Civil War will be upon us in <10 years

Which region fights/ally with which?

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AZ front is best front

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balkanization and civil war in the us makes me hard

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Also AZ bro here, I say ally with Front Range, then push west to take control of Colorado river.

Digits of truth

Everywhere vs. the cities.

Ohio will win the Civil War and establish the Ohio Reich.

>the Ohio cucks believe this

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A lot of ethnic germans out there. Genetics influence behavior.

AZ and CA would not be able to sustain themselves without water from CO.

This is what your average home is Michigan looks like.

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Taking control of Colorado river is pretty much the same thing as grabbing Los Angeles by the balls and tugging real hard.

The entire Guld coast would easily be an ally. At most, Miami would be a front because the Jews are so deeply entrenched there. Orlando is somewhat indoctrinated as well. North of that would easily be considered "the South" and the South will rise together. This is a culture war at its heart and it will develop from a separation in rural/urban ideals

texas protects the constitution. Based wheels abbot has our back

Maryland wins and establishes the Chesapeake Empire.

lol no.

the one that wont be swarmed by drones destroying every kind of open resistance within a day?

>Cascadia liberals join Canada and immediately gets invaded by Idaho

Please don't let me get conscripted into the People's Army of Portlandia, Sup Forums

I'm sorry for the Bernie Sanders memes I liked on fb

We'll get our shit pushed in

Don't cut off our soy supplies pls

ur all weak faggots ur not gonna do shit except invite jamal in to ur cuck shed to fuck ur wife

Front Range here

Just built a 300 blackout rifle, will fight for food .

my grandparents fought the niggers in south africa
my parents fought the niggers in rhodesia
it's my job to fight the niggers in florida

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>this dumb meme again
Only LA and Southern California gets their water from the Colorado river, and there is no way you can cut them off because it flows along their border you absolute brainlet. You must think they put water in boxes and actually ship it instead of having reservoirs and aqueducts.

Reddit was a god damn mistake. You have to go back.

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keep talking like us shill, youll turn into one of us eventually.

I can bet my house the Southern California will win against all other retards

ABQ here - I agree AZ corridor and Front Range should ally. We have the Rio Grande for water supply to push west. The problem is all the hippies here and in Santa Fe, which being a sanctuary city means you will have enemies behind the lines sabotaging every step of the way.

Texas pairs up with Tennessee and annexes Oklahoma. Arkansas is no mans land. Kicks everyone out to the point the last guy grabs his own collar and throws himself out.

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kys retard if you try to force me to do shit ill blast you away cunt, idc what colors you wear, you are all open season if you fuck with me

All gigantic metropolises are pure liberal cancer and will be occupied/starved out by ruralites.

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Obligatory read

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first we need to take back the texas triangle from filthy libs. shouldent be to hard, without a daily dose of starbucks they will die out

Stay out of Utah, East Nevada, Western Colorado, Northern Arizona, and most of Idaho - that's right full Mormon clay.

Deseret forever!!!!

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You think people will maintain their liberal views and pacifist ideals when they are literally starving to death?

This situation will resolve itself in 2 years max. But you can always dream about your NWO Jew.

Compare with the Clinton Archipelago (pic related).

Great Lakes, Texas Triangle, Gulf Coast, and Florida will be dominated by the right.

SoCal, NorCal, Cascadia, and Piedmont Atlantic will be under leftist control.

Front Range and Arizona Sun Corridor will be conflict zones.

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florida would literally tear itself apart before having a chance to ally. when the dust clears the few remaining floridian militias will be a distilled perverse version of their current embodyment.

That was probably a great house

Those mega reigions cross int borders

>doesn't know about the northwest front
lol dude just because seattle and portland have a lot of noisy liberals doesn't mean that the region goes to them
there are so many pro-white people here, but when you go to places like seattle you won't find them living there
cascadia is a delusional dream of liberal cucks, and I can guarantee our idahoan neighbors wouldn't just sit by and watch

I'll help you, brother. We'll know each other by the niggerslaying look in each other's eyes.

3rd gen loser?

Yankee reporting, true and blue. For 400 years my family has lived in New York City and god damnit I was born here, and I'll die here

Hi, a fucking leaf here. we'll fucking plow thru your fucking le %56 puss with ease during that time.

I wonder where the first nuke will detonate.

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Only in the southern shithole. Northern Michigan is best Michigan.

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Shit map

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I'm fine with this

People like to pretend that it's a matter of which state/region is going to ally with who, but it's really a matter of which cities are going to have their urbanites crushed first. Smaller cities with a sizable white suburb/exurb population like Columbus or even Cleveland will be flipped first.

That’s if the rural areas can organize effectively, if not the rural areas will be the new kulaks put into the gulag by the mutt/nigger/3rd world super army. We can’t let that happen, it would be very bad

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Balkanization is impossible long-term. Watch us follow the China model of collapse.

California will win fuck you all

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Wisco here... can I come join you Texans?

Get fucked with your bullshit. PA sucks ass and is loaded to the gills with cucks.


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I don't see a civil war happening beyond the cold one we're in now. If shooting actually started most will just hide their political beliefs all together. Outside of the internet most people couldn't give a fuck less.

