You can't advocate for an ethnostate without realizing that Africa is for Africans; this means stop whining about the issue in South Africa
You can't advocate for an ethnostate without realizing that Africa is for Africans; this means stop whining about the...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm willing to trade. Africa for the Africans and Europe for the Europeans.
Except we can, because South Africa didn't exist until white people moved there and created it, and foreign invaders are now wanting to kill them.
Reminder that BnHA will never be the next naruto.
Every fucking thread, every fucking time, you absolutely never refute pic related. OP, you have failed this board.
You actually can, the only potent arguments put forth are ideological in nature, not objective.
Even if this were not the case, Africa is not only for Africans. Arabs have more of a right to the northern third than blacks do, and the original inhabitants of South Africa were Khoi San people, who were a different race from the blacks there entirely.
What you’re saying is the same as one arguing that Asia (including Arabia, India, and Iran) is for exclusively Oriental people.
Retarded nigger.
south africa doesn’t belong to africans. europeans built the country from nothing.
the afrikaners are native africans
africa isn't a state
this is now a nigger hate thread sit tight folks
enjoy the show...
White people are originally from Africa. Out of Africa theory and all. SA is White Israel. Support white zionism bigot.
I wish we'd have slaughtered them all when genocide was still ok to do
Elephants and rhinos are more valuable to me than negroids.
I don't see Alt-Righters telling the Negros how to run their soon to be starved countries. I do see them shit talking Liberals for actively denying and ignoring a minority group in immediate growing danger because they are white.
Anyone who sees OP's image and doesn't immediately recognize it as a slide thread need to lurk more.
> Stop whining about these people being killed by niggers.
I see nothing wrong with voicing concern over it.
>Top text
>Bottom text
Who's the anime grill? Time to hijack this meme
thread theme
works both ways, doesn't it?
Get fucked in the ass by reality, OP
Fucking god bless you, keep it up
>Le "Rightful" Land
What a Spooked thread
all you nog loving cucks will love this one
the niggers tortures the boy to death in front of his parents before they killed they parents
almost all of them are free to this day
Why i should i as an Australian Care about what happens to these people its their issue not mine
>1 post by this id
why are these threads even kept up?
I won't complain about South Africa if you don't whine about kicking out/killing off every brown and black out of Europe and the US.
cool thread juncker
do you think the berbers will be kicked out of the maghreb before or after the whites?
It's not a meme, it's one guy who makes threads with the same characters.
>Le Wh*Toids are Superior
>Posts Dozens of Images of Wh*Tes getting BTFO again and again
What did he mean by this?
Hey buddy, Done with posting Mina over and over?
The real comeback to that retarded 'helping Boers' thing is "We need our entire military ready for WWIII"
Do you really think niggers deserve Africa?
Of course not. Africa is not for Africans. Africans have no place in a modern world, and should have been genocided after the mechanical negro was invented.
Those were settlers who have been there for hundreds of years, who settled land no African tribe were living in. All the tribes of the north came when the white man built a prosperous nation and ruined SA with gibs. Honest fucking truth.
Uraraka from Hero Academia
Who the fuck started using BnHA characters to shitpost? I'll behead him for this alone.
Also, the "alt-right" does not exist.
South Africa is for White South Africans.
See how that works?
woah, really makes me think...
You’re doung gods work user, keep it up, you make us all proud
>Muh Unsourced "Info"Graphics
Oh wait you have none
you're a hero and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
>implying google doesnt exist