Sowing Seeds of Division

Pic related. This is perfect. This is what we have to do. Sow the seeds in Leftist movements among racial and gender lines. If we stay united, devide them and conquer, the sky’s the limit folks

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Other urls found in this thread:

We need to highlight that urban youth gangs of color are not diverse and inclusive. These groups must accept more gays, queers, and trans folks because
>muh progressive
Otherwise the behavior of these youth clubs are no less bigoted than evil whitey

It’s too Jewish

I hate to tell you, bud, but in order to defeat the jew you gotta become the jew

Exactly. One of the rules of (((Saul Alinsky))) in Rules for Radicals is to make the establishment live up to their own rules. In this case, we gotta push hard on them making everything diverse bc that’s by far the most draining thing to an institution or movement.

second post best post


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LMAO I need context from that pic

oh boy I see what she did there

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i don't understand.
don't you make your negros be your sandals on the beach?

Interesting connection.

If only I had that much power.

nigga it's 2018, they still aren't people

you do.
look deep inside.
your power is white.
it's kind of a white power.

also, beating them with a stick helps to motivate their naturally lazy asses.

I suggest making a bunch of fake lefty accounts, make the accounts grow for a few months, and then when it comes to critical times such as elections make these accounts constantly complain that there’s not enough diversity in such and such. It’ll be a death of a thousand cuts!

If by Jewish, you mean morally compromising then it might be. But if you wanna have the victory while still mainting the moral high ground here’s what you gotta do:
1) Do everything and anything you can to win
2) The winner gets to write the history books so write it as if you had the moral high ground the whole time.


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You can’t clean the sewers without getting your hands dirty.

i like it.

who da fuck you think gonna b the 1st 1s to get der fuckin gunz taken away da motherfucking cracker in his nice midde neghborhood or the fukin nigga livin in the ghetto. dis is some motherfuckin systemac racist shit to keep down the black yooth paid for by da rich cracker jews and perpetrate by crackers n power using their cumskin children as motherfukin politicial pawns in this shit

These ppl don’t browse pol, dummy. To them white is skin deep.

who let you out?

Perfect. All we need is a facebook account now

>wypipo do sumting bout all us blacks getting shot
White people organize huge march and campaign (lol I know its really the jews)
>nah its too white. Dats racist, keep shootin each other fellow negroes

You don't participate in the divide and conquer strategy you faggot

This is how we can bring them to their knees!

What do you mean?

This is real.
Let them eat themselves, just weaponize this feeling.

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Let them eat themselves, perfect

Also this. To save the west from demons, we must become demons as well.

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Subverting the enemy doesnt mean we have to become demons like them user. Then the real enemy laughs and wins. Giving them a nudge with their own poison? Sure. But never forget we do this out of love of truth, not thirst for power.

Yooo this lad woke af


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This desu

This is perfect.

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We need to pump up the green party big time


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yo mane da cumskin snowchimps be puttin brothas against each otha n shit. they be like, da guns be killin people, yet they aint sayin shit bout black folk bein killed all teh time, and dey sayin black folk be responsible for the murda of our black youff, how did da be da case if da guns be created by the cumskin whitefolk ?

Okay, bud, every winning civilizations and war is jewish. That is so productive.

I guess you’ve never heard of the term history is written by the victor.

I think we should also build a bridge between pol and the MAGApedes for they are many and are potential useful idiots for our cause.

We have posts id. Look above to see my contribution.

Destroying your enemy doesnt mean you have to become him and give up the moral high ground. This is why the West is the best. We can wage war and conquer without becoming savage looters and rapists.

Only a kike would not see the difference and urge us to step into the abyss.

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At this point, most people have already taken a side. Facts, rational, "love of truth" is dead like this world (I don't think it ever existed for the mass population). The truth is that people want to feel superior to others. They will achieve this by using emotions, victim blaming, and calling others racist to achieve their goals. I think most of the people know the facts already, but will take their lie to their graves. Thats why we must fight dirty

You need to read more history. The West has certainly gotten its hands dirty to get where it is now

Yes, the movement is too white. Emma is mostly white. Thank god she is a lesbian.


user, I like this idea. Make sure to have blacks in your profile pic or blue hair fat dykes.

>America is built on the backs of black slaves
just stop posting user

Thanks! Sup Forums is great for investigation but terrible at organizing. We gotta get organized!

organization goes against the nature of Sup Forums. If you want to get organized you have to do it externally

I meant more towards wars, but sure, slavery was immoral too.

Sure, but we stopped. We're civilized. We don't colonize random countries just because their government isn't as strong as ours.
The west has the moral high ground.

