>cuts half your penis off at birth
>lol why do American's have a problem with violence lmoa???!!!
Cuts half your penis off at birth
Other urls found in this thread:
>mother decides to circumcise baby boy
>father objects but has no say
>jew bites it wrong
>can't afford emergency procedure to save the boys dick
>son crippled for life and will never be able to pee without soiling himself without the aid of a catheter
>catheters cost 80$ a piece cuz of glorious the glorious free market
>father leaves wife because she ruined his sons life
>gets divorce raped cuz son needs medical attention
America really is the greatest nation.
fathers are just as often as fault for wanting their sons to get abortions as mothers
people who are uncut are just jealous of our superior cut weiners. We statistically have more sex and are at less risk of getting aids from a nigger.
This sounds like a thing. Source?
Uncut is for niggers. If you have your baby for free in the hospital, they will deliver it, but you get no extras.
source please.
Cutfags are also worse lovers. Turns out that foreskin is pretty useful for making sex more enjoyable for the girls.
I made it up, but it may as well have happened just because of how fucked up America is.
>Problem with violence
It's called living in a free society, something I obviously wouldn't expect a thought police Trudeau Canadacuck to understand.
>>jew bites it wrong
Checked, going to kill niggers now
It really must give you horrible repressed anger. I mean if some psycho fuck abducted me and skinned any part of my body never mind my penis I would murder them no question, but imagine growing up knowing your own parents let someone do that to you.
>tfw uncircumcised and American
Feels good man, women even say it looks appetizing, unlike dry subhuman ones
I don't have to imagine
>inb4 some larper saying that he's a woman and prefers cut
good thing is that when the race war begins, we easily can indetify the jew.
>Paying to mutilate your son
lmao. It's not free goy. Btw world wide, only shitskins and Koreans circumcise.
when i was in high school there was this latina chick with the most beautiful, shiny, goddess-like feet imaginable. she took her shoes off in class one time and i swore my foreskin was nearly ripped in half with how fast i got an erection (i'm pretty sure i nearly circumcized myself). you could literally hear an audible thump as my dick hit the desk i was sitting at.
god i missed so many opportunities to play with her feet; we used to flirt with each other so much. why even fucking live Sup Forums someone end me.
Uncut fag here. Feel bad for all cutbois out there. My cousin who was uncut as well because his dad was adamant about the fact he stay uncut when he was born. When his mom and dad divorced and he was around 7 or 8 she took him in to get him circumsized behind his dads back the day they split.
I said quite the opposite tho
I'll never forgive the jews for tricking my people into mutilating their babies. Fortunately, it's kind of on the way out. Far fewer millennials are cut than boomers/X-ers. My parents love me and my brother, and we're not kikes, so it was never even a conversation they had.
>whelped and genitally mutilate from day-dot
>can't get off as a result of calloused, numb knob
>junk food diet further ensures erectile and potency issues are exacerbated and lifelong ailments
>blame homoes and roasties for own sexual frustrations
>require more and more cücked, misogynistic and degenerate titillation to get dopamine rush to work via cock
>puritan society glorifies war and violence, but vilifies sex and sexuality -- making it even hard to relate to anything even remotely approaching normal sexual interaction
>born with said mark of the (((beast))) -- osmoitcally inculcated (through trauma and stigma) to groveling goyim fate -- bred only to bleed Zion's deserts red
oh, what woe it must be to be born a 'mutt
Honestly, fuck all of the hate (except for the cutfags who try and claim it's better or w.e.) but I genuinely feel sorry for cutfags.
They had no choice. When I was born the doc tried circumcising me too but my mum objected.
It must feel absolutely terrible to know that you had half of your dick snipped before you could decide for yourself. Literally, the foreskin has its uses, desu. I can't imagine not having it, would be horrible.
My dick is still sensitive on the tip and my orgasms are still knee trembling precisely because its not too desensitised.
>Americuts will never pull their foreskin forward and piss, causing a big ol' piss bubble
This is unironically probably how cavemen cleaned their dick after sex. Pulled their foreskin forward to seal the end, pissed a little, and then released.
I've used this method when I was a teenager and fucked my gf outside in a park, lol
I told my whole family to abandon Christianity and to stop circumcising their children. And if they didn't I would cut them out of my life. I sent them all copies of Mein Kampf with a hand-written note that said "this is the only Bible you need."
