Why do American youth hate their own country's founding principles?

Why do American youth hate their own country's founding principles?

Attached: 1522004007857.gif (250x252, 1.09M)

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That gif wasn't originally a constitution.

They all don't. Just using whiny kids as a means of astroturfing to take away everyones rights but most people aren't that stupid.

>be american child
>get told to read in shook countless times books about rebelling against authority
>media entertainment tells me to challenge authority
>challenge authority
>get called a controlled oposition
>dont challenge authority
>get called a good goy

americans loose either way kek

It practically is though. Gun control infringes on 2nd amendment rights

Dos OP know that?

Fuck the constitution. We need to make whites slaves so it needs to get changed anyway.

lies, that's the original, the bulls eye one is damage control

The shopped version was more real than the original. Deal with it.

>challenge authority by giving authority your guns

Yes, that's obviously OP's point, just like it's the point of the person who made the image.