>Actually respects the constitution
>Literally for small goverment
>Unirronically don't support warmongering
>Actually Faithful to his blonde American waifu
>Literally lived in Ron Pauls balls
>Unirronically Americas last hope
How does it feel to know you voted on a gameshow host who went bankrupt 7 times?
Rand Paul 2020
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open boarders kiss ass. I hate his fucking guts
He actually seems better than Trump right now.
>How does it feel to know you voted on a gameshow host who went bankrupt 7 times?
Feels pretty good. Aside from that Syrian airstrike and the omnibus bill, he's done everything right. Even China just capitulated and said they need to talk to him about these tariffs.
>gets ass beat by neighbor because he cuts his grass at 3am
We've had enough of your shit Rand
>>Literally lived in Ron Pauls balls
he's got my vote
Open border policies negate all of those things.
He would probably be an even bigger grenade to the establishment than trump, since the media can't paint him all day and night as Machiavellian idiot that's poor out of touch rich guy with corrupt values while espousing stupid conservative values. More over, he would likely happily veto any tard bill from congress, which would send them into epileptic fits.
I voted for Trump purely because he caused major ass pain to the section of the population I hate most and for no other reason. Rand Paul is limp wristed appeaser like his dad.
Maybe Trump will pave the way for Randlet 2024. I'd love to see him veto every CR that comes to his desk until Congress gets it right