They all laughed and ignored me so I cut them off...Fast forward 10 years and I'm very wealthy now and they're still poor white trash. They all beg me for help and I tell them to beg their shitskin false prophet.
Future they chose. The only way out of this Christcuck mess is to be as brutal as I have been. You have to cut the Christians out of your life and starve the beast any way you can. I'm going to buy an apartment complex by one of the largest churches in my area and fill it with Section 8 niggers and halfway house scum. We'll see how much those Christians like """"diversity"""" right in their back yard when they're trying to act all white on Sunday.
>Pulled their foreskin forward to seal the end, pissed a little, and then released.
just ram it back and piss like a normal person you fucking idiot. why are you piss ballooning after sex?
I agree Christianity is kikedom but mein kampf? kek can't blame them, even i laughed. I hope this is sarcasm.
Nah, obviously I'm saying in a scenario in which you don't have access to modern facilities like a sink, lad. Obviously thousands of years ago, I can't imagine they would waste water washing their dick after sex, or if they're out pillaging or something.
In a weird sort of primal way, I discovered this little 'natures trick' on my own. No one told me. I just sort of logic'd it after fucking my GF in a park and having no way to clean my dick after, as I said.
I imagine millions of men also probably discovered this too over the course of history.
My point is: The foreskin is a feature, not a flaw. Why the fuck would I cut it off?
>I genuinely feel sorry for cutfags.
>They had no choice.
I only sympathise with those that admit and accept their grave disabilities -- thereby, working towards a solution, and no longer being a part of the problem.
For those that shill for their kike abusers, are no better than those that open the castle gates to the African mudslide invaders, or who grovel at the altar of Gordon Gekko right before lurching back into the food stamps -- i.e., the FIRST candidates for the """"delousing showers""""
reading your post makes me want to cut it off
Yeye, the ones who defend it out of insecurity... fuck them.
>But its ugly bro
Lol, well, that's just nature for you. I think it's pretty cool t b h
Nature has everything worked out
>renouncing christgoyism
>pic related the quintessential ambrosial reward for all good goys
u wot, m8?
I'm 100% dead serious. The only religion you need is race, national socialism, and science. I
>jew bites it wrong
Kek'd hard
Give me back my penis skin!!! It's not fucking fair!!! The kikes have to pay....
>cuts half your penis off at birth
Your penis is only 2 inches long?
The only cut guys who aren't against it, don't know and haven't thought about it.
I hate that I am cut and despise baby doomers for this.
man... if I had a bitcoin for all the foreskin fetishist roasties and traps I've known... oy vavoy!
>even the smell turns them on!
They do it when you are a baby flag hidin retard.
Not the niggers and spics or anything
>you only need socialism
Nice try, rabbi.
My dick is big AF but I would gladly trade for an average sized uncut.
Anyone who cuts their children deserves a gas chamber ASAP.
Oh please nigger are you serious right now? White men won't fuck any white girl under the age of 35. I think white men get off on the idea of tons of blacks and browns plowing their women from the age of 11 or 12 onward.
Only when the white girl is used up beyond all repair, is the average white male ready for her. He enjoys the irregular, limp sex, frigid and bad attitude and total disgust the white women has for the beta provider male. I have NEVER understood the white Christian male's endless white knighting for a system that keeps them from having appropriately aged wives 12-14 even though their own stupid holy book tells them to marry young women before they turn into whores.
But it's the future white men chose for whatever reason.
...Unless your Chad. Chad does what he wants and doesn't care about consent laws. Because he's Chad.
The blood sucking bit isn't done in 99.9% of circumcisions.
Because I wanted into the army. You can't enlist unless your circumcised. Doesn't hurt that bad and sex was amazing afterwards.
>sex was amazing afterwards.
Probably not for the guy pitching, though.
>Uncut is for niggers.
I've never seen an uncut black guy.
My penis is cut, only time I've ever fought someone was in highschool. Wasn't out of nowhere, he was trying to hit me. I'm not naturally violent, but will defend myself if necessary....
Yeah some women buy mens used boxers just like some men buys womens
Also one of my exes said she likes how my balls smell before
Been stretching mine back out for a year. Covers half the tip and I can keep it in place with a hair tie. Sucks but you can fix it.
