Opinions on Nazi Germany. I'm not talking about neo-Nazi LARPing "hitler 14-88" types, I'm talking about real, informative opinions on the benefits/negatives/overall attributes of Nazi Germany.
Nazi Germany
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Best form of government imo
Slightly backwards in some cases, but overall had good ideals.
Fat air man
500 years ahead of its time.
Hitler was evil, we couldn't let his tiny Parkinson afflicted hand have the nuclear codes.
He won the rural and Bavarian retards, smart city people voted Wels.
Hitler may have been evil, but the general ideals of the 3rd Reich could have a case made for them
The Jews tried their best to cripple their economy but NatSoc prevailed until they (((shut it down))), before Hilter come into power Germany had been raped by inflation to the point of their currency being worthless, people were an heroing left right and centre taking their kids with them.. which is kind of ironic since Joseph Goebbels and his wife killed all their kids before an heroing themselves.
Evil, the only reason to larp as a nazi is to piss off people you hate.
I feel the movie Downfall did portray the fall of the Nazi Germany well and what it really was. At the end of the day, the 3rd Reich wasnt about killing and slaughtering, but rather to protect the German people and defend against Bolshevism
Fuck 'em
Nazi Germany is basically the final form of identity politics
It works both ways, people who larp and people who cry wolf over nazis
>Unironically use the term evil in any context
Wow you people deserve everything bad and every instance of somebody screwing you over you ll come across in your lives
PS: the site is glitched for me but I bet you are all Americans, and you are the reason everybody hates Americans, especially in this site
Extremely effective at an extreme cost. That being said the complete loss of freedom as a citizen far outweighs any pro their government could have possibly had and anyone in support of that style of government needs to appreciate how free they are in today's society, at least in the US.
They were too patriotic. Their over zealousness made it inevitable that they would bite off more than they could chew.
The smarter thing to do would have been to make diplomatic alliances with more than two piss poor countries who have no access to resources.
Not to mention their ideological fanaticism weighed them down significantly when it came to leadership, and the British were able to pick them apart in the war simply on the competence of the people at the top. Hitler was a strung out drug addict and Goring was a fat, pompous oaf.
Apart from that though, great idea, and great execution from the boys on the ground. They were a great example of a morally driven, very conscientious movement. They killed a lot of communists.
The ones who cry wolf genuinely think they're in some big war while Sup Forums is just in it for laughs. Big difference.
Dude come on that's like the best part
The world would be a much better place if they had won
Yeah, yeah, whiter than you Muhammad [insert anyhow insult here]
>I'm not talking about neo-Nazi LARPin
>I'm talking about real, informative opinions
1) Stop talking like a marxist, jew or good goy
The ones that cry wolf are also in the government and have a lot of power over many sectors of the tertiary, while Sup Forums spends all it's time behind a computer. Big difference.
If the book 1984 is your ideal of better.
>polish politician in image macro
Ugh, how do you NOT know about RUSSIAN COLLUSION with Dickler to invade poland. Like wow.
Yeah, like I said, this place isn't some super ultra awesome place to fights da ebil commies as NAHZEEZ
I think you’re confusing national socialism with communism
No. They're both totalitarian with absolutely no personal liberty.
A lot is completely abhorrent posts in this thread I can't tell if they re Americans or leafs without the flags, but 1984 is a very direct reference to the Soviet Union, and a general mise en garde against totalitarianism, it was written after the fall of Germany, while the soviet were a very direct threat, nearly everything in the book is a direct reference to them, the obsession over surveillance and control of the population, which was never a German thing, the giant ministries, literally the giant ministries of the Soviet Union, made to tower over everything and look oppressive (brutalism), the "moustachy dictator", and finally the novlang, or targeted weaponisation of language aha isn't political descent, literally out of every Marxist's playbook, and what the left is doing today
In conclusion all Americans should consider suicide out of politeness for the rest of the world
>banned degeneracy
>promote the white race
>get rid of the Jewish cabal that sold Germany and surrendered without anyone stepping foot into Germany.
>avoid paying reparations after WWI by declaring war
>war helps bring Germany get out of depression and promotes innovation
Just a few off the top of my head.
Meh they were German, Germans were free and that was there culture. It's not for cuck porn watching furries who happen to like traps and scar porn or whatever you call "liberty."
Lets see:
1) They had a guy with no experience whatsoever on running a country running the country.
2) They had a guy with no experience whatsoever on military tactics running the military.
3) They kept breaking every treaty.
4) They got England and France to declare war on them, then dragged all of Europe in it.
5) They invaded European countries that didn't oppose them; thus forcing them in the war.
6) They committed atrocities against whites (Poles, don't give a fuck about Jews).
