>raging corruption in literally all republican powers
>blantant crime everywhere
>murders everywhere
>degenerate culture and lazyness everywhere
>globalism dominating and replacing traditional culture
When have you realized that all Brazilian problems could be solved by simply putting back the imperial family back in power and returning us to being a constitutional monarchy with the 1824 constitution? The Emperor back then had the power to depose anyone that is a traitor to the nation or over morality issues and would fight with all of his power to ensure our culture and our traditional values while moralizing the elites towards our future. I mean even Japan made an anime homage to D. Pedro II
It's more common in Big cities, sure it isn't as big as Bolsonaro supporters, but is growing as hell
Luke Wright
Oliver Martinez
My grandma was always a monarchist. I regret giving away her books on the monarchy, they were big volumes but I don't remember how many books, title or anything. Oh well, I still have 2 Dom Pedro II door knobs.
>corruption everywhere >I know, let's give all the political power to one person Are these monkeys for real
Oliver Howard
>I know, let's give all the political power to one person You know what a constitutional monarchy is?
Josiah Nguyen
>This monarchy is corrupt. Let's switch to democracy; that'll fix it. >This democracy is corrupt. Let's switch to monarchy; that'll fix it. Maybe the real key to a successful country is to ignore the human rights of a weaker country, conquer them, enslave them, and take their resources. That's a key ingredient which correlated with the rise in wealth of every great power in history, and they all stopped doing it just before becoming weak and poor again. All the products people want from their government don't just pop out of thin air; they come from human labor. If you have more food on your plate than you could farm, or a larger home than you could ever make with your bare hands, someone else put in the hard work to gather those resources, and then gave them to you. So conquer, or stay poor and do all your own labor, but don't blame it on your government in that case.
Someone please prove me wrong. I don't want this to be the case.
Adrian Richardson
>165532387 >raging corruption in literally all republican powers >blantant crime everywhere >murders everywhere >degenerate culture and lazyness everywhere I'm not opposed to idea of a monarchy, but you realize it wouldn't change this country's racial demographics?
>globalism dominating and replacing traditional culture kek I almost spat my sopa de macaco at the screen; I mean, oh no, we wouldn't want to lose that traditional brazilian culture, anything but that
If you heard about it a single time, you'd have heard far more about it than the average brazilian
The key factor to development is morality. Literally all western countries including Brazil were built on christian morality to the point that the society organized itself solely into it without a need of a strong government to regulate society towards something. Nowadays it is the opposite, as globalists and rich people realized morality stops them from earn money whereas an individual society with a profit-based morality is much more profitable, hence the need for strong governments to undermine individual liberties and moralities with taxes and constant ideological spamming that is suitable for globalists and rich people earn more money. Basically the state nowadays exists to curb you into becoming a slave and pay taxes to fund the rich, whereas it used to be the safeguard of morality and traditional culture.
Cameron Flores
> but you realize it wouldn't change this country's racial demographics? We used to be the 4th GDP of the world, respected worldwide even though we had the biggest nigger population of the world. Demographics are nothing if everyone follow the same morality
Josiah Watson
It was a military coup d'etat, we never wanted a republic
Cooper Thomas
the fuck, i thought this things only haven in hearts of iron tell me more brazilian-kun i need to now more about this thing
Blake Collins
Ever since Dilma's Impeachment, people started to realize that if we were a parliamentary monarchy we would have solved the crisis in less than a month, also the fact that the Emperor had the power to stop corrupted judges and politicians by simple decree was strong as fuck too and he could simply have solved the 2016 crisis in a second. It's basically the system is so rotten people are starting to question the republic itself. Hence the Bolsonaro Surge and this. The heirs of Dom Pedro II are starting to appear in National Television and their movement literally doubled in a year. youtube.com/watch?v=Q1MDkswFQl4
Dominic Bennett
This is retarded
Logan Allen
>these are the cucks pushing for this
Caleb Thomas
Retarded is Marielle's circus, Lula's caravan and Dilma's existence.
Daniel Phillips
Indeed. But Monarchy never works
Jordan Rivera
You'd be 100x better if you kept your Habsburg
Easton Lopez
>10,000 years >not working Ok.jpg
Landon Ramirez
brazil eh uma merda soh o pedolão memersom para salvar esse lixo