Even Generation Z has been so thoroughly BLACKED that a huwhite, post 9/11, Irish American (this is supposed to be a redpilled group) 16 year old looks up to an dresses like MALE rappers. And her cucked beta male Millenial brother is the one grooming her into this. Relevant interview:
What do you even call what's she's wearing in this Jimmy Fallon performance? These are levels of BLACKED that are off the fucking charts: youtube.com/watch?v=263HbMHARrU
>this ratchet goblina acting like a nigger just proves gen z is doomed
Jose Miller
we're calling wigger losers 'blacked' now?
Jaxon Williams
It’s disturbing how lost these people are, literally their consciousness revolves around this culture of 24/7 self indulgence, materialism and trampling the values that allowed them to exist in a culture where they could appear on a tv show with a band instead of begging for scraps in the street
>this ratchet goblina That's the worst fucking part user, she's 110% Irish. Her full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell (fuck knows about that middle name) and her parents are the musicians Maggie Baird and Patrick O'Connel. She was even in the LA Children's Choir, which is supposed to be a bastion of European culture in the hellhole that is Los Angeles.
Christian Mitchell
>White women
It took you niggers long enough to get it through your heads that the damage has already been done.
dude loads of Irish American cunts like that are in hardcore porn. Irish are very irrational people.
Kevin Sullivan
Irish are niggers.
Christopher Gomez
In fact most American porn starts are Irish or Italian descent
Gabriel Jones
>(this is supposed to be a redpilled group) According to who, or what? Sup Forums? You shouldn't believe anything this board says when they circlejerk about how conservative the west is. It's just circlejerking so they can feel better about the moral decline.
Charles Green
That's weird, glad I'm neither (well maybe like 1/6th Irish but still not too much).
One day, this degenerate nigger culture will be washed away and we will celebrate true music like before. You will attend balls with your betrothed and you will make jokes with her and your friends about the nigger barbarians and how vile they are, that they should be all killed off or sterilized.
Right left or center mainstream media pretty much agreed this was true, this wasn't just Sup Forumsack's circlejerking.
Gavin Torres
>dresses like MALE
WAYYYY better than dressing like a whore.
but yeah the wigger shit is fucked. Blame the (((entertainment industry)))
Isaiah Myers
A minor outgrowth of people claiming to be right wing in some manner does not mean the west will become any less degenerate. Labels don't really mean anything here, I've seen the articles and "data" people distribute and then circlejerk over because they think we're entering some renewed era of traditionalism and decency. You made the thread, and now it seems like you're taking a U-turn here and trying to convince yourself the circlejerking was right. But yes, it wasn't just Sup Forums, a lot of different online places circlejerk over it.
Eli Miller
Obviously they were wrong. I just showed you that it wasn't just Sup Forums
Nolan Green
Nigga, being black and acting black is the new shit. Get used to it.
But seriously, she seem cooler than Tay Tay
Kevin Watson
saving enough potatoes for the upcoming femine. seems they learned their lessons
Her style is niggerish but her music is actually pretty nice, thanks OP I'm gonna buy her music
Christian Reed
That girl is not white though. Just look at these facial features. Look at that nose bridge. She's probably mixed race
Nathan Diaz
She's full Irish. Look at her wikipedia page. Both parents are Irish musicians. Her full name is Gaelic as fuck, it's Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell. Her older brother is named Finneas O'Connell, and her parents Maggie Baird and Patrick O'Connel. She's huwhite, as long as you consider Micks to be huwhite. She's a Celt through and through
Jayden Mitchell
Stop funding degeneracy user
Juan Turner
That doesn't mean anything. There's some sicilians who have both sicilian parents yet kinda look like arabs. It happens... Just like there's some fins who have asian like facial features.
She doesn't look like your typical irish. (or european for that matter)
Nathan Rodriguez
>She's full Irish Have you seen her DNA blood test ? who the fuck knows..Maybe her great grand parents. Something's just off.
She is trying to be marketable "cool" and distract from the lip syncing.
She looks very Irish to me.
Robert Martinez
potato niggers with pride
Grayson Evans
Both parents are musicians, aka they are artsy and more open to ideas than reality. She has nobody to ground her in reality then and remind her what is important. Ideally you want one parent to inspire and encourage a child's creative side and one to keep it in check and make sure they don't get lost in the fantasies. I'm guessing she only had the former and didn't have the latter.
Nathan Barnes
She looks like she is trying way too hard I expect her to go full Miley to keep up the edgy image
Hopefully we get some nudes
Owen Green
You can't even show/name 3.
Ryan Gutierrez
>She looks very Irish to me. Confirming the meme then ? I see a girl with octoroon-like facial features..I don't know man, white skin and blue eyes doesn't mean shit if the rest doesn't follow.