7) Despite Russia getting humiliated invading Finland, it was scary enough for the "greatest military machine" that they invaded Russia to prevent it from invading them.
8) Dragged the US in their fucking war.
9) Thanks to them Germans carry an eternal guilt.
10) Thanks to them whites carry an eternal guilt (Segregation and antisemitism died in the west because of the Nazis).
11) Thanks to them Europeans became more divided than ever.
12) Their leader killed his best General (Rommel) because he was jealous of his popularity.
13) Their leader sent young brave Germans to their death in Russia. The reinforcement was sent to Greece and they had to fight for a meme city that would have accomplished nothing in Crushing the USSR.
14) Bombed British civilians. Again killing whites.
Every American that praises this faggot need to kill themselves. That asshole thought of us as worse than Jews.
Between 1930 and the 1940, Germany went from having around ~60% of the machine tool count of the United States to 96%, and having a more modern stockpile to boot; in roughly a decade, the National Socialist regime had laid the foundations for the German Reich to supplant the United States as the chief industrial power of the world, had they won the conflict and been allowed to focus on further developments in this area. I cannot emphasis enough had incredible of a fact this is, especially given how short a time this occurred.
Another interesting fact is that, in 1942, monthly irrecoverable losses for the Red Army was roughly 290,000; in 1945, it was roughly 200,000. This despite the complete collapse in the Reich's industrial capabilities, the utilization of old men and young boys in a desperate last stand, and literally getting overrun with no real armor support and definitely no aerial support either.
I think both of these facts attest to the supreme ability of National Socialism to harness the full power of the German people, and allowed them to come within a hair of completely burning down the world order and reforming it in their image. They did conquer 80% of Europe, after all.
IDK ask them
dickord gg/eWRrHaT
stop writing in passive voice
Then you're idiots.
Give up all your freedoms and depend on a nanny state to do everything. Surely the state would have kept those same ideas for ever. I mean its not like the US was made by white people for white people only to be hijacked within 200 years later. Only difference is under Fascism you can't defend yourself from big brother.
>kill 50 million white people for no reason
>try to exterminate dozens of white cultures in Eastern Europe
>ruin germany and most of Europe and facilitate a communist invasion
>cripple Britain and France ensuring they lose control of their empires and letting the world slip from European hands.
>”b-but he killed a bunch of completely inconsequential Jewish civilians seig heil 1488!”
Hitler was the worst thing to ever happen to white people.
They want their NEETbux. Like they would even be about to shut themselves in because of porn and vidya are basically banned because of muh degeneracy.
>not recognizing a leaf post
Surely they can't all 4 be leaf posts right?
>>banned degeneracy
So no freedom
Also suck on my infinite ips I literally can't get banned no rage
He didn't want war with England he said he loked the English people He could have slaughter them At Dunkirk but did not. Winston choose war.He built Germany up from the ashes through racial cohesion. The Brits started the bombing of civilians. german airforce had no strategic bombers. Hilter did not kill Rommel
all the guys in that pic were dead by 1945.
Well ... it was not a democracy. One was expected to subsume one's individual rights for the good of the State and the Volk. Freedoms of Speech and Assembly curtailed, snitching and surveillance encouraged.
He’s not wrong tho, imagine if he could see us today.
Alright let me try I will bet those are leaf posts:
How right am I?
I meant Instead of
Nazi Germany was guided by a evil man but he brought them out of an incredible crippling depression and was in control of scientists creating the most advanced pieces of military equipment mankind has ever seen. We cannot look back in history to seen Nazi Germany to be a completely bad thing in our history. It taught us very important lessons in politics, human nature, and what can be achieved if people come together to benefit a cause. I'm not condoning what they did, but it's important to remember that good things came from it.
Advanced millitary equipment is not something positive
>He didn't want war with England
And yet he provoked one. In Mein Kampf, he said that England joined France gainst Germany in WW1 because it saw Germany shifting the balance of power. That Germany should befriend England then achieve conquest. That didn't last after he took power.
> he said he loked the English people He could have slaughter them At Dunkirk but did not.
His generals wanted that, but the moron was too scared that his line was too stretched and didn't want too many risks. He would lose that later and take way more unnecessary risks.
>Winston choose war.
Winston was a nobody until war was on and Hitler invaded most of Europe.
>He built Germany up from the ashes through racial cohesion. The Brits started the bombing of civilians.
Nope. Nazis fired that first shot. Once again a retarded choice by a man that didn't understand war. Had he listened to his advisers, The British military would not have had time to build its AF and give the soldiers a reason to keep fighting no matter what.
>german airforce had no strategic bombers. >Hilter did not kill Rommel
Again nope. Hitler told Rommel to either kill himself, or stand a trial and be found guilty then he and his family would be killed.
