Ex lol pro has botched mtf surgury

And is now crying about it. mobile.twitter.com/idolMariya/status/978300559739576320

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why don't these morons understand that without the feminine penis nobody finds them attractive?

That's what they get.

We should meme the term cockostomy/orgasmtomy instead of that shitty SRS shit. It sounds like a venereal and its nice but no.

what is LCS

That's what happens when you try to treat mental illness by mutilating your body.

That's the result you're going to get when you live in an echo chamber of fellow mentally ill faggots.

Anyone who wants to cut their penis off should be hanged.


of course he's a fag he plays league of legends

league of legends tournament. For some reason gamers have tend a few loose screws. My friend who obsessed with League also wants surgery

This has to make some sort of impression on the gaming community. People can't just look at this and think "oh well." Like, I am utterly revolted by reading this person's tweets, and if I am revolted by it, then the average normie must be revolted 10x more than me.

Yeah bro u gay. I can see the man from a mile and im a horny mf uglyslayer.

>"If you help us make LCS, I will pay for your life altering surgery."
means 'win us the tourney and we'll cut your dick off'

DotA>League of Lesbians

Lesbian Clit Slice

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If an insane faggot pretends to be female that does not make him female. That just makes him an even more insane faggot.

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Christ, what an imbecile.

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I casually play League and I am the sole provider of an all white family. Given I maybe the exception

Remilia has leaked feminine penis somewhere

>treat with drug that successfully lets a trans person live as their assigned sex
>cut off the dick
Gee which one is less harmful to the patient

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just read that.. the fuck did he expect?

>getting your dick chopped off to think you are a girl

well I could see nothing going wrong her-

>does to Thailand to cheap out with a third world practitioner and not a slimy jew instead


At least when the jew mutilates you, you won't be damaged as much. Silly goyim.

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>Go to a country of subhuman ant people
>Pay some ant person to cut you
What a retard.

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This, what I would to suck a nice feminine penis.

lmfao, why didn't he just get therapy for his extreme social anxiety? he really thought getting his cock mutilated was the way to go? hahahaha

Can't zhe sue the Esport manager?

> the first female league of legends pro is a man

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That's what he gets for being a FAGGOT!

On the GORE note... if you want to see his botched vagina....


Just go to the description box of that video... it's nasty but that's what he gets!

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dude that's fucking disgusting!!!!!

why dont you fuck off or post the actual link instead of luring me with a link and then making me edit bits out. Cunt.

i'm going to throw up

Exactly. Without the dick they're just weird looking women with fucked up "vaginas".

"Anyone that says sue the surgeon, it was in Thailand at a sketchy clinic and he paid 5000 dollars cash for the procedure so everything was kinda off the grid. "

Jesus H Christ.

So fucking edgy!

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But is the asshole still tight?

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With 10 bottles of vodka I might bang it!

that doesn't look so bad desu.

This, its all about the feminine penis

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Top kek


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user please I'm trying to eat!!!!

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It doesn't look THAT bad.

Jesus fucking Christ. He had to have SOMEONE sane in his life to tell him this was a bad idea.

What is his real name?

it looks like it hurts

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That's a biological female, not a Frankensteined faggot.

i'm callin' samefag on these

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its almost like your groin area is chalk full of nerves and on wrong nip and its nothing but pain for ever. whowadathunkit

>Zionism in action

My sides are fucking dead

SHIT! I thought I was on Sup Forums


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Wait, this is remilia? He played a pretty mean thresh. Jesus something needs to be done about this.


kill yourself faggot, your videos are shit

Steve bringing heat

>Social anxiety makes you go to a thai doctor and get your dick cut off

Nigger what. Social anxiety makes you into a hermit. You withdraw and hide. You don't go to another country (without a meltdown), work with a foreign doctor who doesn't speak your language, get major surgery done.

Holy shit lol.

I don’t believe this at all. Thailand leads the world in lady boys.


Forgot to filter this SHIT flag!

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It'd be nice if this red pilled all the twitch normies about how fucked up trannies are.

Hopefully this will cause the backlash and reversal on this trans brainwashed disorder

This guy better hope he can get a Mr Garrison dick graphed back onto him.

You could just stop being a lazy faggot, muhammad.

Wait.. what?

True but most of them have dicks.

totally sane and NOT a mental illness
christ, they should all be sectioned

it's the official league, not a tournament, kind of like in real sports

Smefag namefag.
You need to go back

tends to happen when males take female hormones

>blames it on esports
They should hurry up and kill themselves.

You're only allowed to be supportive and encouraging of these brave and courageous people. Or are you some kind of bigot?

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>kind of like in real sports
as if I know about that either

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The poster is trying to pose as that youtuber as a way to get Sup Forums to 'raid' them. Not even youtubers are dumb enough to samefag with the same trip.

shame it didnt die from infection.

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But are trannies actually homos? By definition a homo wouldn't be attracted to a woman and that goes for men dressed as women. I've even heard about effeminate homos and trannies getting buttranged that actual homos don't want to fuck them because they're misogynists.

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go back to Sup Forums you retard

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That's not him, that's some other roastie, with a real vag

When the jew mutilates you at least you get a blowjob out of it.

>tfw the degenerate anime-loving "traps are not gay" faggots exterminate themselves from the gene pool

Perfect, everything going as planned

kek - fucking brutal

That ya dont remember!

No, they feel compassion for him. They're looking for people to blame already

top jej
look at all these white knights coming to the tranny's rescue

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>Dude pays you a salary to play LoL
>Adds a bonus of paying for your dick chopping surgery
>Goes to Thailand, land of traps, to get it done
>Tranny makes a conscious, personal decision to go through with the surgery
>They fuck up the surgery because it's one of the easiest surgeries to fuck up
>Blame the guy who went out of his way and made it all possible
Hope he is part of the ~50% who kill themselves

I have the same problem. It`s gory in there. Flesh and blood vessels. Pretty sure I have this problem because I`m mutilated (circumcised) and I associate the genitals with pain instead of pleasure. Sometimes I fantasize fucking a chick with a much more sensitive intact penis and the fear goes away.

>"First girl in LCS"
I want to kek, but...

It's just too stupid. Everything. All of it. This kind of (((stupidity))) encouraged by liberal lunatic communists is just too stupid sometimes. I was liberal once. I defended some of it, that's until (((liberalism))) started shoving their fantasy shit on to everyone as if it's reality and then started with the white genocide.

The war between trans pretend women vs. real women will be a good one if it ever happens. Real women will be easily displaced in all competitions by trans pretend women due to males having higher IQ brains and stronger biology.

Either a trans vs. female war will come of it or total submission.

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leaf you trying to hard to be aussie

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Gee maybe if he was mentally unstable he shouldn’t have paid someone to cut off his dick?

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This kind of just makes me feel very sorry of him and mad to those liberals and "activists" who enable and encourage this. You don't fucking encourage schizophrenics to embrace their imaginary voices, why would you make these mentally ill people think it's a good idea to seek out these desperate surgeries?

Cutting someone's duck off if they don't win used to be a threat.
Now it is the reward for winning.
How horrifying.

He's garbage. My Thresh is better.


Let's not forget when they mutilate our countries one by one by their very existence.

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What episode of Star Trek The Next Generation are these aliens in?

Jaces Croist

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>paying 5 grand to have your dick chopped off

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I`m being serious. It`s like a phobia of delicate tissues and pulsing blood.