I'm excited, but kinda scared about pizzagate being blown wide open. Oh well, this is the future I chose.
I'm excited, but kinda scared about pizzagate being blown wide open. Oh well, this is the future I chose
Jaxon Gomez
Jace Rivera
>Sup Forums still thinks pizzagate is real
Damn you a bunch of autistic faggots.
Dominic Howard
>shills are still using this dumb fucking line
Colton Smith
Asher Richardson
I'm kinda scared too
Shit's gonna get cuhrazy
Henry Diaz
line? your english sucks fucking spic
Austin Fisher
R.I.P. You Glorious Jew Bastard
Samuel Peterson
OP is a faggot x 4
Ian King
Yes, a line, a talking point, a meaningless dismissive phrase.
You're probably a kike sitting in a Jewish community center on act.il getting your orders. Sad.
Dylan Evans
I'm scared too. I really get turned on by girl feet, and don't want to be associated w/ this creep.