's like living in america
Doesn’t include other whites which is 5% and will grow more. I get your point but if it counts for anything I’m pretty much certain there’s gonna be a fascist uprising across the continent within the next 20 years. Sweden won’t survive but everyone else might. You gotta bleach those latinas and get your birth rates up. It’s the only way
No shit. The whole forced meme by the way was started by fucking shills, everybody knows its bullshit. So polite sage.
that faggot cop is a Jew so not a white American
You're a country full of mutts. Majority of burgers Sup Forums users are mutts. This is proven by your meet ups where everyone is a mutt.
You wish it was a meme.
To me it is the Italian. It has those eyes I always see in Hispanics. Once someone drew those eyes and thought they were a white feature (It was an Italian of course) but I have my doubts, I see them all the time in Hispanics and even most North Africans.
I genuinely admire your optimism. Good luck I hope you all the best.
It is a bunch of photos of people piled on top of each other to see how the "average" looks
>loves being American
>doesn't say love being white
Mutt detected.
I always hate the "hurr durr ef u doo naught liek da mutd meim u r a mudt LEL," because the people who say that are mostly projecting Mexicans