Name a better slice of life

Name a better slice of life.
Tip: It's impossible

Did the madman actually jump in the puddle?


>trying to bait newfags into getting permabanned


[incest][otaku][oppai][sister/s][lolicon][sleeping][sole male][twins]

Even as an oldfag it’s sort of tempting.

This is terrible.

Maid Dragon by Kyoani


The Colors are here.
Move aside you green fuck.

Poor mans Ichigo Mashimaro

It was only good for around 60 chapters, then it nosedived into mediocrity.
It's a shame, I really liked it.

did it really? I'm too scared to check

No, it improved a lot

ittai kono boku ni~

fucking faggot, dropped

get out


Onani master kurosawa and oyasumi punpun are better than that shit

Sure for the second one. No for the first one because the protag gets his personality rewritten. There's no way a mentally disturbed person can neatly turn into a total normie. In reality, they will probably struggle their entire lives in finding a careful balance between society and themselves.