Maryland has the sperg rage of a million white nationalists at its disposal.

norcal needs to team up with azfront and take socal fast and hard then move to conquer cascadia


why dont you think will turn into hunger games with the liberal states controlling the nukes. Theyll probably nuke a red state to prove dominance.

It may be a shithole, but I'm not gonna let the kikes displace me

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>Virginia beach is now part of a northeast mega region
I want off this ride.

florida man V florida man would be the greatest war of all time

Nigga Columbus is armed to the gills

you guys are litterally the only ones every one agrees to nuke

it also has a shit ton of niggers just like the rest of the major cities in OH

Can confirm this.

fuck off nigger.

It won't happen again guys. The police and national Guard would stop it before it started. Mabye baby riots but that's it.

You're forgetting about the Mexicans coming to take your land. you'll have to have good relations with montana, eastern OR and WA, and Idaho to distract us

Don't start shit with Cascadia in Cascadia. You'll be sandwiched and you don't want to fight us on our own turf. We'll go Rambo First Blood/ Red Dawn and draw out a conflict for a long time and maybe cut off any retreat options. Do not get stuck in the forest with us.

If you can somehow draw us onto your land, you can slaughter us in the open desert

ur a fucken mutt

Minnesota will do just fine on it own. We'll throw the Somalians on the ice this time of year and make sport of which ones will fall through first and which will be clawed in


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shut up, leaf, Americans are trying to LARP

Okay I'm making a thread to discuss a Canadian invasion

>not vernors

Shit, I'm Texan and even I know that.

>doesn't know about True Cascadia
lol dude

Wisconsin will reign supreme, shits like the U.S. version of siberia. Git in ur cheese goolags guy.

hi virgin lmao

Will you give based Californians a chance to run before you blow this shithole to hell?

>t. virgin covering his bases

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>You space like a t_donald. Faggot
Implying we wouldn't send out our attack polar bears for anyone stupid enough to put a foot on our soul.

you are the most god awful tranny faggot ive ever talked to

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Civil war like the secession of the Confederate states is rare lately.
Most likely you'll have more instances of conservative half's of states wanting to form their own state and vice versa like what is happening in California.

American civil war is not something likely to happen but if it does my only advice to Sup Forums is to understand the very fact you posted on this site, depending on the content of your posts also, makes you someone the system will want to purge.
The governments biggest fear is a civil war.
Now I know what you're probably thinking,
>"wait I thought the glow in the dark (((them))) are trying to instigate a civil war?"

Well I can tell you the whole "they want a civil war" meme is a corruption of a type of threat the right wing will typically make when they're witnessing something they don't like.
For example
>senator shills for passing gun legislation
>3%er boomers tell them "you want a civil war"
Its an implied threat of armed resistance, not an actual conspiracy.

Now I pose a question, what would (((they))) benefit from a civil war?
Nothing, they already own everything. They're already race mixing us into a brown sludge. They're already harvesting our organs. They're already turning our sons into their catamite slaves. They're already robbing us of our wealth. They're already pimping out our daughters to everyone else.
I see no benefit for (((them))) in a civil war.

Civil wars are costly, damaging, and would destroy morale. It would be the worst nightmare that Israels biggest golem be unable to assist especially during this crucial time where Syria, Iran, and Russia are challenging USA-Israel-Saudi power.

Is a civil war good for "us" though? That's up to you to decide. I personally will be praying for a peaceful solution and if it happens I will aid any recovery efforts rather than contribute to the chaos.

Thanks for reading by the way.
Pic semirelated

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fellow AZ user here. i predict AZ being a hard fought front, with possible multiple control changes. proximity to california along with the demographics of the population of us and the states around us suddenly going full mexican nationalist will put up and the very least, an extremely big and constant fucking headache and power struggle.

What do you mean by this?

The rural areas are the ones with all the guns famalam. Those boys in the boonies just kill shit and camp for fun every weekend and would buy out nigger hunting licenses if you let them.

USA will never balkanize because it's too big, too resource-rich, and has way too much uninhabited wasteland separating any of the places that would have ideological beef.

Discontinuity of rule in the USA would be almost exactly like the Roman Empire fall and split.

something like 90% of Canada's population is within 50 miles of the US, itd be easy as hell to invade.
inb4 revisionist version of 1812 btw

arizona is a nightmare to invade at least. We basically have the same terrain as afghanistan, its a guerrilla's wetdream

Rural Vs. Urban in less than 10 years in all of Europe and the Anglosphere. Rural wins.

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I've seen this before.

It's all bullshit.

Read about the Communist Revolution in China is what he means. Total bloodbath, the country completely went to hell, and the only part that broke off was Taiwan. Everywhere else was a catastrophe.

You know what actually kills people for the most part?

Mortars, shells, bombs, and rockets. Small arms are not particularly effective casualty producers.

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Honestly, i dont see how a civil war is unavoidable at this point. the Left is reaching way too far into peoples rights for there to be some peaceful resolution some time soon.
Short of some patriotic miltiary leader purging DC and reseting the clock back to 1990 i dont see any positive solution,when marxism non larp is literally at our doors