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Other urls found in this thread:



no thanks, I much prefer MSNBC

yeah... the news is a scheduled thing

>I much prefer sucking cocks and watching my sister get blacked
I said sister because there's no way a cuck faggot like you could ever get a gf.

Butt monkeys do.

It's fucking 9:48. What could possibly be happening at the end of the show?

Nothing is ever happening. Nothing will ever happen. Accept it, goy.


we are stuck in happening purgatory forever

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So, this is unrelated, but hi I'm a newfag from reddit, been using Sup Forums as my main thing for like 2-3 months now. I only mention that because I was a redditor for years, and one of the things that always pissed me off about them was that they could not keep time at all, in a musical/rhythmic/poetic sense. Like, they write out parodies to popular songs, and they'd be off by a few beats so that it would sound like shit if you actually sang it, or the meter would be all fucked up. You listen to the music that they make and it is such shit. It's all "I just got some hipster synthesizer with some sick samples and a looping program. Watch me loop a four note "melody" played with a trendy sample as I lightly vary small things to give the impression of variation". The people who try their hand at poetry, too: They suck in the same way. They confuse expression with impressing. Like, their goal is to get told they're good boys, but you guys... You guys are the real deal. My peeps. You can write out a poem and have it actually roll off of the tongue; stay in meter.
I was just browsing around the other day and some bro posted his music. Was a neet like a lot of you guys, said he was considering offing himself, and holy fuck, his music was actually really, really, really good. Like listen-to-able.

So yeah thanks for being awesome, Sup Forums. Isn't it weird, though? Like, what about reddit fags makes them incapable of keeping a beat, or, I guess it's deeper than that, really.. Is it just intuition? I dunno, anything that you have a maintain a constant sense of presence within yourself to achieve (like feeling a song while you're making up new words to it so it comes out right, or feeling the music enough to anticipate the changes in such a way that it leaves you free to create from desire rather than rehash by rote) is lost on them. Must feel weird, to be lacking that ability to go inside and create/recreate within yourself.

they mentioned stuxnet,iran,israel
jewtube silences fox medias for 1+ weeks now heavily..

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fuck off potato nigger

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>How do we keep the octogenarians hanging on the edge of their seats at 9pm
Its literally always nothing.

What's that sitch? I don't have Fox News because [see flag]

They don't have Fox in Canada?

The new Time magazine was released

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Fox is p2p, like all murican news channel.


Is this the story?


you gotta add the month/year and shit

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Did he tick or tock?

red dawn the game?

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it was just a tick the tock is tomorrow

Have to pay additional for it in most Canadian cable packages, it's usually bundled with 7-10 shitty stations so incentive Is low. Cnn is the only American news station that is on all basic cable packages lol

Too ashamed to reveal your real flag. You must come from an utter (((shithole))).

Peen to pooper or pussy to peen?

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Wow, the true despair

Fuck you

Good point

I get Fox News, it's just part of the news bundle here

It’s too late to tune in now (watch the rerun) but it was a good show. He talked about the hypocrisy of our media with the Stormy Daniels bullshit, and he had Paula Jones and Juanita Brodderick as guests.

What's happening goys? Can't turn on fox

Literally nothing

Either you elect traitors from the left, who are ready to import mudslime and mexicans and shove niggers down your throat, or you elect traitors from the right, who will send you to die for Israel and waste all your taxes in the process. How did we even get to this point? (rhetorical question, I know it's the Jews)

I don't get my news from an entertainment channel.

go back to dying from no potatoes in the only european nation that never discovered or conquered anywhere never founded a nation and now live on gibs from england and eu mick, only real countries can post here. the south WILL rise again.

> live

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Is this pasta? Noone wants to read your fucking blog post faggot.

Back to r3ddit

>renowned mound hound pounded mound
This only makes Trump look better to his constituency, except for the evangelics, who were already well aware of this anyway.

Where in the fuck do you get it then? Its all entertainment you fucking retard.

capitalist greed and lobbys duh underage band or aboveage dumbfuck pleb

Pretty good but the communist red star isn't lined up correctly. Pointed end up.

>greed and lobbys
I already said Jews

Yet not ashamed enough to hide behind a meme flag. (((You))) pathetic turd.

I don't care anymore. One time there was a thing where my phones started screaming at me about some alert that I didn't give a fuck about because some fucking gook somewhere didn't know how to use the emergency alert thing properly. All our tech is setup to turn on and flash doompaul memes when the happening happens. I'm just numb now.

hannity and tucker are the only beacons of hope in this liberal infested media that wants Trump to fall.

fuck off, Joe. btw, didn't you kill your intern?

Just a reminder that its been 3,260 days since he promised he would be waterboarded for charity. :^)

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There, a bit more authentic.

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Go fuck yourself

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Confederate memefag dissing the Irish who fought on their side in the Civil War.

Babby's first (you)s

me and my wife's son love MSNBC

Looking from the outside in, what is your opinion on say Fox, CNN, NBC, ABC?

My wife and myself were just talking about the CNN airport monopoly we have to deal with. Same with cruise ships. We went away for 5 days last month and all we got was shitty CNN. Like not even the main CNN but something like a news channel like a small college could put together.

>How To Keep An Idiot In Suspense: The Show

I use it in a inverted pentagram to wink at the satanist handlers behind it all. Those who are after whites, the guns, the freedom, etc...

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I think the left underestimates both the libertarian support and the conservatives voting for ANYTHING that isn’t far left. A lot of people simply don’t care about the Stormy thing.

>if you say anythign back to your bully
>you're a sexist racist homophobe

He's interviewing Juanita Brodderick and Paula Jones because he's stuck on an alternate timeline where Hilldawg won.

>How dare you criticize those victims! They are teenagers who just suffered so much, have you no shame! These young kids do not deserve such treatment... Now watch us prop them up as political tools to push gun control, language police, internet censorship and btw, they should vote.

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Yeah, every day at the same time.

>So, this is unrelated, but hi I'm a newfag from reddit

I've heard enough. You have to go back.

stale pasta

Hannity is the worst host FOX News ever hired.

this, I watched all off this, there was not even a fucking thing about fishing there. I don't understand why you watch your tv if there is no fishing, not even a single small reportage about boats. Just the usual CNN lying and jews trying to stage this #JewToo thing on trump, which everyone knows is just bullshit anyways.

I was atleast hoping for something about the parkland shit being broke, and then at least something about a new ice fishing record also being broke

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It's either Shepards Smith or Juan Williams


its nothing they are talking about fbi informant and the gay night club shooting

who the fuck still has cable

i haven't read this thread but I guarentee nothing happened on Hannity. I see this thread every night and nothing ever happened.

>metaphorically grabs the pussy
>trump fucked willing adults
>clintoon was assaulting women
>literally grabbing the pussy

Have it your way.

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this is the strangest bait I've seen in awhile but here's your (You)

>People actually read this word for word



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Do you watch it with your wife's black son?

>unironic Hannity threads and worship
Why do I come here anymore?

Dude anhero ASAP

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we get it, just not in HD unless you pay extra

Check. Kek

paying the cable TV jew for propaganda
no thanks


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loser meme flag. fuck you faggot. put your flag on or suck a big purple cock

Kek, the memeflag shill is really trying to sell that shit hard. Hope that fucker gets an extra shekel before he necks himself.

are you retarded ?
>what is context, nigger

who has a rundown?

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is it our xer?

was range banned, testing

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That means you're gay

Meme flaggot

This is my pasta from Sup Forums please dont post here

Yeah i read the whole thing I dont know why. Fuck it heres a (you)