US WAR crimes

Why are US soldiers always unprofessional? And I'm not even just talking about your ordinary infantry from the likes of the Army / Marines. Even the Green Berets, SEALs, Rangers and Marine Raiders are unprofessional morons who commit war crimes where ever they go.

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Because we have a bunch of Mexicans as our troops.

>It's just the Mexicans!

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>implying we should show dignity and respect to our enemies

Some poor sap driving his goats to market is hardly our "enemy"

good goyim

>Dude tries to drive his truck into a military convoy in ISIS territory

For all they knew the truck was packed with explosives. They'll shoot a 5 year old kid with a .50 cal if the kid runs into a convoy. Suicide bombing is that common in those counties.

>>Dude tries to drive his truck into a military convoy in ISIS territory

Are you blind or just a stupid nigger? the truck was driving on his own side, wasn't swerving, did not attempt to drive into the front of the convoy, and the convoy was the one that was driving past the truck and not the other way around.

That's clear as day a war crime.

Chicago is more dangerous than Afghanistan, I dont go shooting shotguns in to trucks whenever I drive around.

Watch the video. Its a beanbag round, less than lethal. The shotgun doesn't even cycle the next round because its not a real load. When civilian vehicles get too close to US troops on the street, you are asking to have your shit pushed in, these guys were nice about it.

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>Why are US soldiers always unprofessional?
I don't know. Why are you such a crybaby bitch?

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you can't commit a crime during a war you faggot. anything goes.

What kind of world are we leaving for our children if we can't an webm?

Are you out of your mind? Western liberal democracies don't do that sort of thing! Only Russia, Syria and Iran commit war crimes and other evil things.

>the terrified cop excuse

maybe you shouldn't be a soldier if you're terrified of dying?



Why not everyone else does

At the end of the day they are just a bunch of terrorists with bigger guns pretending to have some moral highground.

The only audio is nigger music

What an effective fighting force we'd be if we just say lol I'm not scared of dying and get ourselves blown up at every turn.

apparently Afghanistan has been getting spicier recently, I'd imagine winning the war and controlling most of the territory is making AlQuaeda feel cheeky

thats not unproffessional its called unconstitutional warmongerin psychopaths

""""""""""""""""""""""""""war crimes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

oh no, maybe the war police will come and arrest us for all these war crimes we're committing

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Because FUCK you that is why.
Eurotards wanted us to police the world, so we're gonna abuse the shit out of everyone. Teach you a lesson about forcing us to go to war over a stupid reason.

Fuck em' vehichle was noted and tagged for a couple days as a resupply truck for enemy combatants.

Video makes me want to go tag some towlies. Hnnnng

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How about we just pack bags and let Russia do that for us, leave them with the bill.

Surprised they aren't bitching about the picture of Trump on the turret armor.

There's no such thing as warcrimes. It's why I don't care about what Japan did in WW2 either.

Probably a suicide bomber or already got warning shots. Muslims do like to blow themselves up, you know

for all we know the dude was blocking a convoy or some shit, lucky he just got his bell rung


Because American (((Soldiers))) are brain dead sub 80 IQ retards who sign up to rape kids and kill people for gibs.

There are US war crimes which happened in Iraq that have not been reported, I only got little detail.

In short young children were raped in front of there mother/s. When they were detained.

Sure there are more stories out there.

Is all this fuzz really for that 1 second of video? We cannot have a serious discussion if that's all the material there ir.

What the fuck are americans doing in afghanistan in the first place?

Al Jazeera isn't real news Muhammed

Atrocity has been an integral part of war since prehistoric times. Droning on about "war crimes" is retarded because it's only used for propaganda purposes.

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>the truck was driving on his own side, wasn't swerving, did not attempt to drive into the front of the convoy,
Im not weighing in on which side is right but jeez its almost like a bomb affects a wide area and even if he didnt ram into the convoy it would cause serious damage.

>everyone in this thread buying this
>no one realizes that it's a non lethal round

That's literally why he's using a shotgun.


It was a beanbag round you utter moron

Osama Bin Laden, before he move to Pakistan.

Citation, niggers.

Stfu with your supposed (((War crimes))). The only ones who commit war crimes are the kikes and their genocide of the Palestinians. Get the fuck out of here. Some people deserve to die and I don't give a fuck about sandnigggers and goatfuckers. It's the natural order you fucking pussy.

>The only ones who commit war crimes are the kikes and their genocide of the Palestinians.
>Some people deserve to die and I don't give a fuck about sandnigggers and goatfuckers

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War crimes? We don't need no steenking war crimes. Lets hand out speeding tickets at the Indy 500 while were at it. War is a crime, and crime pays very well, but the job security sucks.

They don't use shotguns for anything other than non-lethal rounds. They routinely use non-lethal rounds on vehicles that block or get in the middle of convoys and won't get out of the way.

oh ya, is that so?

Nice citation, you fucking loser.

That's right faggot. Kikes get away with everything so of course I'm going to point them out. Why didn't you make a thread about their war crimes, but instead about America's. It's fucking war, people die. Your shitty image isn't gonna change anything

>War is a crime

>mfw people that complain about war crimes

How about you stop being such a bitch and do something about it if it bothers you that much?

