>was too busy being gay
>want that extra gay now
Where's that leak thread at
Other urls found in this thread:
If we know, we can prepare for the false flag. Time to doctor antisemitic tweets.
> post no. 76324674
wouldn't that be like 2 years ago?
She would make a fine sacrifice to Moloch. They will rape and snuff her out in his name and then pin it on gun owners. Her sacrifice will spark the gun grab they've always dreamed of.
too bad Sup Forums has already caught on
I have it. Not gonna post it because at work. It's gross, small tits, fat thighs and hairy muff
It's a LARP but the general idea behind it seems pretty believable (Jews recruiting low-IQ 56% foot soldiers and manipulating and sacrificing them as needed to achieve their goals).
Emma is a Jew you retard.
isn't this child porn?
It's really chilling. How vulnerable we are right now. Even if there isn't a conspiracy a smart crazed leftist would have realised how easy it would be to annul the 2nd amendment, if they took it on themselves to kill any of the kids. If they were caught the media would be all too happy to use it anyway to push their narrative. They would ignore the shooters political orientation like they did with Paddock.
You're a kike.
No, but you're a nigger.
You guys will never learn how to shill because everything you do is diametrically opposed to what Sup Forums is all about.
Who the fuck would want nudes of that ugly dyke?
i'm pretty sure shes 18, might even be older.
Confirmed she's 18
Different post numbers for different boards. Image in the OP was posted on Sup Forums
all this is to make her more of a victim
well its not like i give a fuck, its not like if they decide to throw her under the bus anyone could do anything
stop propagating this, you'll be making her a victim even worse than what we're supposed to believe she is now
discord gg/XuevgZq
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