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>there is no hope anons! Everything is lost! Only by becoming what you hate can you hope to win!

Spoken like a (((chosen one))).

You are either a shill or an underage newfag who doesn't understand the fight that is going on. Or one of the synagogue of satan who can only think in a certain way.

History is my specialty, thats why I can say that compared to every other culture modern Western culture conducts itself in a morally superior way even in war time. Perhaps you would like to compare our complex rules of engagement and military law to the way the Chinese, Africans, or Russians would behave in the same situations?

We do not go around raping little girls and turning them into sex slaves to demoralize the enemy in war zones. If one of our troops is caught doing this they are brought to justice, quickly. They are shunned and ostracized by their peers, even in the midst of a warzone.

We methodically hunt down and dismantle the networks of the monsters who mutilate and sell little girls. We will hunt them down with extreme prejudice and salt the earth around them. We will kill 20 of them for every one of our men we lose.

If you cannot understand the difference then I wonder if you are an underage faggot who has never grappled with these issues or a demoralizing agent. Once again, we have posts ids. Subvert the enemy by all means, but dont become that which you claim to hate.

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The inconvieniant truth is that new gun laws don't matter when it comes to the most kids getting killed. Most kids are killed by illegal handguns... in black neighborhoods in the innercity. Gang violence kills more kids than school schootings. But they aren't mide class white kids.

I remember my liberal as fuck social justice teacher said this when Columbine happened when I was in high school.

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>the school shooting generation

The fuck? I was in school when Columbine happened. Did they forget that?

>Truth does not matter but who claims victory ~Adolf Hitler

Who said it best?

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Once again, rejecting objective truth is one of (((their))) signs.
>it was real in my mind, who cares if I distorted the truth and manipulated people around me, as long as I got what I wanted everything is justified!

This war is larger than memes and some gun hating goblin lesbian, user. Once again, fire up the meme engines and let them eat themselves. My original gripe was with the user that posted "we have to become demons to win against the demons threatening the west". That is a truly subversive method of thinking because what we are fighting for is not a stupid gun grabbing scheme. We are wrestling for the very nature and ethos of the "western soul". To "become a demon" would be to hand over the victory to the enemy, but perhaps this is over your head.

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>Perpetual revolution

Its always something. Doesnt matter what it is, or how realistic or even sane, as long as its something.

because they're Jewish teens now

Good idea, but it would benefit from preparation ahead of time and during fallow periods.

Sow some fake SJW profiles - put a couple up at random times during the year so they don't all crop up at once. Maintain them and make them look real by interacting. Protip: Google Images will reveal if you stole a pic of someone else, but not if you use a picture from a still frame of a video! If you farm these ahead of time you can spring them into action to cause division and look credible because by then theyll look "lived in"

lesson i learned from trolling lefites - dont create your own parody of them, where you passively aggressively mock them in imitation, its too obvious. dont, for instance, devise your own original absurd leftist-like ideas, you go too far and give yourself away. instead - watch and wait and harvest their own absurd ideas which you can see cause or can cause division - collect them and simply repost them or post ilnks to them where you know theyll cause a fight - take an article like the pic related in OP and post it where people on both sides are, for instance - yuoull notice that even they tend to cordom themselves off from other lefties wholl disagree, so uncordon them by crossing thsoe lines that they wont!

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Jews should be annoyed they stole their campaign from the holohoax.

Are Crips and Bloods too black and heteronormative?

It's humorous that niggers actually have good footing to make this argument. Despite 17,000,000 nigger shootings, the left didn't get enraged until 17 non-blacks died. CNN never hosted townhalls to save the niglets.

Indeed. They're also sorely lacking in any membership from the asian community. The bigotry must end

>tfw the Yakuza are live broadcast having sex on top of a rainbow Japanese flag with every member of the Bloods and Crips

Why should organized criminal gangs be immune from the rules of diversity and inclusion as instructed by the requirements of intersectionality. It is current year after all

Of course it's "too white". More negro kids off each other in Chicago each month than kids get AR-15'd in suburban high schools every year.

No one gives a shit about the dindu kids, but people march over the white boi school shooter fantasy because deep down SJW's know that middle class white people are actually important to America, while Dindu ghetto kids aren't.

Thats because Columbine was an actual school shooting user

To highlight - school shooter jokes, threats etc are the domain of niche weirdos from Sup Forums, posted (and frequently deleted) from YouTube and other forms of social media.

Meanwhile, this is mainstream black/hispanic culture;

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”)

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

The Left is afraid of strong black women.

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The left is already doing this lol