My friend posted this and I was absolutely dumbfounded when I read it. Take a gander.
My friend posted this and I was absolutely dumbfounded when I read it. Take a gander
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You're both obviously raging homosexuals. Take the hint and move your "friendship" to the next level.
>implying that you would even get hired
stfu cuck, work hard and find a better job.
>you own two cows, you sell one and buy a bull
Oh look he is angry at his own stupidity!
I meant I was shocked at how stupid it was and how stupid he must be.
>you own two cows, you sell one and buy a bull
>the bull imgregnates your wife and steal all your milk
>you cant feed your family so you kill yourself
the comunist dream
Well, it worked out great for the farmer.
Whats the prob?
i work at one of the biggest companies on earth and make enough.
at least half the people i work with are litteral nigger tier.
if you're mad about your wage you should, like, look for a better job
JFC well played user, well played.
>year 2
>employee keeps working for the same wage instead of finding other work or negotiating his wage, doesn't even attempt to negotiate for free or reduced priced milk
employee deserves this for being a faggot
Why are you angry at the Elite? We are all the same and actively seek the path towards minimum entropy.
They owe you nothing and will take from you everything, just as you would if in their shoes.
>you dont own a cow and someone else does
why dont you own a cow?
your daddy not own a cow?
why were you born if your daddy got no money?
No one has a right to reproduce. It is earned. The accumulation of wealth in but a few hands is natural. Only we have the right to reproduce and if you're lucky we may need more of your offspring as servants.
>. Only we have the right to reproduce and if you're lucky we may need more of your offspring as servants.
Wrong, I'll reproduce and invest my children into my family to grow more and survive independently and be self sufficient.
>not saving up and buying your own cow
> then buy a bull
>breed them
>make more cows and bulls
>slaughter excess bulls for meat and sell that
>milk more cows
This was my read on it too.
He wants you to ‘milk his cow’.
It is not the best illustration but the point is simply that most people don't have access to capital (in capital-ism) and thus can't really change their position. A ranch hands wages don't go up when the rancher is successful.
Do not reply to b-tier, off topic spam threads.
a capitalist farmer doesnt get paid to milk cows, then not get to keep any; that's the communist farmer. the capitalist farmer owns dozens of cows by proving a bull. the capitalist farmer pays subordinate employees to milk the cows for him. the capitalist farmer is free to make more money than he spent by engaging in peer to peer trades and liquidating his stock of milk. the communist farmer, however, must give all his milk to the commissary so his whole neighborhood can ungratefully drink it for free. the communist farmer fucking starves to death and never gets payed for his work because everything must be free.
the image you found is indeed dumbfounding.
You and your friend are raging faggots. Go commit homo soduko in a dark corner somewhere.
the original of these is pretty good. they have them for every major ideology. of course, this version is after liberals ruined it with their overwordy attempt at "humor".
>farmer buys another cow, therefore producing an additional 50% of milk
>demand stays the same
>price of milk increases
fucking saged. (you)r friend doesn't understand how capitalism works
how do u make gas kikes shut the fuck up
We will displace you from the land. It is only a matter of time before you will be pushed from yours.
You will pay us rent with your sweat until we no longer require you due to advancements in industry efficiency.
You're a fucking idiot, communist.
Don't think we don't know.
Like most employees can negotiate their wage lol?
Are you fucking retarded? Most jobs they could just fire you and hire a spic who would be willing to violate OSHA laws.
great post, vlad
shut up jocke capitalism is one whore house of a system eitherways
In what country can't poor people afford milk? The price has fallen through the floor thanks to capitalism.
wtf is a national bolshevik
>price of milk raises
Only if you import a bunch of immigrants and raise the milk demand. Everything the farmer did would of lowered the price of milk by increasing supply.
>meme flag
yes, you dumb faggot. I'm sorry you've never negotiated anything in your life because you value yourself less than Paco. In this situation, if the worker truly believes he's worth more than what he's being compensated for, he gets another job or asks for a raise as his work load expanded without compensation.
