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Other urls found in this thread:

We are the silent majority, motherfucker.
Your fifteen minutes of fame are over and Trump isn't doing shit, because REAL Americans aren't gonna repeal thier rights.

Try this logic.
Just because a crazy manchild shot up his old high school doesn't mean that the sane people get to have thier guns taken away. Our gun control methods are perfect the way they are now

The pic on the left is literally their entire movement. Most of us are too busy working to attend some dumbshit rally.

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I will literally kill you...politically.

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Don't reply to B8 threads. sage and leave, they clog up the board.

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If we lose we all lose, dumbfuck

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>hunger games symbol on shield
>but the right makes fun of the left for this type of shit

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So you admit you are a "dick-snot loser." Nice.

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Let the Government wipe your ass, then. There's always gonna be someone like me down the road that will try set your ass straight. Your naive determination will drive our nation into the ground.

it's coming

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>liberal that has been pissed off since trump was elected is calling us mad

Lmao the irony

Britains dont know how many muslims extremists live in their country

Guess who owns the future. Sage

America has been molested for want of a better word. Just as it was coming into it's own, they pounced.....I'ts been stalked, flattered, seduced, bribed, coerced, led off alone where it could be better "handled", stroked, misled, taught to enjoy corruption, confused, seduced (did I already say that), bribed, shamed, triggered, shattered into multiple alters, cornered, separated from it's friends and family around the world, led by a shadow hand, LOOTED, pimped out, and made to pay for it's own trafficking and now, it's targeted, tortured and in a fight for it's life as many molesting targets find themselves.

My dad saw this coming decades ago bc he really knew the history of Rome right back to Egypt, and the movement of that power across the known world for millennia, over to England and then over to America.....sniffing out something about to blossom, that it could pick. That is what molesting really is. It's not about sex. It's about control and exploitation, it's about steering hands and minds, while making the target confused, isolated, plundered and enslaved.

I believe in you. Your friends believe in you. You're going to come out of this wise and a bit battle scarred as we all are, together, but, you're going to prevail, WE are going to prevail. You are not as alone as you seem to be. Keep going. Stick to your principles. Remember who you are. Remember what you were founded to be. Nobody's bitch. Stonger and wiser than Europe. Learned from her sad lessons.

Attached: Execution of Nazi SS officers in Leningrad.gif (318x233, 1.99M)

It just proves you have more lazy retards on your side.



Since 2016, they have come up with a myriad of things to try and dissuade us. They fail each time.

>1 million+ worldwide
>7 billion+ people in the world
>your movement amounts to a fraction of a percent of the world's population
Hopefully you guys understand just how worthless and insignificant you are.

Attached: dealwithit2.gif (384x216, 1.92M)

>that pic
>never heard of Sparta

The NRA is 5 million alone.
There are over 400 million guns in the United States

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As a member of le 56% face halfu quarted amerimutt. I feel sorry for the lesser races, as I have just enough intelligence to see how absolutely fucked they are if they succeed in removing the people that make the world run successfully from power and we devolve to worse then africa as billions of people become cannibals until the world is again brought down to 10,000 white people who band together and survive on the last outpost on earth and leave another population bottleneck marker in our genetics.

More self-proclaimed "dick-snot losers"

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it's coming

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>which one of these minuscule and irrelevant groups represent the future?

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Did you know that Honduras has no gun rights? They have the one of highest homicide rates in the world, though.

Switzerland, on the other hand, requires everyone to own at least one firearm and they have the lowest rate of gun violence in the whole world.

Really, it's just a character issue. Americans have a better character than you do, goblino. I would definitely trust my 12 year old brother with an ar-15. Any day of the week.

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Nice reddit tier meme there, faggot.

the moment whites became a minority and unite themselves is the moment the whole world will tremble

>There's always gonna be someone like me down the road that will try set your ass straight.
says the 15-year-old on /pol

>Our gun control methods are perfect the way they are now

You need to add that the problem is that they're not being enforced. Every single shooter, every single incident, was "known to the FBI", guy was "mentally unstable", "managed to get a gun anyway", etc etc. If laws were enforced in the USA, shootings wouldn't occur, but now you have Sheriff Israels all over the place so whatever

literally lemmings who would, if Adolf Hitler was in power, be goose stepping with the best of them.

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more proof the left can't meme. You will never win this war.

I'm 23. I have a good job and it pays me quite well. Oh, and by the way, we are on to your scheme because you are raiding this board.

Just let your identity issues subside and maybe you will be a patriot.

This is America.

You have it good, child.
Don't ruin the party for all of us, communist.

I will personally sit on a throne of niggerskulls

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Your 15 minutes are up. Go find a more constructive hobby. Oh, you just admitted you are a "dick-snot loser."

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it's coming

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Just admit you are a fag already.

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great thread
social engineering works


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Yes brother, it is

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So many people. And yet nothing will change in the end.
Leftis sure are weak faggots.

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Only cops should have guns they are trained enough to shoot unarmed niggers anyways because their safety first.

You keep pushing people right with all this BS, you are doing work for us. Thanks, at this rate we won't have to wait as long as Hitler did to come to power.

the idea that the masses ever change anything is the biggest lie told to us by the myth of democracy
it has always been the few that change the world
once the few get it going the masses fall in line like lemmings

Large crowds of unarmed leftist.

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>Tens of thousands
>Neither picture shows the 1-million that want to wash away the communist in this country and are waiting for them to do some shit to justify a purge without dragging the rest of the world into the fight.
>Muh your movements dead thread
>Both of these have the potential to hold up important roads.
I don't even have time to continue.

it's coming

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>shitskins overrun the civilized parts of the world
>outbreed them by 5-1
>self-hating whites voluntarily remove themselves from positions of power
>average societal IQ drops 10 points
>by 2050 America looks like the Congo
>by 2100 we're back to mud huts and hunting antelope with spears

I was always a little depressed that I was born too soon to explore the universe and all that shit. It makes me feel a little better knowing that actually I've arrived just in time to see the pinnacle of human technological development and that Elon Musk chucking a car in the general direction of Mars as a publicity stunt is the closest we'll ever get to colonizing other planets.

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Wow, you're going to win all of the kids over with your facebook and reddit memes!

it's coming

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All these kids just want days off school lol

it's coming

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Evil must be stopped


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I think they would've been more intimidating if they'd gone with the Rhodesian short shorts vs baggy cargo shorts. And functionally speaking, the extra cargo space doesn't compensate for all the drag.

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Public opinion always turns. Our days in the sun will come again.

Goring was pissed having to give up all those search lights