Canadian singing, Canadian anthem

>Canadian singing, Canadian anthem

Attached: Screenshot_20180327_031619.png (808x524, 107K)

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good job canada, we had a huwhite women sing ours.

Attached: 423243243.png (1282x681, 273K)

Adrienne Louise Clarkson was the head of the Canadian government for a long time, hong kong born.

Fuck you too.

Attached: GG-Adrienne_Clarkson2.jpg (1200x1440, 393K)

Fuck you leaf gook

>germany is a sandnigger
Oh thank fuck we're not in that shit video.

so? nationality is not race is it?

Having seen both Canada and Sweden, there is no question in my mind that Canada is more cucked.

Attached: chinese_canada_56percent.jpg (980x716, 363K)

And after her we got a nigger, so ... yay?

why are you even on Sup Forums if you defend this kind of shit?

This is our anthem
btw Ch*nks cannot be Canadian

its fun to see all kinds of autism. personally I think white people are superior, but asians aren't that bad. at least they don't act like monkeys

did she sing half of it in french?

pick one bong

i’m perfectly fine with asians too, at least in small numbers. doesn’t make them canadian or mean they should represent canada. the only canadians are of european descent.

What race are you?

What is the American one

The only canadian I've ever met in my pathetic sheltered life was chinese. And the next week i met a korean guy and told him about it and he said "oh yeah those chinese are crazy". love the asian racism.

actually the only Canadians are the natives that lived here long before the europeans invaded :)
im a white immigrant from Italy

Is this why things became so shitty? Because we chink a foreigner, woman, CBC journalist to be our fucking head of government?

w/e they wuz railroad builderz n sheit
the Chinese and Natives are the only non-Euros with any claim to Canada

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I have more relatives in Canada and Australia than in Asian countries lmfao


Check on your cam girls in the next room Slavoj.

Attached: ahrin rat.webm (500x280, 2.8M)

what the fuck is she sucking that mouse's cock
i literally have seen that gif so many times and i dont get what the fuck is happening

wtf did I just witness

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natives are their own group. they didn’t do anything to build canada, their claim to canada is the fact that they existed and still exist after europeans built a country from nothing. i’m 1/8 native anyway, my grandma was half. am i real canadian? : ~ )

>Governor General
>having any real power
I didn’t know we were back in the 1920s?

>you will never be a rat getting free blowjobs, and then going down for a titty drink

if you have such a big problem with those european “invaders” building a country from scratch, that you now benefit off of. if you care so much about the poor natives that were conquered, then get the fuck out of here. go back to italy and quit benefiting off the country european “invaders” created and quit benefiting off the suffering of the natives. get the fuck back to italy

>head of the Canadian government
lol, she was the Governor-General, ffs
inb4 "technically"
Gov-General has no real power; considerably less than the Speaker of the House.

>"Clarkson arrived in Canada with her family in 1941, as a refugee from Japanese-occupied Hong Kong, and was raised in Ottawa."
She was born in 1939, so she arrived in Canada she was 2-years-old.

So long as she didn't sing the new bullshit gender-neutral version everyone hates and no one sings, it's OK by me.

but anyone can be canadian. asians actually are the most canadian of everyone

>actually the only Canadians are the natives that lived here long before the europeans invaded :)
that doesn't make them native, it only means they arrived here before the Europeans. They are NOT indigenous, that word has a meaning and it doesn't apply to peoples who didn't originate in Canada.
They are NOT native, that word has a meaning and it doesn't apply to peoples who didn't originate in Canada.

protip: they are aboriginal. there are no humans native, or indigenous, to Canada.

>asians actually are the most canadian of everyone
...because Canada's aboriginals originally came from Asia?

Attached: questionmarktrans.png (1386x2290, 421K)

that and it was a shitpost. you’re white right?

gook reaf is mad!
*runs away like naruto*

Attached: Chinese man brutally kicks an elderly librarian and runs away. Richmond, Canada.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)