What are Progressives progressing to?
What are Progressives progressing to?
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>both kids are faggots
Maybe it's high time they get their water tested.
>being a faggot before you have gone through puberty.
It's time to take the kids away from their parents.
You sure you have enough manpower to do that?
the oven
Their vision of a utopia achieved through complete domestication. Besides the turbofag tumblrites this is the prime example of what the end goal is for you and your sons.
Out of the 18th century.
Guarantee they are raised by single mothers.
>be american
>love freedom
>hate people exercising their freedom to be whatever they want
As CIA puppets they naturaly go to Orwell 1984
This is the type of man who desperately wants to trade the liberty he has to own a firearm for the illusion of security/comfort provided by big daddy government.
Thanks to progressives humanitarianism and altruism will be bred out of the gene pool within a couple of generations.
yuck these are everywhere
Internment camps
>Be Sweden
>Lecture americans about freedom
>Get cucked by mohammed and ackbar'd into oblivion
a good question
this should be a standard pushback response
>be American
>don't want deranged faggots in the bathroom with my daughter
>Swede critiscizes this rational decision
Its no wonder you let yourself get so cucked.
>be an American
>believe in freedom but wary about how said freedom is turning people away from basic American values
>the left and the media calls me a bigot and assures me that the slippery slope isn't real
>ok, whatever
>10 years forward
>my only child comes back from school, he says that he is actually a she and that he wants to start hormone treatment and mutilate his genitals
>"Mrs Goldberg told me that gender doesn't exist, dad!"
>next day comes
>social services come and take my child away, calls me a bigot
>I appear in the local news and I lose my job because I'm a misogynist and a transphobic individual
But hey, at least I was "progressive"
I bet my kidney both those kids will die of AIDS before 40
so do you want freedom or not? there is no inbetween
The extinction of the nuclear family, which would cause future generations to become more and more (((Progressive))) until textbooks won't even be used in schools. Feelings will. We're already starting to see this in colleges and in the media, but this is just the beginning. (((They))) started this with the Frankfurt School. And they're not gonna stop trying for a long, long time. The end goal is to dumb us down to the point of almost mental retardation, turning us into robots that feed off the MSM and pop culture.
>this study
It's clickbait bullshit. The number is around 96%, confirmed. Please do not delude yourself into thinking 50% of all people will contract your illness. It's unbecoming of rational thought.
>muh semantics
Classic passive agressive behaviour. No wonder why your women prefer nigger dick when you idiots act like bitches.
sodom and gomorrah
how did we let things get out of hand, god i remember just being oblivious as kid about shit like that and being a kid playing outside and with friends.
>unable to answer simple yes or no question due to low IQ
>resorts to ad hominem
oh boy am i laffin
>yes, I mean to use the Spanish version. That's the joke.
>freedom has to be absolute
What the fuck do you thing the rule of law is for faggot? The freedoms I want are outlined in the constitution
where in the constitution does it say that you can't be for example trans?
They think they’re progressing towards a society where the entire world is at peace and everyone’s basic needs are taken care of by the state.
What they’re really progressing towards is a world of never ending civil conflict between ethnic groups and religions, where the state decides every aspect of their lives under the pretext of keeping them safe.
The biggest flaw of the progressive movement is its denial of human nature. They actually believe government is trustworthy and will grant them a paradise if only those mean old republicans would agree to disarm everyone and raise taxes to soviet levels.
Where in the constitution does it say that I have to respect your deranged opinions on the definition of gender? You can chop your dick off, I don't give a fuck, but that dosnt mean that society is going to be formed or cater to your deranged ideas
christ we need to fucking fight it. people need to die for the shit they have done. if we do nothing, we deserve a fate a thousand times worse than the depths of hell.
A cliff hopefully.
>respect your deranged opinions
you live in a democracy, no?
Civil War 2 will be a fun weekend
Yes, one that progressives are constantly trying to undermine.
>muh Hillary got more votes
>muh federal judges
>muh Russian cullsion
Fuck off faggot
No we don't live in a democracy. Learn some fucking American civics before you make ignorant assumptions like that, Ahmed.
Kid on the left doesn't look very happy probably full or ssris and amphetamines
A simple thought out post that will end up being ignored because it contains no bait or edginess
Here's a (you)
"a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader..."
direct democracy and representative democracy are both forms of democracies
>living in a democracy mean you have to respect everyone's opinion
Yeah, let's just let the pedophiles and the jihadis run the show while we're at it. Kys swedecuck
Poor Swedes like you will never understand the love of freedom...
Disgusting fuckers.
HIV is almost a non issue now.
They aren't they just virtue signal the most sensational thing at the time.
Frequently, it's to the benefit of an out-group, because the in-group won't persecute them, and if the out-group succeeded, they have more options.
Progressiveness is a female reproductive strategy, and a complacent, dishonorable way to advance a civilization. It makes sense though, as women who were willing to give up tribal loyalty continue to reproduce.
The west fj
>What are Progressives progressing to?
CHAOS; everything and I mean everything has to become borderless.
You seem to be implying that freedom can have no restrictions whatsoever and that you cannot draw boundaries and judge things and that it's either all or nothing, when in reality this is not at all the case. How is it difficult to understand that some modes of behaviour are unacceptable and that society should hold people to a certain standard?
Fake news. HIV/AIDS is still the world’s most deadly epidemic.
My god, how?
My 2 year old had a piece of rice on his dinky doo, and I felt weird just tapping it to get the rice off.
You guys haven't met the actual tough left. We will gladly join with you to kill all sjw if we can also kill all fat people on rascals in wallmarts.
Modern Sodom. With transgender goblinxs.
Something like queer Mordor.
In shit hole third world countries maybe. No where else.
Besides. Mosquitos still kill more people world wide.
>homosexual spic toddler
we've come full circle
>How is it difficult to understand that some modes of behaviour are unacceptable and that society should hold people to a certain standard?
it's not. we have laws afterall. none of these laws however, tells me what i can and can't be
>let them pee
what did he mean by this?
The deadliest epidemic in the WORLD
Damn that is a good read thank you
Mental illness and the destruction of their nations and race.
dicks chopped off and they cant pee
I doubt many so-called progressive women would feel comfortable if this walked into their bathroom and whipped out "her" dick?
It's not illegal to be gay. But it is immoral. And it is hugely immoral - even evil - to promote homosexuality as something that should not only be accepted, but celebrated. Homosexuals exist, but if they are born that way, the ethical thing for them to do is to shut the fuck up about it and try their hardest to restrain their urges. You can't hold a man responsible for how he is born, but you must hold him responsible for everything that he does after that. Homosexuality is a perversion and must be treated as such.