The Twisted Mind of Andy Warski

JF about reveal himself as the parasitic backstabbing manlet that he is in less than 10 minutes

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Are they breaking up?

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>all the claims about JF being a shitty person are now validated and turns on Andy over a bumpy moment in their relationship
No wonder people cried when Stalin died

But seriously why does Andi sound like a retard? I haven't listened to him much, only caught a few podcasts. Is his large subscriber base all due to JF and his guests or does he have any redeeming qualities?

He sounds like a retard because he has a stutter problem since youth. He had a fanbase due to making low-hanging-fruit anti-sjw videos. Only recently did he turn into hosting debates, and only even more recently did he take JF as a cohost.

He sounds like a retard because his only contribution to this whole skeptic-sphere is hosting the debate. He can't provide anything of substance. Also he mindlessly agrees with people who are amicable towards him. That matters a lot more to him than what they're saying.

He's been around for like ten years doing stand up and anti-sjw bitching on youtube. He started this political stuff after a bunch of "alt right" ecelebs got banned from some scam meetup being planned by "based mama".

>the moral nihilist won't even apologize
The court documents were right. He is a deluded crazy man. No wonder he's divorced three times and with child by age 32.

I wanted to like JF, but he's a Nazi.

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Holy shit, is this all just about JF snapping during the Jay Dyer debate? this is nothing but sargonites doing blatant D&C shit trying to split apart JF and Warski.

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>all these leaf shills think they are turning people against papa JF

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is this confirmed fake drama to stir more viewers?

What's the quick rundown?
Did Andy made fun of his potato fetish?

kek at these shills posting the exact same post in multiple threads

It's just leftists trying to divide Racewarski and papa JF.


>papa JF
Neck yourself e-celeb brown noser.

>my little discord group

one of us?

Can anyone give me a quick gestalt of what the fuck is going on?

I bet you would let someone like JF into your life and take you for a ride. Grow up.


multiple threads about fucking youtube (|((bloodsports)))) drama with the stuttering low iq andy and le nihilistic frenchman.ebin.

JF is really fun/interesting to listen to, but I do sometimes have to wonder if he's some kind of sociopath.
I'll still watch his videos regardless of how this drama turns out, though.


(((Andy Pires))) fucking up like usual.

Notice how it's the same leaf posting the exact same posts and the exact same replies in multiple threads. Really makes ya think.


>tfw he doesn't know JF is a leaf

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You can live in Canada and not be a leaf.

>name his live stream the "Twisted Mind of Andy Warski" and ironically condescends weak-mined Andy as being manipulated after Andy clarified he just wanted to have more fun kumite type shows
>it's a psyops to break JF and Andy apart REEEEE!
JF fans are pathetic

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Quebecois are leaves, buddo

warski chill strea.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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What the fuck is going on here? everything seemed fine yesterday and now suddenly there's apparently another Kraut-style E-militia trying to take everyone down and Andy is involved or being brainwashed by sargon or some shit? and how is JF stabbing him in the back? can anyone give me a quick rundown?

I wouldnt marry him but I 100000% would rather watch jf hosting mike enoch, jared taylors etc than andy "chill streams"

the only reason i care about these guys is that they give a platform to interesting people

No doubt, but I get if Andy can't coordinate and host 5 debates a week. I've said from the beginning that they should pace themselves and stick to a few main "headliner" debates and let the rest be organic hangouts where shit might just happen.

He's literally going to explain it soon in this stream, just sit around and wait to see

>I have never gone out with ugly retards

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>he's still taking shots at Andy after he left

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as hard as JF is trying to disguise it, he is violently livid this is happening

It feels like he's permanently burning bridges with Andy. I don't understand the context of the Purple Dragons thing, but it sounds like JF basically trademarked and stole an idea Andy had, apparently primarily to spite Andy.
Maybe there's something I'm missing, but it seems like JF absolutely detonated their relationship.

>caring about this drama
You guys think you're redpilled by listening to these people but it's just more idol worship like the normies do in Hollywood.


What exactly happened with JF and Andy? Did Andy suck Jim's dick more?

JF watching George Lincoln Rockwell :

what is jfs endgame

Why does JF sound like a supervillian?