A wise man who knows the truth
i would rather die than milk cows. and i drink silk soy milk.
You're a fucking IDIOT and that's not realistic.
There's unequal bargaining power. "I want to be paid more!" Unless you're vital to the company they can just be like, "Fuck you. We'll hire some retarded spic who will stick his head in the machine while cleaning it even though OSHA says not to."
That's why fucking UNIONS exist. To protect workers and prevent them from being exploited.
If anyone can just sell their cows and retire why would anyone buy the cows instead of trying to sell theirs? You all sell your cows for toilet paper like dumb fucks and now you are dependent on the person who owns all the cows for milk, he makes you work more than if you would just have your two cows for the milk. And you are too much of a pussy to use violence for your benefit so there you go good goy.
Anything less than physical violence is controlled opposition
>You're a fucking IDIOT and that's not realistic.
Sweetie, it happens every day.
>There's unequal bargaining power. "I want to be paid more!" Unless you're vital to the company they can just be like, "Fuck you. We'll hire some retarded spic who will stick his head in the machine while cleaning it even though OSHA says not to."
If the worker is efficient and asks for a raise, he gets it if the farmer understands that the cost of hiring and training Paco would be greater than giving the efficient worker a raise. If the worker is fired, the worker then finds another job. The worker, if he knows he has more value, will find a better job.
Unions are a great thing.
Organized labor led to the eight hour work day, lunch breaks, and all this good shit.
There is unequal power between the employee and employer. Employees need protection so they don't get exploited.
"I'm gonna march up to muh boss and ask for a raise!"
Yeah, you guys sound like Baby Boomers.
Reminds me of a chain email that went around in the late 90s. Managed to find the text here:
Are faggots taking it seriously? It’s meant to be a joke.
Found the shill disorienting shill. You understand what physical violence means? Of course I came to understand there are people with slave DNA who like things how they are. Whatever you are, shill or slave, you are worthless to me and in general.
Holy fuck, you can refute that just by taking a picture of the milk shelf at the nearest grocery store.
Based ausbro's
What the fuck are you rambling about? Physical violence?
Why the fuck do you keep mentioning that.
Why did the price of milk go up for no reason when supply increased?
This is always the same with socialist or egalitarianists. They just make up some story in their head and assume a few things to make their opponent look like a failure. They spend most of their time in theory instead of looking for practical applications that already work. And oh just read this "longassbook" and you will understand what I am talking about.
>And oh just read this "longassbook" and you will understand what I am talking about.
To be fair I've heard that from the right a few times.
>Why should I believe in capitalism?
>lol read Atlas Shrugged
Yes that is true and just shows that someone is unable to communicate what they have learned. This wasn't only directed at the left it's just something they do quit often. To be fair usually there isn't enough time to explain so redirecting to a book can sometimes be okay.
The problem with questions like:
>Why should I believe in capitalism?
Is that they would require a lot of questions back to the one asking the question. If one for example loves to be a slave and has a fetish for being robbed capitalism probably isn't what he should believe in.
The owner of the cows is risking zim money.
Create the jobs then you bogan cunt.
People are fucked off with it here they would rather bigmouthed cunts such as yourself pay taxes to pay the unemployed for your lack of empathy of your own countrymen and women..
Pricks like you that brought about the importing of cheap labour because you wouldnt fucking stand with your own kind.
And now that employers are fucking you over youre next to get fking canned
When you love your people so much you want to exclusively subject them to the horrors of communism.
>Worker refuses to negotiate for a decent wage.
>Complains about not making enough money, votes for more taxes.
>Votes for mass immigration, means workers compete for jobs, drives down wages.
Typical leftists ruining shit then blaming the right.
Most people are retarded and will blame others for their problems just like commie scum
Don’t be a fucking loser then you commie scum
Unions are for faggots who use meme flags on pol and anyone else whose retarded
>you own two cows, you sell one and buy a bull
Trading 50% of your milk and calf capacity when you can just buy frozen bull sperm
Clearly a meme made by lefties