It's understandable if they simply opt out of the debate -- how can they know which is better / worse when / if they they were cut from womb to tomb?
However, those that shill arrantly autistic shit (e.g., it reduced AIDS; it's more hygienic; it's superfluous; roasties who wouldn't know the difference between a cock and an elbow, prefer it butchered et al.) are the real cancers that need to be thrown down the same Tophet their cocks skins were...
>You can't enlist unless your circumcised
>no foreskin = no emollient (smegma) = no distinctive cock smell = might as well use a dildo
must feel bad, men...
LMAO oh boy I love being uncut
>Sucks but you can fix it.
>pondus judaica
I was told by the doc I couldn't enlist so I had to get cut I mean it hurt but it wasn't that bad. I wanted to kill sand niggers so I had no choice.
Not a faggot. Got much more attention once I put it on my tindr profile. Got like 30 roasties a day asking to just suck me off.
>They all laughed and ignored me so I cut them off...
Foot fetishist bullshit is an entry level fetish into disgusting shit like femdom, tranny shit and cuck porn
The Jew is desperately trying to sexuality feet to lull you into a porn coma anytime you see a fucking women's foot anywhere
Stop watching porn nigger
I can't stop laughing
being an uncut 'mutt surely be like being the lord of the flies
I didn't know what circumcision was fully, my mom told me it was a tiny snip that doesn't change anything but makes it easier to clean.
I had a gay experience with a European guy and had never seen another penis.
It looked right,my didn't. I feel a lot of things when I go piss etc.
My whole world is fucked up now.
I realize why I have autism and have always felt weird and like I was missing a piece.
I have literally been missing a piece.
I have felt things I didn't think I could.
I was depressed and hated life, now I am looking into reversing my curse.
Realizing you were maimed by your caregivers, I don't think I could ever trust family aside from my own biological kids.
Bullshit Jewish statistics
How? Clean feet can just look good and feel soft - you can't compare that to emasculation.
im uncut and i dont hate jews.
>I think white men get off on the idea of tons of blacks and browns plowing their women from the age of 11 or 12 onward.
it's not a matter of 'thought' -- it's a matter of FACT
(...specifically 'mutts, that is -- as they're in a kind of perpetual state of cognitive reparations, for the sins of their fathers towards perpetrated on non-whites... as well the effects of the kikes' hypnosis)
Feet have been a symbol of submission for millennia
Wtf you mean?
Fair enough sucking your gfs toes or something during passionate sex... that’s not the same
Obviously you've never seen the one with the chocolate sauce all over her feet as she adds whip cream and cherries that were in her mouth.
>the old dude just whips his dick out and the interviewer is like "wow"
Another year and everything will probably be covered. Fucking kikes though man. If getting your dick mutilated as an infant isn't enough to make you hate those cunts I don't know what is.
>my mom told me it was a tiny snip that doesn't change anything but makes it easier to clean.
this why you failed, Jar Jar -- roasties know literally NOTHING about cocks... even males know more about roasties than the latter do of the former's inguinal region (*hence, all the male gynaecologists)
>My whole world is fucked up now.
nope -- it's reparable:
Or the one where some bint says “clean my feet bitch btw in fucking your boss”
Pfffft porn has ruined men
You have the courage to come forward, good on you my dude
Most amerimutts are probabling COPING like crazy when they see those threads
Sure, I'm not defending submissivefags, but it could literally be the result of your brain being wired differently.
Search "foreskin restoration"
Natural, no surgery, no medication. Through applied tension alone its possible to force the growth of new, permanent skin and mucosal tissue that will mimic the appearance amd function of a real foreskin. It takes years but you can grow a replacememt foreskin. Skin cells are not particularly difficult to grow.
You can grow back nerve endings or spedialized structures like the frenulum, but you can restore the gliding mechanism of the foreskin over snd around the glans/frenulum remnant, causing a huge boost in sensitivity; when youve grown enough skin to cover the glans when flaccid itmeill start to de-keratinize, becoming moist amd sensitive again.
It takes years from start to finish, but it works and the skin tissue growth is real and permanent. It wont get you back to 100%, but it can get you to 70 or 80.
mfw it works with hand stretching in the shower and hair ties
I hate circumcision so fucking bad... Looks like the foreskin was fused to the glans (which is normal for a newborn.) and it took a piece of glans flesh off when they forcefully separated it.
