Did Trump just pass the tariffs against China and did China back down? All I can find are articles about companies China will hit, but it seems like Trump called their bluff.
Did... Did China just back the fuck down?
Did Trump just pass the tariffs against China and did China back down? All I can find are articles about companies China will hit, but it seems like Trump called their bluff.
Did... Did China just back the fuck down?
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Last bump, I'm genuinely curious, I think he just stuck it to China and they took it.
China has responded with countertariffs... In the meantime, if Petroyuan takes off, none of that would matter anyway, as Dollar will collapse in uncontrolled devaluation.
Gas the chinks, trade war now
Trump: We are passing tariffs against you
China: Fuck you we will do the same
Trump: *hires John Bolton*
China: You know, tariffs aren't really that bad
Links, I can't find any. Also, memeflag, so yeah, gonna need those links.
Agreed, but until then, just want to know what happened.
look at the market
not the msm
Wat? China just made a huge concession to buy more computer chips and is studying other areas in which they can close the trade deficit. They cucked hard as fuck to Trump. It was the leading market news today. Fuck off with your retarded larp faggot
Exactly, it dropped then shot way the fuck back up when it seems like China won't do shit. It looks like China blinked. I just can't find any fucking news on it. I shouldn't be surprised, but nothing when on right wing sites.
How does China's natural gas compare to ours?
I thought we were becoming the world leader here
>Russia, Venezuela, China, all switching to yuan asap
>idiots claim WW3 is starting over diplomats expelled, not the oil
china can not do shit because trump will bring much more fuckery to the light and crash their market
This. 50% of China's trade is with the US, and they have to artificially peg the value of their Yuan so hard that they refuse to let it be used outside of China. If Trump places tarrifs to hard or if the Yuan is traded openly on the forex then the Chinese economy will collapse pink wojack style. They are already at their limit for growth and are struggling mightily to prop up their economy on hot air. China is fucked and they know it.
We've been extremely generous with China since Nixon opened the country in the 70's
We have a HUGE cultural difference with them.
Our special relationship can afford some adjustment
The only way for them to save themselves in this case would be to forgive the debts we owe them and that ain't happening. China will be crashing WITH NO SURVIVORS
They banned your soygoys precious soy.
google "petro yuan" this is gonna get ugly
>50% of China's trade is with the US
try 18% and dropping export
and 9% import
But Im certain that minor error totally has no influence on your insightful and definitely not from some MSM mouthpiece parotted well articulated "China is fucked" and "muh collapse" theories
China is the world's largest consumer of oil, and will be using that leverage to try to pay producers like Saudi Arabia in Yuan, instead of $. That's potentially a lot of exported fiat to the world that is not $. If successful, now multiply that by the other raw materials that China imports and you can see where this may go.
>China is the world's largest consumer of oil
got a source for that?
i guess is should have said "purchaser", not "consumer". fuggg :DDDD
It begins.
Dog and pony show, it's important to have a counter narrative to sell the masses.
1) US-China trade deficit is fake and gay
US comanies open factories in China and sell the products back to the US, keep the majority of the profit
China has pollution and a tiny share of the cake
This is the reality
2) China is more than willing to reduce the defict by purchasing high-tech stuff from US
But US refuses to sell them to China
What should China do when China is already manufacturing all non-high-tech stuff?
Sell shoes to the US, then buy them back at a much higher price?
We cracked it all out of the ground. It's literally gone.
>this meme again
>51% of all business ventures in china must be owned by a chinese company
read the thread fuckhead
consumption doesn't necessitate oil trades, which is what you should be shitting yourself over. when the dollar is no longer the go-to currency for buying oil, amerika is fugged
Chang here
China prepares to import more natural gas and IC from America to balance the trade. They will also reduce American car tariffs and open the whole investment bank industry to Jews
Literally nothing will happen.