What would it take for an alliance between these 2?

What would it take for an alliance between these 2?

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Forced assimilation and alliance by destroying all Anti-Fa obstructionists.

SAGE IN ALL FIELDS, slide thread

Both of them are controlled opposition and taking you away from your true calling.

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they already the same, also sage.

Nuclear winter

Fascists are capitalists and promote "class collaboration" and corporatism. They are not socialists, no matter what propaganda you read says. I personally don't really care all that much about the Jew stuff and nationalism, but understand that it does go against a lot of the Marxist doctrine. I mainly just support the economic aspects, but a lot of the Antifa types and people calling themselves leftists, anarchists, communists these days are very interested in the "social justice" idpol
LGBTQ, world revolution/globalism (Trotskyists) aspects as well, while I frankly just don't give a shit about that. Neither did Joseph Stalin, but I digress.

Leftcoms will say nationalism is bourgeois and a tool of capitalists to brainwash the masses, but there also does exist concepts like "Socialism in one country", Juche (NK system, pretty nationalistic), Chinese socialism, and "Social patriotism". Leftcoms and anarchists are the people that mostly make up Antifa.

Antifa were literally founded by Jews in order to assault Europeans who refused to submit to Semitic interests. Antifa has no other ideology or agenda.

It was called the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

>everything is a slide thread waaaaaaaaah

Fucking pussy. You kikes hate the thought of an alliance between whites, especially considering both groups are pro gun.

nothing they already are

That could never happen. The ones in control of the antifas are driven by a different motive and they aren't willing to take any other groups on board. Most of antifa don't even know what the fuck they're really doing, they are a mob who think they are doing one thing but they are actually just useful idiots and they should be exposed. Police let them get away with it in Canada because because they are actually led by the gov and they don't know because they have a leader who is not officially affiliated to them. Antifa will always be there to inforce the views of the establishment and to decent upon the rational people who try to hold public gatherings to express their perfectly rational opinions. Antifs is a bunch of government thugs who just don't know it yet, they're useful tools.

Yeah, I was thinking this too, considering Antifa's beliefs make no sense. Both groups would improve without Jews.

So I guess the question becomes, how do we redpill them that they are being used by Jews?

Querfront. And then accept Hitler praising muslims.

Unfortunately the entire nu right is still mostly useless. Boomer cucks, Zionist "crusaders" for Israel and literal sheep who believe they are red pilled.

Oh yeah and some nutjobs who seriously shilled for months, almost a year that pic related would reinstate the 4th Reich. So much retarded trash out there, it's unbelievable.

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Well, a plan I thought about would be for all of us to join Antifa, and just slowly bring them away from supporting Jews. Like just say "bankers" or whatever.

Kill all Trotzshits

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You mean "globalists"

The genocide of Jews

>muh means of production
Classical Marxism has been made obsolete by modern genetic science. The only truly valuable capital is genetic capital. As a member of the European master race, you are in possession of the genes of production.
Antifa are literally just a bunch of people gathered together by Jews in order to attack the enemies of Jews. The ranks of antifa are filled with criminals, perverts and drug addicts. They were never convinced through ideology, so they cannot be turned through ideology. If you really want to bring over antifa, you will simply have to pay them better than the Jews, provide them with more narcotics than the Jews and give them greater political and legal cover to wage consequence free street violence than the Jews. (protip: you can't)

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how so ? antifas are pro palestine . all commies i know are pro palestine , and every protest they make they always show palestine flag .

Francis Parker Yockey's vision to come true

already a thing

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Stalinism is a closer neighbor to Hitlerism than Antifascism ideologically tbqh.

they're the same thing, except one side knows it, and the other's too stupid to know it.


Show me one example of antifa physically attacking a gathering of zionist Jews.

It was only a matter of time you fags joined each other.

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>criminals, perverts, drug addicts
Yeah, youcdo have a point. Especially with drug addicts and perverts. Every time an Antifa gets doxxed, they are always into some crazy ass sexual fetish. And every drug addict I know is Antifa, so you do have a point.

Whoop die doo!
Ban for the Jew!

Even if it doesn't exist, we'll just start pushing the narrative.

Its Bernstein bears that's not spelled correctly..


The kikes sure love their pets. But as the suit wearing rats that they are, they sure love their optics equally. They prefer the Jewish mafia of the ADL and SPLC and other pressure groups of the "diversity alliance". And if you need violence, you can always rally a BLM nigger or send Mossad for the hard cases like Ernst Zundel.

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>What would it take for an alliance between these 2?

The destruction of both obviously.

They both hate Jews, so if the Jews start controlling huge aspects of the media and politics, then-


Antifa hates Jews?

They already are, one is just the useful idiot of the other. Not sure which one though

Antifa are commies, and a lot of commies hate Jews. They basically embody the "capitalist pig" scapegoat. Pretty sure Marx hated Jews even though he was Jewish too.

I could see far-left and far-right uniting against (((the eternal Jew)))
After all, "the 1%" is overwhelmingly kike.

>facist are capitalist
Stopped reading


Deciding to go after the Elites together for once. We can only decide what system replaces it when the corrupt one is dismantled fools!
Obviously ANTIFA is highly political, and they have their own opinions. As do National Socialists. Though which one really matters under the Global Bankers rule?

Oh geez at least try not to be so transparent next time, jew.

all the commies to be dead, and used for fertilizer. hail victory


haha holy shit communists are fucking dumb


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>Leftcoms will say nationalism is bourgeois
Only Jews say this. Everywhere but Israel.

What's wrong with class collaboration and corpatism? The working class does not hate the rich. The middle class does. Commies will never understand the working class mentality because they are not working class. National Socialists were working class.


They want the same things already just believe in different methods.

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That one politically illiterate lolbertarian in every thread

I'm working class. I want a fair shake and to be apart of something greater than myself. I don't care about land reform or who owns the shares. Work is just a means to pay the bills. Most of what I do for fun costs little if nothing at all.

>hurr durr "national socialism" means they were socialist

>I-it's not like other socialism, its white power socialism

Define socialism. On one hand they nationalized the unions and mandated wage/benefit floors, etc. On the other hand the only cash welfare for able bodied men was funded entire by donations. The winter relief program.

You're correct though, in the modern sense the National Socialists were neither nationalist nor socialist.

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They were about as forthright as "socialism in one country" Stalin.

They can ride the helicopter together.


racial solutions failed in the 20th century, only fucktards are using racial solutions to solve 21st century problems. it's just real committed fucktards, that's the fucking demographic.

nothing but faggots in this thread