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Was this all because JF got angry and told Andy to stfu in his debate with jay dyer

He's being wrapped up in more internet fame and it's watering his content down, I don't even know what his endgame is anymore

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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>I don't understand the context of the Purple Dragons thing
It was from earlier this afternoon when Andy was on Kumite and brainstorming a new name for his new show and direction. JF is joking about trademarking it but he is obviously still pissed off and trying to play it off as jokes. the same way he's been doing since he snapped at Andy and all this started a few days ago.

JF had a highly autistic and abstract debate with Jay Dyer who is a philosopher who believes logic is proof of god. Andy interrupted. JF exploded at him.

We are starting to see why JF has had 4 divorces

I sitll think he's interesting and a better part of the debate phenom than Andy

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Seems to be the case. It's literally nothing, but sargonites seem to have used it as a foothold to blow it up and cause consensus cracking.

letting sargonites exploit you is dumb as fuck tho

Andy's 90 IQ ego is bruised

Not even IBS general and you post, you never miss a beat!

Truly inspirational

Agreed. I listened to the Jay Dyer debate over the weekend and I thought that one moment when JF snapped was funny, but I didn't think anything else of it. JF gets autistic and a little heated and it clearly wasn't meant as any big deal.

But apparently all the shills whispering in Andy's ears worked. They found their weak point. Took them 4 months of relentless shilling but here we are.

I tuned out of the IBS shit for a while and I see this happening

What the fuck happened?

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consensus-cracking D&C

hence why JF should be conciliatory and understanding...

Halsey cast a mind control subversion spell last week

what is consensus cracking exactly. Seeding info contrary to the consensus over time?


Thank you!
I just really, really, really, want the public to know that.. I wanna sniff brat ass.

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Andy can't just tell JF that he's dropping him, so he's tying to slowly phase him out.

Smart move imo

I agree, it seems his autism is preventing him from taking a common-sense approach to mending this little faux pas instead of letting it come to a boil and then doing an expose on shills. Oh well, that's life for you. I'm sure this shit will blow over.

called it.
never go against liberalists, or you pay the price

Too many mediocre people in it for themselves and not any cause or purpose. And that kind of place attracts the most arrogant, vapid people anyway


>it's a Kraut scheme again

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Nobody gives a shit about Andy chillstreams

JF doesnt need Andy to host interesting debates

>We are starting to see why JF has had 4 divorces
This. He did all that by the time he was 30. Not a good sign. And now He's calling Andy a cuck. JF fans have serious cognitive dissonance

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okay so basically. Ty

Andy doesn't think so. Plus he's still butthurt that JF called him a retard.

Which is why he's doing this.

I think he is handling this unbelievably stupidly and not being a good friend


PHD in psychology here. There is no doubt that he's a sociopath.

JF is a backstabbing kike

That's a little terse for a PhD. If you're not memeing, could you elaborate?
What particular behaviors have convinced you that he's a sociopath?

To be fair, as someone who is only recently interested in /ibs/ because Ryan Dawson is scheduled, JF does seem to be the one carrying the show and I wouldn't blame him. Andy seems to be the face of the show for the public. Andy doesn't seem like an intellectual.

Much like the Dawson v Destiny debate, Destiny just sat there and listened, like a good bitch. Andy should be quiet and let intellectuals talk.

>JF says Andy acts too emotional
>During the debate with Jay JF starts losing and spergs out

if there was any doubt JF has decided to blow up the partnership tonight, its not there anymore

Who did not see this coming?

JF is a lunatic leech who's abused women, he knows how to control them, its not far fetched he knows how to control weak willed men aswell

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andy was cucking, which effects JF's livelihood


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>white collectivism
>can't even agree on the show where you get free money shoved down your crutch

Low-energy Andy

And there we go, point of no return

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t. Krautling

"it's just banter brah!"- JF, 2018


Spineless Warski

These e-celebs always get a big head, they can't just do the bit and collect their shekels. it's a job, its a jewtube shitshow, it's not some high creative endeavor. Andy doesn't realize that no one watches this shit for his comedy.

I love JF

Destroyer of KEKS AND SOYBOIZ.

Fucking hell JF. Why are you doing this. You are jeopardizing the ethnostate JF! The ethnostate JF!

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t. Frenchi nigger

Keep up the superchats, gotta feed this Canadian rapist

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Andy Warski doesn't set policy and you're no different than an 80 IQ mutt girl that watches The Kardashians. You will never contribute anything meaningful to society. You are a vapid, low potential loser who's passion for frivolous and ultimately meaningless political equivalent of a diss track exposes what a failure you are all away across the internet.