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Opinion discarded
ya like all brazilians lol aye
leftist meme thread?
All I see is photoshop potential.
That's a pretty small condom, why did you receive this ad user? forget to clear your search history after online shopping again user?
nothing says success like Brazil
1. Brasil and 99% of other countries are full of faggots 2. that art-style is cliche and lame as fuck 3. he was born already so who cares
Lol, niggers learned how to talk shit but not clean shit. Fucking niggers.
In the post WW2 era if you are not Russia or china then no one gives a fuck about your opinion
It's funny because Trump and his Jewish cronies are doing everything they can to ensure that America turns into Brazil.
Given that it is in English I highly doubt this ad is Brazilian. Sage and hide
lmao the left will never learn to meme
the only ammo they have is trumps skin color, weight, or promiscuity. Their entire agenda for past five years is promoting HAES, skin color irrelevance, and fighting slut shaming. Then it all goes out the window when the memes hit lol
>Anything more than a shithole that has a parade every now and then
Then why isn't it in Portuguese, you faggot?
>giving a fuck about opinions
>from other countries
You're a retard. A tool of internationalism.
It's a fake ad that never aired in Brazil.
Why is it in English?
Kek Never saw this shit.
Also, most brazilians aprove Trump.
Objectively false. The US has more faggots than Brazil if you take into consideration that soyboys, bissexuals and all kinds of effiminate men are considered faggots regardless of what they claim to be.
>he thinks the pee tape is real
Muitoa aprovam mesmo, macaco?
Ou é só o pessoal do seu apartamento?
> Not even a real country
> from a Brazillian condom ad.
it really isn't
Sopa de macaron una delicia
Objectively false, Brazil is full of socialists and every single one of them is a faggot.
>implying cartel ran borders are legit countries
You sure about that user?
> Le country where 90% favor gun control according to Fox News
good bait lmao
> Implying Brazil is Mexico or Colombia
>somehow speaks an even dirtier langauge than both Colombia and mexico
Well will not tolerate resistance we updated are flag now update your constitution.
>Brazilian ad
>Aired in English
>Didn't air in Portuguese
Fucking stupid.
Yep, better cut off some kids penises and start electing trannies to avoid being the fucking laughing stock of the world
That'll help
> Somehow was colonized by England but manages to speak Spic
So I guess you dont mind linking me to all this evidence?
Source for said ad?
>small condom
There's an entire person inside of it
Jesus, user, how big is your dick?
Knowing brazil they will just try to cook some rice in it later.
Marketing: Eugenics is real, some of you don't deserve to have genes live on.
Consumer: Haha- I need these because of the above... proceeds to spend money to remove themselves from the gene pool.
Who the fuck cares about Brazil?
Brazilians telling who should live..
Fake and gay, not only this is not a real ad as it's not even in portuguese, whoever believes this thing is a idiot.
Too clever for inbred monkeys. Someone else must have made it
Brazil. That ghetto ass country? Really?
rank 75 in gun ownership
8 guns per 100 people
18.1 firearm homicides per 100k people
United States of America
Rank 1 in firearm ownership
88.8 firearms per 100k people
3.2 firearm homicides per 100k people (mostly blacks shooting other blacks)
body shamings bad mkay
Brazil is a shithole country
From the number of malnurished nigglets and shanty town residents, you wouldn’t think that Brazilians knew what condoms even were.
Our situation is worse than yours.
Hi LeftyPol hows it goin.
> using JIDF memes
Yeah we know it’s you JIDF.