Nightly Sup Forums humor thread?

>Nightly Sup Forums humor thread?

Attached: 1507266303529.jpg (643x960, 66K)

Attached: 1476068057526.png (714x1060, 572K)

Attached: Darwin Award.jpg (960x892, 93K)

Attached: 1503014426314.jpg (659x536, 99K)

Attached: really makes me think.png (1736x1788, 1.38M)

Attached: Trump_did_thing.jpg (961x632, 96K)

Attached: 1473201873940.png (896x2622, 1.06M)

Attached: Oh the irony is rich.jpg (620x453, 93K)

Attached: boobs_vs_butts.jpg (1000x800, 205K)

Attached: 1479202623781.jpg (639x919, 109K)

Attached: 1516044292555.jpg (720x748, 73K)

I always wondered if this was real...

Attached: 1479715840766.jpg (645x514, 95K)

it is.

Attached: 1519103289206.jpg (1200x1448, 153K)

Attached: 1519800965554.jpg (500x500, 29K)

Attached: vu9s8b9a8tm01.jpg (550x731, 78K)

Attached: Free Ride.gif (1000x2049, 268K)

Attached: expectation vs reality.jpg (500x616, 102K)

Attached: where_are_the_leafs.png (729x589, 110K)

Attached: Burn the coal pay the toll 1.jpg (636x4538, 591K)

Attached: 1518643893516.jpg (500x628, 106K)

keked and saved

Attached: Burn the coal pay the toll 2.jpg (889x374, 47K)

Attached: 4f6afc0353b06059cdb08cc97dcbee18b6e16537e4ef676fb1b858f59ed135bc.jpg (728x256, 38K)

Attached: Burn the coal pay the toll 3.jpg (686x1494, 260K)

Attached: 1481496611631.jpg (426x960, 38K)

Attached: Burn the coal pay the toll 4.jpg (675x883, 215K)

Anyone have more BCPT ones?

Attached: Burn the coal pay the toll 5.png (654x1122, 715K)

Attached: 1490657692006.jpg (960x686, 126K)

Attached: Twighlight and Hitler.jpg (379x224, 28K)

Attached: Niger.png (494x607, 219K)

Attached: 1503016732525.jpg (1280x863, 276K)

Attached: 1519883713230.jpg (768x612, 72K)

Attached: 1517297429906.jpg (1864x2912, 1.55M)

Attached: when you see it.jpg (1656x1242, 1.08M)

Attached: 1499322418441.jpg (513x635, 123K)

Attached: 1517723678063.png (1440x2241, 1007K)

Attached: scooby.jpg (712x1024, 135K)

Attached: raped.jpg (738x960, 73K)

Attached: gook nukem.jpg (960x471, 207K)

Attached: 1520969102321.png (1000x1413, 700K)

Attached: The Emperor of Twitter.jpg (2144x3896, 1.76M)

Attached: 1520583178037.png (749x1051, 409K)

Attached: 1504129515538.jpg (750x500, 60K)

Attached: 1514508697242.png (642x274, 229K)

Fuck holy shit...


This one is pretty fucking hilarious, because you know she directly read that message. Oof, gotta sting.

Burn the coal, better get ready to pay that toll.

Attached: 1503222505128.jpg (573x629, 105K)

Attached: 1518236530232.jpg (1510x786, 287K)

Attached: its always the jews.jpg (769x431, 102K)


Attached: image.jpg (640x687, 141K)

Nobel prize?

Fucking amazing

Don't see it

Letters of the alphabet at the top. There's a picture of Obama for the letter 'N'

She didn't even reached the Middle East. She was murdered in Turkey

Attached: 1483706574030.jpg (1289x1918, 270K)

Attached: 1483706744849.jpg (1241x349, 161K)

Attached: imasm ge.jpg (600x586, 54K)

dabbing is for black people and was out of fashion january 2017

Attached: 1496197694086.png (701x520, 594K)

Attached: 1394512609966.jpg (640x960, 331K)

Attached: 80693957.png (610x629, 51K)

Go figure

Attached: 1488786336003.jpg (1500x1042, 540K)

Attached: fatlogic.jpg (876x1624, 285K)

Attached: jews_image38.jpg (374x600, 94K)

Attached: German rivers.png (1256x1296, 775K)

Attached: woke starwars.jpg (800x517, 97K)

Attached: 1518056983723.jpg (2693x9213, 2.16M)

Those little retards don't know the order for the alphabet either.

Christ I wish this was real

The unnatural connection is not PROHIBITED by the law, but we do enjoy it, in small portions of course!

Attached: 1519554502596.png (250x235, 60K)

Attached: 1405151730262.jpg (1487x1080, 215K)

Attached: biz roastie.jpg (1024x576, 156K)

Attached: gender equality draft.png (1234x914, 188K)

Attached: vietnamese.jpg (664x561, 100K)

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Attached: 1503018358860.jpg (960x468, 89K)

Attached: 1405152360083.jpg (1080x1487, 156K)

Attached: 1405155006692.jpg (1080x1487, 212K)

It makes you wonder what they're last thoughts were when they were losing their life to the things they tried to protect.

Attached: 1405155580660.jpg (1080x1487, 192K)

i hate this picture so fucking much. why does it need to be a screenshot? just show the before and after pics. what value do the reaction images have? what value does stating the day the thread was made have? its a fucking horrible picture

>burn the coal pay the toll 1

Daughter of an EU official? What's your beef?

kek, saved.

Attached: greentext-cuck.png (1664x2262, 241K)

Attached: 1405155908855.jpg (1080x1487, 323K)

I miss /mlpol/.

Attached: 1406370067522.png (1090x766, 505K)