Why are more and more boys choosing feminine affect?

Who is to blame for the rise in homosexuality and transsexuality?

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I dont think they are I just think when they do they get tons of publicity giving the perception it's happening a lot.

Even straight boys are doing it!





You get the picture

Ohh.. yea could be..

no one people just arent so afraid to come out anymore like people in the past were. Its a good thing and lets them lead fulfilling, happy lives.

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It’s the food they are feeding us. The wheat is destroying our lower intestine because the government through Monsanto intiated to have only GMO gluten protein. The soil has no nutrition. Eat soy in a day and you will feel more colorful. But stop eat clean washes meat , fat, fruits , veggies l, 6.6,6 human formality.

that soyboy wrecks his kids butthole.

nature is to blame.

Failed males should not attempr procreation.

Improving the quality of the white race is more important then quantity. If you have to put significant distressing effort into being an alpha male, its just denying your true status. This often creates anger in the beta males dysphorically believing they're alpha, often seen lashing out.

However once one chooses to be gay they ofren come to crave big black cock. A nigger dick in a white boys mouth is a nigger dick not making moolatto babies

damn you think about nigger dicks a lot huh?

because it gets them attention

Because the educational system has been engineered to favor girls. Boys need physical activity to release pent up energy so they can learn. Decades ago, grade school kids got two full hours of play outdoors, usual an unstructured recess and a structured Physical education class. Both have been largely eliminated. So now young boys are asked to sit fro hours on end with no physical activity to speak of. They become bored, easily distracted and are unable to focus. When they become disruptive enough, they are diagnosed with a "learning disability" such as ADHD and are prescribed a coctail of drugs to "manage" their "illness." This cocktail of mood altering chemicals often suppresses sexual and social development as well as proper physical development leading to effeminate young men who see being a girl as "easy mode." Because it is. It's a calculated program by the public school system to turn our young men into effeminate lady boys that starts in Kindergarten and goes from there.

Low iq brainlet

>However once one chooses to be gay they ofren come to crave big black cock. A nigger dick in a white boys mouth is a nigger dick not making moolatto babies
well that came out of no where

google the mouse utopia experiment. Scientist creates a Utopian environment for mice to live in and the whole thing dies off and turns to chaos within several generations. Some males were alphas, some were normal outsider scavenger types and another kind of male emerged...some of the males took on female characteristics and instead of scavenging with the scrappy outsider mice they shacked up with the females. I guess they saw it as a safe way to live where they could get the runoff that the alphas were providing for the females while avoiding fights with other males. Apparently these feminine men see some survival advantage to this behavior. Society treats them like special babies that have special problems and they get all sorts of social leeway for avoiding typical challenges we all face in life. TLDR basically they're faggots.

Going to Sup Forums makes me loose hope. Everyone is a faggot there.

Because they have been displaced in society. They have a natural and genetic drive to be in power. We have social engineering placing women in incompetent dominance. So they try to become female and wind up offing themselves. Repeal the 19th.

>happy, fulfilling lives

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they won't survive past 40, or end up alone with no kids or on the streets. Let this generation die out

its true though. Life will never be perfect but it is 1000% better than life before transition.

It's the natural instinctual function of the failed beta male. Their dysphoric alpha males feelinfs often twist into obsession with cuckoldry.
However even if they managed to breed it would simply produce more low quality white genetic stock.
If they're willing to accept racial reality that not all white stock is of a high calibre, they can still increase the selection of white women for more high quality stock white genetics while diluting strong big dicked negroid males

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People had unstructured recess in the 90s and physical education. What are you talking about?

yeah bull fucking shit, why do those disgusting trannies still have a 50/50 chance to kill themselves after they change genders huh?

You know what's funny, some boys do look fine in feminine contexts. Not the case of soyboys and the loud and outgoing raging fag liberals you see everyday in your life.

Don't believe the lie that woman scream at you. It is much easier to be a woman. Being a man is hard and rough and many are choosing the easy way out instead of stepping up to the plate.

