Why did white trashlets invade iraq?

why did white trashlets invade iraq?

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To secure the babylonian stone tablets.

This, the silent war is being waged

because saddam hussein blew up the twin towers

this was proved completely false though. why did white trashlets invade iraq?

I laugh at people who think they’re big and bold for saying white trash but never say nigger, beaner, gook, squaw, zipperhead, dune coon, etc.

why did your race of peace invade iraq?

It wasn't false. George Bush investigated it. Osama and Saddam were working together. That's why we had to take him out.

why do white trashlets lie like this when questioned about their actions?

Good job at changing the subject to shot away from your own embarrassment Sir Fagsalot

can you explain why your race of peace invaded iraq?

He had weapons of mass destruction and was planning on using them to take away our freedoms. We did what had to be done for the safety of America.

why do white trashlets lie like this when their actions are brought questioned? why did your race of peace invade iraq?

Guys this faggot op is just tyrone or juan trying to larp again. Sage and move on


why can't you answer for why your race committed one of the biggest crimes in the past 50 years?

The US helped Kuwait drill super reach lateral directional wells under Iraq, and Iraq invaded Kuwait, burned those illegal wells.
US went in to protect that fact.

One of Bush's speech writers had delusion that we would be greeted as liberators. It would be just like the end of WWII all over again without all the work. Then we would profit for decades off of all the prestige gained. He died but I think he lived long enough to see how foolish he was.

Because Israel, the greatest racist supremacist state on Earth is # 1

i dont care, it was the most fun in my life
pic was in 2004

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What race are you. You type like a absolute nigger.

are you proud of the refugees and terrorism that your actions have spawned across the planet

Why do you live in a white country? Be honest.

america isn't a white country, since we're being honest, white trashlet. why did your race of peace invade iraq?

no, it sucks i really dont like it especially since i live in Little Mogasighu
its crazy how much weve bent to these people

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Retard it was fake news that spawned rapeugees and left leaning millennial fucks like you.
Terrorists are like communists. There not pepole just a target. Why are you so upset faggot.

>america isn't a white country

Really? It was 97 percent white less than 50 years ago. The people that founded, settled, built, fought for, funded and defended it were and are white.

Why are you in a white country?

For a war zone, those are a lot of lego bricks.

why did you invade iraq, white trashlet?

why are you in a native american country, white trashlet? the people who settled it 400 years ago were brown. why are you in a brown country. also why did your race of peace invade iraq?

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Why are you on the internet when it's forbidden in the k-ran. I bet you masterbate and eat pork on the side too.

Study WW2 and you will know why.

at the time it was because of 'muh WMDs and hearts and minds"
honestly i just wanted kills
call the cops i dont give a shit

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>i just wanted kills
why are you a terrorist, white trashlet?

It was proven whites were here and settled down before the red yahoos were even here. aka there own legends were they outright genocided white redheads. Fuck Indians.

thats where youre wrong kiddo

You are too stupid for your own good.

no, i'm correct. why are you living on native american land, white trashlet?

Savages with no written language did not found the country you live in, just like the ant hill in your empty lot didnt build the house that now stands there.

Whites are taller than shit skins so stop projecting. We can smell your resentment, insecurity, and inferiority complex.
>In October, the government published the latest version of their National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study of sizes, “Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: 2003-2005,” which is of great interest to clothing manufacturers. And you might find it interesting too.

Let`s look just at the medians for people ages 20-39, since they are most likely to be in the marriage market.

Age 20-39 Males Females Diff
NH White 70.4 64.8 -8%
Black 70.0 64.2 -8%
Hispanic 67.1 62.6 -7

Stupid kids in our schools don't even realize that bologna sandwiches are pork.

why do you cuck for whites?

Truth hurts faggot?

my family moved to the states from socialist venezuela in the early 90s
i wanted to give back to the country that gave me a home

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do i need to come over to your shit hole myself and deport you back to europe, white trashlet?

>Why do you fuck 9yr old children
>Why do you fuck goats
>Why do you hate white men is it the large dick size?
>why don't you go back to your shithole fucktard

First place they secured in the invasion was Babylon.
George Bush jnr. (Littlehorn) the most powerful man that ever lived became the ruler of the genuine city of Babylon and as the leader of mystery Babylon had presided over the sacrifice that had made it all possible.
Armageddon is at hand. The prophecy says we keep working on even the last day. Few see it coming.

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You can always try!
I'll be waiting for you.

how do you feel about cheeto hitler listing your country of origin, and you by association, as being too inferior to be allowed into the USA? you're cucking extremely hard for white trashers


im fine with it, im happy where i am, i am a contributing member to the country

Each tarot card is a representation. That one represents disaster. Cataclysm.

how do you reconcile this happiness with your cucked nature?

>why don't you go back to your shithole fucktard
123 Fuck you up Street.

No your not they tested dna from the grand canyon it wasn't no cherokee.
What's your dick size buddy. I'm betting it's not my 7x5

Show me how whites arent superior. Tell me how this message got to you. It's white technology, shitskins simply can't understand it, like a dog doesn't understand a fridge compressor.

i dont think about it, i just go to work and do my thing, try to live a new life after leaving the service

Please tell me more about these Red Yahoos, sounds interesting. They were white people and all had red hair?

why are you afraid, white trasher? you talk very tough on the internet.

7.62x39 or 12guage if you really want it.

that sounds terrible, cuckold. are you planning on getting a vasectomy so that you don't displease your white masters by reproducing?

>You were too late to shoot sandniggers in Iraq in your Humvee.
Feels bad man.

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nah, my girl of 11 years left me, im going to just work on myself and have fun while working hard

>white technology
last time i checked the admin of this site is japanese, white trasher. do you understand fear now?

