What the hell is the Federal Reserve you ask? Well, it is a private bank that has enslaved you and your family since its founding in 1913 under the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Did you know before 1913 there was no need for an income tax? Did you know that after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the IRS was established to forcefully take your tax dollars through threat of death or imprisonment?
In 1913 a plan to enslave the entire United States was completed. The act allowed the treasury to give money creation power to the Fed and also created the system which is called Central Banking. The people who crafted the Central Banking scheme are called Keynesians. Remember this name, they are traitors that need to be shot. For the past 100 years over 6% of your life’s income, the proof of your talents, your sweat and blood, your life energy, has been siphoned away. The real kicker is that none of it goes to roads, social programs, or even govt. It goes to pay imaginary debt that can never be paid back. It is pure unadulterated insanity.
This is one of the most important things you can ever learn in your entire life. If you want to fight the system, well, this IS the system, the system of enslavement. Through the creation of the Federal Reserve, the government no longer needs to vote on raising taxes either! Isnt that great? Instead they print more money which causes the value of YOUR dollars to decrease. Theft.

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I have compiled a few very efficient educational resources to teach you all and wake you the fuck up. Are you tired of being a slave? I hope one day enough people are, it’s going to take war and blood to change this. It’s time to start finding people who will stand up to tyranny. 1776
The Death of the American Dream:
The Central Banking Enslavement System revealed:
The detailed story of how the Federal Reserve Act was created:


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fuck off soynigger, there's not enough gold in the world to back currency now, you illiterate trailer trash cunt

The Federal Reserve is a monopoly--in a country where monopolies are supposed to be illegal.

The IRS deposits people's income tax checks directly in the Federal Reserve banks--not in the united States Treasury.

Therefore, the IRS, an unconstitutional entity, is merely the collection agency for the international banksters. Over the years the IRS has become a tool of the elite banking families to financially attack and/or imprison people who expose the Federal Reserve. It is also a tool used by the D.C. elite to attack people who expose government corruption.

I'm 100% with you OP. Fuck Hamilton and everyone else who pushed for a central bank. At least Old Hickory staved it off long enough for the American Golden age between the civil war and turn of the century to happen.

good post user. People need to know about what central banks are doing and how we are being boned by them.

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should we nationalize it or get rid of it? I assume nationalizing it would only work if you removed the jews but then how do you print the money?

We should have handled this shit decades ago.

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>Private Bank
Fed isn't a private system, nor is it a public system. It's a mix between both. There are 12 regional reserve banks that are owned by private banks, but there's also the public Board Of Governors which handles the Monetary policy.
>Dollars decrease
Dollars value decreasing is not a result of printing money, but more on that. The Dollar "depreciating in value" to 5% of what it was a century ago (Using that because people like to say that stat) is implying that the inflation rate is 3% per year, which is not far off from the 2% a year annual inflation rate. If you don't like it, then take that up to Congress.
Also, interest rates over the last 100 years have been generally above or close to the rate of inflation. So as long as your money was in basically any form of savings other than under your mattress, you not only didn't lose value but gained it. People are upset because if you had $1 in 1900 then you'd need $95 today to match the purchasing power, but if you had put that $1 in the stock market in 1900, then you'd have over $300 today.
>Fed is unconstitutional and its a system of enslavement
The Fed was established by Congress, so you can again take them up on that issue.
McCulloch v. Maryland unanimously ruled that the 2nd bank of united states is constitutional, only to be reaffirmed again during Osborn v. Bank.

Going back to Fed is stealing your purchasing power of money by printing money, inflation isn't cause by merely printing money, but is caused by printing money without increasing the amount of goods and services. Aka "too much money chasing too few goods".

Reminder that only silver and gold are legal tender according to the constitution
Reminder that Free silver > gold standard

just look at the concept of fiat currency. Once I took a macro economics class and realized what quantitative easing and fractional banking, I invested into cryptocurrency. 99% of my wealth can be attributed to crypto. BUY MORE.

>government banks are evil
>private banks are evil
Blah Blah blah, banks are useful retards.

The only video on the Fed system that anyone ever needs to watch: youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0

creature from Jekyll island

As one of the few anons who was red-pilled before discovering Sup Forums I find it interesting how rare the word "usury" is seen on this board. It's quite literally the crux of the entire political economic question, and has always been towards the center of the Jewish Question. Hell, Gottfried Federal, the NSDAP member who convinced Hitler to join, wrote the book "Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money." Yet it all goes over Sup Forumss head, even the so-called "red-pilled" ones.

I love this motherfucker. Pulled shit together from nothing and made the Brotish FUCK OFF in the Battle of New Orleans toward the end of the battle of 1812. You know, kind of helped us keep the Louisiana purchase. And now ignorant niggers want to tear down his statue and rename Jackson Square in New Orleans because “he owned slaves.” Nobody will want to go to New Orleans when all of the history is forgotten. It ain’t even Chicago tier. It’s just a southern town infested with niggers. Nothing to offer.


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This is a fair point, nobody seems to ever bring up compound interest on Sup Forums. It's literally vile Jewish sorcery which attacks your credit score directly and creates money out of thin air.

U so smarts. So wize. Fuck off. Nobody cares about how smart and sage you think you are. Shitcan your smug attitude and you might be of some use, you retarded woman.

Daily reminder the only way to kill the materialist banker is fascism.

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North Korea

The flaw wasn't the Fed, it was allowing only a single currency. By only having a monopoly on currency, (((they))) have control over money. I'm not invested in crypto, but watching it to see if it can free us from a centralized currency or not.

Not a Burger, but this is why I refuse to take blame as a Millennial for this fucked up world. I will, however, fight against it.

Everything is manufactured
There are no coincidences
We all can overthrow this system at any time without violence but choose not to because it takes effort and working with people you've never met, let alone trust

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Best fuckin post of the day, user. Bamp.


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2A into federal reserve = GG.

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Die, kike. He's right. I would choke you.

You're right. I don't have time to screen cap this thread but it's a good red pill. Some user please do it.


7.9 second.

bumping a good Sup Forums topic for once