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Arrested psychosocial development in prepubescent years. They remain afraid of intersexual relationships - still stuck in the "girls are yucky" phase of development - but the body undergoes hormonal changes that give them sexual urges. Same basic pattern leads to trans-mentality; guys become like girls to avoid the pressure of sexual socialization, trying to "Get under the rader" to have sex with a girl without setting off her "opposite sex" alarms.

Troll this faggot

No they don't. You are incorrect.
Read the file.

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Dads. It can only be blamed on the dads. Bunch of faggot dads.

not enough dad-time.

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Most Millennials got lots of time with their dad

its the food we eat. the water we drink and the air we breath.


Alex jones right again.


Most Millenials are not gay, but there is a rise in single motherhood where the father is out of the picture, and gay kids, so what's your point?

they dont.

I think we know (who) is to blame.

The people themselves who are turning to homoswag?


um yeah they do sweetie :)

just kys already, i can tell you're a tranny

thats a study about srs in the 70’s comparing it to now is retarded and it says nothing about transition as a whole.
and ill never ever kms.

I guess you could blame them for being impressionable
But who is doing the impressing?

>ill never ever kms
please we really need one less tranny faggot

you will in a few years dw, have fun until then

You didn't read
You will play this off like I don't care about trannies, when I am encouraging them to not make the mistake of transitioning- meanwhile the left will encourage transitions, abandon those who regret their decision and claim to care.
I'm disgusted to have ever been amongst you.

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i literally never will
not all trans people want the surgery. I dont want it. And she had some post surgical depression it faded after a bit and now shes happy with it.

user.... I think I have some bad news for you... You're a flaming faggot with a nigger fetish.

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>you want your son to learn a martial art, to >earn self discipline, gain willpower and know >how to defend himself

>he ends up in a fetish "girls vs boys" video >and tons of pervs jerk off to him being >submited by a girl, castrating him in an ins

why are our boys are so emasculated in present year?

>you can cut off your dick but you will never be a woman

>not teaching your sons to be tranny mma fighters so they can become #1 fighter in womens divisions
fucking idiots

>covert mass chemical castration
>extreme opposition twords any male traits being deeply ingrained into society
>mass mental drugging of young boys further curving natural male tendencies
> a culture that has been spiraling down the moral toilet for decades
just to name a few

Also crazy mommies. In the past if a woman wanted a little girl but got a boy she would shrug and try for another. Most now only have one kid so if it isn't the gender they wanted, they force it.
Also some women are self-hating and deliberately mentally fuck up their kids. See Shiloh Pitt.

I dunno, I've always been a feminine boy without even consciously trying. Behaving in a masculine way feels weird and awkward for me. I don't consider is a defect or mental illness because I've never wanted chop off my dick or go on hormones. Its just how some people are, the problem is when they're encouraged by left wing loons to go down a self destructive path.

Soy, female hormones in our meat tap water, and more people drinking from plastics.

confirmation bias rules public perception

what the fuck are sports dipshit?

Prepare for the Truvada Armada

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Who is to blame? Tough question.

The effect is caused by the fact that it's easier to be a woman today than it is to be a man. These boys see how much attention and benefits girls get for practically nothing and decide it'd be easier to be like that and appropriate those benefits.

Can't say I blame them even if I don't agree.

>Who is to blame?
society in general, there's a clear agenda to emasculate boys from a young age

Ginocentric society: Feminine archetype is everywhere.
I wouldn't be impressed now, but it can get a lot worse.

Liberal reclassification of transvestite fetishism as transsexuality, which is not only completely unscientific, but is medically detrimental for actual transsexuals and misdiagnosed cis fetishist perverts as well.

We now have a society that treats a incredibly suicidal person with gender dysphoria ergo is suffering greatly and simply wishes to live am ordinary life in the correct body and blend in like any other person and an obvious ageplay pedophile like Stefonknee as equals.

I am so fucking disgusted that the left would push such a monstrously destructive narrative against innocent transsexual people.

(((Russian bots)))

it's environment driven, these are biological factors - only liberals think culture is the driving force and not the other way around