Don't link me any nazi bullshit. I don't care for losers.
What should I read Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Concept of the political. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Paradise Lost. Flowers for Algernon if you want something lighter.
Dune is a good series. You can start with the Butlerian Jihad. Just skip all the son's books after you hit the original Dune until you finish the original Dune saga, then pick up the final 2 that the son wrote. The ones he wrote in between the originals suck.
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse
This is a good book, but I'd recommend studying war from the very ground up, start with the ancient classics.
Start with Plato, and then Aristotle. Studying philosophy chronologically is one of the best things you can possibly do, if you want to understand this civilization and its historical thought process. Trust me.
>Evola in traditionalism
>I’ve heard the republic by Plato was pretty good
>The Prince is a must if you haven’t read it yet
>the chad “for my legionaries” is a good read
You’d probably be interested in all books pic related except for mein kampf
Any non-hedonist greek philosophy.
For My Legionaries if you haven't already.