Missing female construction worker in El Salvador found dead inside wall of home she helped to construct 8 years ago.
Missing female construction worker in El Salvador found dead inside wall of home she helped to construct 8 years ago
Raped and and murdered by spics... Wow, what a shocker.
Great, now let's let a few million more flood across our unprotected border.
that wasnt very nice
any pics?
Spic women are the weakness of burgers.
For some reason, Americans don't mind brown spic women flooding into their country.
Tagging along are their kids and a lot of male relatives, too.
Holy fuck, kek wants those pics (OP)!
how many times do you think those guys had to tell her to shut the fuck up before they finally built her into a wall?
Leave it to a woman to play hide and seek for 8 years
the wall got 7/10 higher
>work in commercial construction
>foundation pour before sunrise
> holes 50 ft deep
> dump body at midnight
> there is no recovering that body
this is some concrete girl level shit.
How did they discover her and what would she look like now?
I guess her face imprint on the comcrete
What about the rest of her?
Depends if there was any moisture. Otherwise I'd assume shes mummified.
We are gonna need those pics
Look at the goddamn digits in this thread!
>look at my Drumf
>I'm the wall now
How did they not notice the smell?
This was in El Salvador so I guess it was normal.
8,5/10 for me m80
You know how construction workers wolf whistle when 7/10's walk by? Well this is what happens when one of them answers the call and goes in.
Noice m8
Dios mio...
They are coming for us...
Las creaturas...
Did her part to address the workplace death gap
Whats she up to now?
Eh, who knows. She's probably holed up somewhere.
digits are off the wall tonight