Hitler was the worse thing to every happen to Europeans. Remove him from history and we would have a much better timeline.
They didn't give up any freedoms you stupid fuck. Only jews lost their freedoms and he was going to send them all to Madagascar until the kikes bribed the Japs to get us into the war. Our grandparents fucked it all up, you dumb, ignorant, stupid faggot.
This is just appeal to emotion garbage
Authoritarian, collectivist governments suck.
I dont care if it's Nazi or Communist, they all get the bullet.
However, Germany has always been authoritarian, they dont even understand freedom and True Liberalism. I've had a few convos with Krauts over the years and they are fucking clueless to what freedom is. They think an echo chamber is "open conversation". Absolutely clueless, so will never be free.
>They didn't give up any freedoms you stupid fuck.
Considering NS that argue their retarded ideology here admit to loss of freedom, I say you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. What the hell do you think fascism is? Its giving up all accountability and trusting the government to take care of it.
>Only jews lost their freedoms and he was going to send them all to Madagascar until the kikes bribed the Japs to get us into the war.
That is the stupidest stupid thing I have ever read. The Japs attacked us because we embargoed them till they signed a treaty promising not to attack American areas. Japs wanted said areas so they attacked hoping to force us into leaving the pacific. We weren't cucks back then and we retaliated by shoving their shit and Hitler too for declaring war on us.
>Our grandparents fucked it all up, you dumb, ignorant, stupid faggot.
Not mine. Yours did though by breeding, thus keeping his inferior gene in the genepool and resulted in you.
Hitler became a drug addict, usurped full control of the army and then suicided it in Stalingrad. Hitler fucked up
Today's Red-Pill: The article has been conveniently scrubbed from the internet because it causes too many uncomfortable questions
>In 1927, a column writer for Haaretz wrote of the NAZI's.
>This column writer was an ortho and very much a believer in Nationalist Israel as an age old concept written of in "Holy Books"
>The NAZI's of which he wrote were the Globalists, the International Jews who adhered to the Babylonian Talmud known as the ashkeNAZIm
>At some point, the ruse was established that he was talking about the 'Nacionalizmus'
>Somehow, magically, only certain letters were borrowed from the term to create the "NAZI" phenom
>As is their Modus operandi to create degrees of separation between themselves and their actions, the term "NAZI" was allowed. It isn;t as though the Goyim will ever figure out that they've been played
>The NAZI world order did not come from a people who were Nationalist-minded, but from the ashkeNAZIm who adhered to the Babylonian Talmud; the most racist, prejudiced, bigoted, divisive, us v. them dogma in the history of mankind
>the ashkeNAZIm are from what we call today "Georgia"/the Khazarian empire. They were wedged between the Christians of the West and the Islamic of the East and South, so for the sake of political expediency they chose the Talmud as a way of maintaining minority religious status, gaining the power majority, and though many of their "religious traditions" ran counter to the Christian norms of the West and the Islamic norms of the East and South, the laws of the land protected "religious freedom"
>And just as today, the US Constitution was codified to protect, among other rights, the right to religious freedoms. You've been played by the same players using the same playbook. Sorry user.
For a people that are said to be highly intelligent, they're not too broght
>tells about his experience on an interview
>appeal to emotion
He wasn't arguing you brainlet faggot
>I've had a few convos with Krauts over the years and they are fucking clueless to what freedom is. They think an echo chamber is "open conversation". Absolutely clueless, so will never be free.
This is a truly accurate assessment, freedom of speech is a concept that has notoriously failed since forever in germany, they just don't understand it.
What is freedom? you don;t have it you have the illusion of freedom. Why would i care about this so called loss of freedom if i agree with every aspect of the system? i would lose nothing and still be doing everything i wished for in fact i'd be free to do it however i'm legally mnot free to live or even think how i'd like to today so how is that for "freedom", all versions of freedom have parameters you dumb yank cunt.
>The NAZI world order did not come from a people who were Nationalist-minded, but from the ashkeNAZIm
I don't even know what flag can produce something like this dios mios...
Seriously you yank cunts are the most childish unintelligent conditioned morons on earth, you dumb everything down to "HURRR GOOD VS EBIL" this method was started by reagan btw to herd public support for wars easily by promoting yourself as always righteous and good and therefore all opposition as bad and evil.
It's American education and propaganda unfortunately.
(((They))) use all flags user.
And every flag (((they've))) used has booted them, because they're incompatible. BUt it's never their fault. It's always the fault of someone else; amirite tho?
- Are you saying that Nationalism is Globalism?
Fake quote.
You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest."--Winston Churchill, Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.