How come this guy and his idea about rescuing your father is so popular on Sup Forums when all of you already love your parents? What does it mean to rescue your father?
How come this guy and his idea about rescuing your father is so popular on Sup Forums when all of you already love your...
Wipe your ass.
From what I can gather, it's some type of metaphor for the fact that our fathers disappointed us, but they still expect a lot out of us, so if we rise to the occasion and take responsibility, we become the men our fathers were never and we also rescue our real fathers in the sense that we make them proud of us.
That's how I see it, anyway.
>is so popular on Sup Forums
It's not. Stop shilling.
at 26 I'm teaching my father more about women, race, and society than he learned in 6 decades. Boomers, man.
weave your basket
Ok. I haven't listened to him, but when I heard "rescue you father from the underworld" I thought about my own life where I hadn't talked to my dad in years, so I thought "underworld" was the alienation from yourself, and rescuing him from that would be to reconnect with him. I didn't understand why that message was popular with Sup Forums because I have posted a lot of threads about how only unevolved people love their parents etc. and I always get disagreement from almost everyone, meaning everyone already love their parents, so where is the need to rescue your father?
What do you mean by "our real fathers"?
Thanks for the idea tho.
most of Sup Forums is bastards or otherwise kids born into absentee parents
thats the only explanation of JP being popular here at all
but how can you teach your father about women if you never talked to any?
are you 12
thats how a 12 year old would understand that line
As someone that has talked to women, it would take a while to explain to you, but asking for help was a good first step bro.
>I thought about my own life where I hadn't talked to my dad in years
show of hands, who else has gone through this with their boomer father? I thought I had just drawn in friends that were like me, but perhaps this is more frequent than I expected
Our real fathers as in we become the men we should be, and we become the men our biological fathers never were.
That's where you're different from me.
He talks about how we are living in societies built by people who are old and long dead. The values that make western societies great are in a sense outdated, because they were created hundreds of years ago.
Although they are outdated, they are still relevant, but need to be updated to modern times and applied to modern times. For example, Thomas Jefferson never said anything about Facebook Privacy specifically, but he did say "Whenever you do a thing, act as if the whole world were watching".
Rescuing your father from the underworld is about revivifying the values and presuppositions from the past (or the 'underworld') to modern times. Remembering what we have forgotten.
There's not much I can say in reply to you since we have entirely different interpretations.
you literally have zero clue what JP is talking about if you can reduce his argument to something about your dad
Then educate me, you mexican FAGGOT.
That's my own interpretation of it, I have read dozens of different interpretations about "rescue your father" and "clean your room".
I hear he’s popular on Reddit, try there.
see even a fucking abbo understood it better than you
The abo had a good interpretation, but it's just one interpretation.
We need Dr Jordan Peterson himself to resolve this issue.
>claims to understand JP
>hides behind postmodernist relativism
It doesn't mean anything to us, it's a metaphor for himself.
Everything he's ever said was projection about himself.
We cannot continue this discussion until Dr Jordan Peterson himself clears up any confusion. Stop being a trouble making cat.
the saddest thing is the abbo was quoting his pinocho lecture verbatim and you still want "verification"
the reason why we cannot discuss the further is that you either don't know the work or dont understand even the basic points of it
You are not Dr Jordan Peterson. The abo just had one interpretation.
We need Dr Jordan Peterson here, ASAP. I'm getting worried, we need to resolve this issue.