Yeah a Berber ship was lost at sea. They called themeslves the sitka. And we very peace loving and tried to trade with yahoos but they ended up going apocalypto on them.
The yahoos literally learned how to farm and feed themselves from them and make longhouses and teepees.

>muh anti-white racisms hidden behind a thin veil of moral superiority

pathetic fag lol, just own up to your racism like the racist of us

that's cute. will you kill yourself knowing now that you've lived a life of base subservience that has brought nothing but misery to the entire planet? do you think your stupid little job pushing papers around for xyz corp is actually some worthwhile activity?

because of this:

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Kek. I bet you masterbate to glocks too.

i'm just trying to remove a terrorist back to his homeland. why are you so angry?

it gets the bills paid, im happy where im at

you have nothing though. you're completely devoid of dignity and even the slightest shred of pride. you offer your cucked heart on a platter to white trashers even though you sacrificed your mind and body in the name of their oil crusades. it's really no wonder your woman left you, she sensed the weakness in you. you are also beyond redemption at this point. if i were in your position i'd kill myself.

Why didn't you marry her after four years user. God 11years with a just gf is just sad.

i cant deny that i fucked a few thing up, we were codependent and shit, just took me a while to get my shit together

Defense and rebuilding contracts mostly. Halliburton stock ballooned over 9000% in 5 years.

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so in other words, terrorism against you is justified?

Military industrial complex needed money.

why do white trashlets have a military industrial complex?

What the fuck are you talking about. Do you know how shitty Iraq and the middle east is? Girls get raped everyday. He at least went to save your ass from a caliphate god you are the worst. Get out of our white nations and rape goats then.

But he didnt build any part of the infrastructure between us. I did. Now tell me how my message goes from my computer and finds its way to yours.

In detail.

white trashlet, i'll come to your hovel, personally deport you back to europe so you can be with your fellow terrorists, and give the land to native americans. what's your address?

no he built the entire infrastructure. leave this japanese site, white trashlet.

Cool. So there is no network between us? Our messages just appear on the website magically? How fucking stupid are you?

Fucking shitskins. Worthless, low potential failures.

To clean out the brown trash.


Can you even tell me which CF IX you're coming through? I'm via VANIX.

because no nigger on earth could stop us?

But we know you won't since you live in section 8 and jerk off to naughty goats 9
All day. So like how many times do your sisters shave there mustaches and back hair. What's it like having shit for skin.

You expect an american to understand broadband backbones and dns shit? Ontop of that he is brown. These people can barely run cash registers. I know you are proving a point, I'm just saying it's fucking hilarious how retarded they are. I tought my 5 year old niece aerodynamics with a toy plane.

I don't get where the rich foreigner meme comes from either, all the brown trash I see in my city is 1 step up from crackheads. I was grabbing a cigar the other night and I saw 8 of them pile out like it was a clown car, rusty piece of shit built in 96, they come in, all of them look like they have downsyndrome, and the chicks were fat blobs with mustaches. ALL 8 of them spent 5 dollars, meanwhile I dropped 50 dollars on just snacks.

It makes my blood boil that we are importing trash meanwhile vancouver is overflowing with homeless trash. We have cheap labour all over the streets. God damn.

Didn't know you guys went there too.

Israel needs every state in Middle East to be wrecked - for own security, and for grabbing their land for Greater Israel in long term. Iraq was a threat, so JewSA, slaves of Israel, attacked it.
Secondary goal was also drive arabs from their land into Europe where they will serve as biological weapon. Also it's much easier to grab their land when they have a place to flee - most will not fight to death.

Shitskins using a white technology they could never create and don't even understand as a soapbox to disparage whites is only ironic to the audience.

The entire region has to be in a constant state of instability or everyone would shit on Israel. Saddam did some fucked up shit but there was order.

You can't have weed and zero sand niggers. You were the reason Trudeau got in.




But there is still no legal weed, yet mud people continue to pour into to a country they have never, and could never build themselves.

Irony is lost on them, you need to have a firm grasp on abstract concepts. Stuff like irony, hypotheticals, and sarcasm are lost on them. Abstracts are a white thing, we can make an image in our mind that we never seen before and then apply physics to it. Brown people literally can't do this.

When me and you see a computer, our mind's eye can travel from the button, all the way through the circuits into the net. We can visualize ourselves travelling through the wire and bumping into the different dns and nodes. That seems childish right? Guess what, they can't do it. With anything, only high iq people can do that.

this wasn't hard to figure out either.

The thing is though both Saddam and Gaddafi were puppets of the US. They actually kept the Middle East in check. The destabilization has totally fucked things up even Russia is trying to steal oil now Because no Arab will stop Putin atm none are tough enough.

Oh shoot, we scared him off. Perhaps he's frantically searching wikipedia for a basic explanation of routing. Right now he's either trying to figure out what OSPF is or staring blankly at a sample BGP topology diagram.

lol so fucking assblasted. I love when trolls get worked up in their own threads


Ok... Maybe the reason trudeau won is because canada has a mental health problem which is masked by a drug problem.

A real, smart stoner, wouldn't want weed legal because then the weed will be regulated. Regulation means higher prices and shittier quality. Look at the liquor board of canada.

It pains me to say it, but canada is full of lost of stupid people who need to either die off or get educated. Because giving them weed and heroin obviously isn't helping.

I don't think brown people are related to canada's current situation honestly, because last time I checked, most of our politicians are white, with white people voting for them.

Blame whites not brownies. I don't blame babies for shitting themselves, I blame the parents for not changing the diapers. When was the last time you saw canadians protesting trudeau?

I'm not worried since obviously he will be out voted, but Canadians aren't the brave people they talk about from ww2. Those types are gone now. Most Canadians are pussy retards on pills, or worse. And that's the white ones.

Take some time to breath before you reply, you know I'm right.