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Now that's my kinda horn. I bet the get their asses outa the way pdq.

Maybe, but it does pay well.

>war crimes
That statement is redundant

Complaining aussie bitch calling someone else a loser, what are you gonna do if we dont stop these "crimes" huh? You cant do shit.

Why are you such a faggot?

I don't have a citation but you can tell that it's a bag round. Idk, I'm not gonna dig shit up, but if you have ever been around rubber or bag rounds you would know that what that is.

Sometimes the good guys win.

Oxymoronic, or maybe just moronic

did people miss the UFO?

Attached: UFO.png (1177x667, 748K)

>Why are US soldiers always unprofessional?
>Because we have a bunch of Mexicans as our troops.
ha ha ha
with pushing blame on Mexicans you American cunt.
I tell you what you have,
you have very agressive bully like ugly savage subhuman attitude thinking that you are the best,acting like Bosses of the World.

you are behaving same as ISIS, except you have better war toys, but the attitude is exactly the same.
you are nation of brutal save killers, that's what's you are.
you are dressing yourself as the beacon of democracy but in reality you are extreme oppressors.
Just look at all the wars you started all over the World.

The good news is that God is going to punish your nation.
you will be reduced to beggars, till you humble yourselves and on your knees you crawl back to the Almighty God asking for forgiveness.
Look into the history and study how mighty empires suddenly fell, because this is your faith as well.
America you are at the point of no return now.

Don't make grand plans for your lives, don't make grand plans for your children to grow up to get good education,
to get good jobs to start families, to give you grandchildren.


Nation that will return to the Almighty God. Nation that will be peaceful, friendly and honest towards other Nations.
With pleasure many of us will be watching the Evil America getting destroy and the Godly America getting reborn from the ashes.


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was tough

reminded me of the helicopter scene in Full Metal Jacket

Actually if you pause the video you can actually see the 3 rubber balls go through the window.

>Instead of taking responsibility for revenge, my god will get revenge for me because im such a beta bitch to do it myself.

Lmao upset brown people

War is not a crime.

This one is right.

Got to keep those precious poppy fields safe so we can all keep consuming the pharmaceutical jew for the profit of multinationals. Always follow the money

>itt played to much watch dogs the post
>chiraq is only dangerous on the south side
>would raise kids in "mag mile" now due to real robert hours

Had black ops in Africa for years.

The rest of the world does not hate America because of the occasional mistake resulting in war crimes. The rest of the world hates America because of idiots like

The USA is also the number one reason for conflicts around the globe.

vk com / video-107187851_456239930


You forgot the so sayeth the lord part. Get it right man!

My DNA is as white as you would desire white specimen to be.

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>The USA is also the number one reason for conflicts around the globe.
This one is also right. USA needs to get glassed for a world peace reasons.

>hides his country flag
found the spic

you said it.
it counts.

you are a very bad Scherlockcock impostor.

looked like a beanbag round but i cant really tell 100% ,cunt probably tried overtaking a military convoy got to close or some shit like that , a lesson learned through pain is one not soon forgotten he wont do it again... then again these people are pretty retarded.
stop being a whiny fgt OP

Considering a majority of the American lobby is for jewish/Israeli interests id say you are wrong. Israel is the #1 reason for middle eastern conflicts and most of the world other conflicts revolves around communist revolution. Another jewish invention

Follow the money trail and you find the head of the snake.

Silly ausie, US can't commit war crimes because not only are we the enforcers but we also dictate what war crimes are.

Only whites can commit war-crimes. To everyone else it's just war.

If you want to talk about war crimes you should talk about depleted uranium ammo that the mutt fuckwitts use in their ammo that make Iraqi children into litteraly ghouls. How the fuck is that OK? No wonder G.I's kill themselves. They lost their fucking souls.

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>this is the future of yuropooria and it's beautiful

Good leaf

Becsuse fuck you, that’s why.

The stooges in the senate just figured it out last year. D.C.= District of Cucks.

As much as I hate the Jews, Americans could just chose to not be their lackeys.
Blaming the Jews for US wrongdoings is leading nowhere.

Also, enjoy this little history lesson:

It's funny how european satire shows do more factchecking than the major US news outlets.

how sad your post is because is full of sad ugly disgusting truth about America

>Becsuse fuck you, that’s why.

Nice try, try again.


America the land of filth and degeneracy is basically destined to fall. It will fall into chaos and madness. I can't wait for Americans to start killing each other like savages in the coming civil war.

We did that part already. Now we take it offshore.

t.paki immigrant to aussyland

Lemme break it down for u user
>join army
>Be Private
>get Stationed
>get told to shoot someone
>do it
>Come Home
>Come Home.

Its them or you user, if you're in the army u get a rank & pay based on how good you can follow orders, then get put into a literal shit show of an oil war, get told to shoot, by someone who is always going to be higher up then you. and if not you got a gut feeling to take shot i reckon or you're probably going to die out there.

please tell me what that is because I have a morbid desire to read about it

SEALs do most of the organized war crimes.



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