God damn, what a backwards country America is... There are still fat subhuman IQ hicks that will support this shit.
>uncut is for niggers
Africa is literally one of the only places in the world that cuts. The only cut people are jews, muslims, americans, and soke africans (also some canadians and australians, especially if theyre older).
got any infographics on this?
Good hope you loathe forever in your disgust you sodomite faggot degenerate animal
>Not saying I thought they did.
My mom only ever had sex with my dad, she isn't a roastie, she was basically a female incel until her 30's.
If she were a roastie maybe I would have had a father figure and a normal penis.
>nope -- it's reparable
I will never have a frenulum and most of the feeling. The reveral process from what I can tell basically makes it look like a normal cock and brings back some sensitivity but I will never be a man in the sense that I will never experience sexual intercourse the way a man should.
Fuck! Why wasn't I aborted?
>Another year and everything will probably be covered.
when I was a kid, mine didn't even retract immediately (while hard) -- as I'd never been conscious of it before the dad showed me how to clean it
but even so, the logical noggin kicked in, and all I had to do was leave it retracted over night (while soft) for a couple of weeks, and everything's been hunky-dory since
>(NB: we get hard overnight, a few hours before rise, as a part of a 'system check' of all our functions -- erections being one aspect of this process and, in fact, when wet dreams occur {when required / one is banked up})
that "phimosis" meme is another of (((their))) mind-fuck excuses for their barbarism -- a ritual that's a literal deference to their daemon-god, YHVH (Yahweh > Hadad > Ba'al > pagan > daemon > a.k.a. Beelzebub > a.k.a. > SATAN)
>I will never have a frenulum and most of the feeling.
once the emollient returns, the skin will become smooth(er) and [more] sensitive -- this will feel like night and day compared to calloused coition (esp. if you go cold turkey 'til it's all up and running again)
>Fuck! Why wasn't I aborted?
dude... i mean, it's like A DICK -- get over it. you can get dopamine rushes in myriad other ways -- and if you are inclined to go homo, the prostate can be just as erogenous a zone as the penile gland (*some twink faggots even go full eunuch 'tard and cum purely from prostate stimulation)
>It wont get you back to 100%, but it can get you to 70 or 80.
My massive intellect tells me this is hyperbole and without stem cells or a time machine I will never get more than 10-25%.
I want to believe.
t.psychic brainlet kike.
>You are a literal animal.
>Your grammar is shit.
>You aren't even human, no one cares your opinion.
>Sodomites =/= homosexual, most straight people are technically speaking sodomites.
Sorry- meant to say CAN'T grow back nerve endings/specialized structures.
The tip of your dick becomes calloused after years of exposure to the elements. The callouses literally flake off and your dick becomes way more sensitive. feelsgoodman
>My massive intellect tells me this is hyperbole and without stem cells or a time machine I will never get more than 10-25%
We're not far away.
>audio streams not allowed
Im not even close to fully restored yet and Id say I already improved well past those numbers from where I started in terms of sexual sensation
Once you have a big fat handful of supple dick skin sliding over, around, back down over your glans, masturbation and sex are a completely new thing.
I want to be normal and have a family.
It isn't just a dick, it is your manhood.
Be thankful you have yours.
I would never do anal either way, it is gross.
Thanks for the advice M8, I love you Aussies, you are always the best and most helpful. You guys are the undisputed shitposters too.
I want to do a year work there to travel around your awesome country.
>The callouses literally flake off and your dick becomes way more sensitive
>penile pupa goes through chrysalis and becomes a scaly, sensitive, fire-breathing serpent
with farther beans and a glass chianti!
>high-fantasy fairy tale fiction
>muh christcuck
Litterally only you and kikes do it. Maybe gooks. Poland is far more christian and literally no one is circumsised here. Shit like this is why you will fall below 50%.
I dont, but there are some great resources online.
There are devices you can buy for this process, but I honestly think that manual tugging works just as well if not better- basicslly you want to grip the cicumcision scar line (brownish ring around your penis) between your thumbs and fingers, and pull it up and forward, alternately paying attention to each side, as if you were trying to pull the scar ring over the head of the penis.
Gooks are Christian.
Muslims do it a lot too.
Do it. You can start today. It will be a while before there is noticable change, but once you feel and see the new skin, you wont stop.