So why did the Jews kill Jesus? and how were they so successful to convince everyone including the pope to revise history and change the story to Pilate being the main perpetrator?
So why did the Jews kill Jesus...
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what if pontius pilate was a jew
Jealousy of his hog probably.
Because he's Jewish
>So why did the Jews kill Jesus?
Because that's what happens to heretics who try to subvert traditions, they get killed by traditionalists.
>So why did the Jews kill Jesus?
They were butthurt over not getting a warrior king who would BTFO the romans and make them rule the world.
>and how were they so successful to convince everyone including the pope to revise history and change the story to Pilate being the main perpetrator?
>Guilt over the Holocaust
John 8:44-47 is why Jews killed Jesus. He hated them and came to btfo their religion.
>revise history and change the story to Pilate being the main perpetrator
except it was not, you misleading faggot
we were always taught he washed his hands signaling he let the local authorities do their bidding
nice try, though
same way they pinned the great depression on hoover. keep all eyes on the ruling figureheads while they operate behind the curtain
He called them out on usury
Wrong, now it's all Pilate's fault
>Culpability for the Good Friday affair rests only with Pontius Pilate, it is argued. His deigning to argue with the crowd in trying to defend Jesus, as the Gospels have it, is "ludicrous," according to Rosemary Radford Ruether and many others.
Jesus was a false prophet
catholic server /bkXHBgq
Nah dawg Jesus went back to Japan ya pleeb wheeeereeee ya think he got all enlightened and sheeeit
Jewish infighting, happens all the time
Just like every other prophet
Jesus revoked Gods chosen status from them by making everyone who believes chosen. Also kicked merchants out of temple, it was like annuda shoah.
hahaha fucking Jesus christ was a fucking jew you fucking tards! you religious shill fags got played by the Jews!
yep jews blown out by the messiah himself