Are there any entrepreneurs on Sup Forums? I can't be the only one.
What do you do, and what would you suggest others on Sup Forums do to avoid the salary jew?
Are there any entrepreneurs on Sup Forums? I can't be the only one.
What do you do, and what would you suggest others on Sup Forums do to avoid the salary jew?
also, as for myself I do digital arbitrage and run three ecommerce stores. I really want to do more though.
this is a /neet/ board
maybe try biz
I own my fair share of shitcoins but that's ALL THEY TALK ABOUT
Yah man you gotta get on /biz...tone down the political rhetoric a bit and be considerate and you might actually get some decent advice
What do you sell?
car "mods"
car stickers
and a general store for trending products
the last pick was from the parts store
I own a skincare factory in the US that makes truly all natural skincare. We also manufacture shampoos, conditioners, sunscreens, pet wash, pet shampoo, detergent soap etc.
I'm also the chief formulator. I started in my kitchen and now manufacture several brands and dozens of products.
Its very hard to start from nothing but a beaker and a biochemistry degree.
That's amazing user. I'm still in college, paying cash and avoiding debt for a software engineering degree, but to be honest it really doesnt seem worth it. I'm learning more on my own than any of my programming classes. Also my school is opening an Entrepreneurship school so I plan on minoring in entrepreneurship so I can keep myself out of someone else's employment for the rest of my life.
everyone but me gotta learn ur dumb
I built and run and online game.
No it will not say which one.
I still have a day job in the mean time.
Avoid debt at all costs user. All costs.
I will admit had to borrow 8800 from my father for manufacturing equipment but paid it back in 6 months. Other than that all cash.
Inherit money
Buy property
Lease property
What do you mean digital arbitrage? Retail arbitrage?
>run a "digital marketing agency"
>charge $500 a month for social media management
>outsource it to an albanian on fiverr for $130
>pocket profit
Submitting to wagecuckery until I can afford to set up my own little metal fab shop. I can nearly afford all the tools but the price of a small industrial workspace is staggering. Has anyone else dealt with this problem?
It depends. Its not always a winner. Especially if you have shady tenants. But overall yes its a god strategy!
Nice , yah cheeky cunt. The ecom , drop ship? On demand? (I presume for some of the car stuff?) Import?
Yes. I shared space for a while. Also, whatever figure you have for a year's expense, double it and calculate that year with 0 profit. Also, marketing should be generous your first 2 years. Short version: have more money than you think you need. It was a fatal flaw for me in my first business.
Hot tip lad
Landowners will keep rentals above market value so that the banks will value the land according to a fake rental amount. This allows the landowner to draw against the imaginary value of the land to invest in other things.
If they were to drop rates to something the market would pay they'd end up losing equity in their property.
So the best thing to do is to move to a shithole because just because a place is vacant and vacant for years doesnt mean the rent will come down.
all dropshipping. People are too lazy to just go to aliexpress and buy the same shit.
Thanks for the responses anons. Sensible on all counts. I live about 45 minutes away from a major city so I could maybe rent a shared space there, or I could go further south where I might be able to find a dingy house with a big barn. Dropping that kinda money is spoopy tho.
If you own land away from a city bold an airplane hangar style steel factory. Cheap easy. Unless I'm misunderstanding your business model/needs.
Not a steel factory but a hangar style building made of steel.