Post yfw it's all starting to add up
Post yfw it's all starting to add up
Oy Vey shut it down. The Goyim found the headquarters!
i dont get it
Dan Schneider has a foot fetish.
youtube '#pedowood'
Jews fuel themselves on licking Aryan loli feet.
I think Dan Schneider has a 'rape dungeon'.
quick rundown?
Look at the age of consent in Mexico its like 12.
Hollywood pedophiles probably go over there to rape underage girls and boys, not to mention tourists.
What was Harvey Weinstein doing with these drugs?
Was he giving them to his friends and/or drugging his victims.
Probably part of the reason Hollywood is in Southern California and not New York or Jersey
Speaking of why Hollywood is in SoCal, Jews didn't want to pay Edison for his patent so they went across the country so that they wouldn't have to
Dan Schneider creeping on this lady.
One of many resident creeps of Washington DC, Joe Biden creeping on many people in picture
Did the signing of the omnibus bill have anything to do with this?
Pic is underground deep state child trafficking sites
50 woman have accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuses and nothing ever happened to him, nothing!..
I mean there is such an obvious problem in Hollywood and the politics establishment and the news media.
If someone denied that then their ignorant or the problem (pedophiles/rapists).
Some pizzanons research map
Don't forget, lads. Our campaign for this one is
or alternatively
Don't let them bury this under a flood of attention-whoring cunts like they did with Pedowood/Weinstein.
!! IMPORTANT !!!This guy was arrested too
Dan Schneider is a national treasure
This. Good redpill that can not be shared enough. They were so degenerate even the italian mafia wanted nothing to do with their snuff / porn and illegal grindhouses
That pic is related to the 'Shadow Government' and there underground mag-lev trains and the DUMB bases underground, who have turned out to be bunch of pedophiles and rapists.
Picture shows one of many alleged functioning flying saucers. "Alien Reproduction Vehicle" (ARV)
no retard dan schneider has a foot fetish fuck off newfag
Satanic hand sign
Here is an interesting video relating to Hollywood and #pedowood.
Its about Corey Feldman.
A must watch.